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Prayer, Sacramentals, and Devotions. Prayer Lifting up our minds and hearts to God  A way for us to communicate with God 3 Kinds of Prayer  Mental 

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer, Sacramentals, and Devotions. Prayer Lifting up our minds and hearts to God  A way for us to communicate with God 3 Kinds of Prayer  Mental "— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer, Sacramentals, and Devotions

2 Prayer Lifting up our minds and hearts to God  A way for us to communicate with God 3 Kinds of Prayer  Mental  Liturgical  Vocal

3 Mental Meditation  A way for us to express our private thoughts Journal writing Drawing Quiet Reflection

4 Liturgical Group Prayer  A way for us to gather together to pray Mass Celebrating the Sacraments The Liturgy of the Hours

5 Vocal Conversation with God using words or symbols of expression.  Individual or Group Prayer Formal Prayer Our Father/Hail Mary Own individual prayer Using Symbols to pray Rosary Sign of Peace

6 Purpose of Prayer Why do we pray?  4 main reasons P etition A doration C ontrition T hanksgiving

7 Petition A way for us to ask for God’s mercy and help  Special Intentions  Penitential Rite

8 Adoration A way for us to acknowledge God’s goodness  Stations of the Cross  40 Hour Devotion

9 Contrition Our expression of sorrow for our sins  Asking for God’s love and forgiveness Reconciliation Penitential Rite

10 Thanksgiving A way for us to thank and praise God  Participating in Mass  Meditation  Daily prayer

11 Sacramentals Sacramental  A sacred sign that displays our faith in God and the Sacraments Help us to prepare to receive the fruits of the sacraments. Forms:  Blessings  Consecrations ( dedication to a religious purpose or service)  Dedications (blessings of a church or altar)

12 Sacramental Characteristics 1. Includes a prayer - Most important sacramental 2. Sacred Object (Ex: Bible, crucifixes, rosary) 3. Accompanied by a Sacred Action (Ex: The Sign of the Cross, sprinkling of holy water) - Holy water is the most widely used sacramental because it reminds us of our Baptism.

13 Devotions Prayers or Gestures  Used to worship God, Mary, and the saints Rosary Special prayer that honors Mary Represents the Mysteries Magnificat Canticle of Mary -Mary’s song of praise  -Prayed at the time of her visit to Elizabeth

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