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Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Defining the Scope of an ISEAL Assurance Code Patrick Mallet.

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Defining the Scope of an ISEAL Assurance Code Patrick Mallet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Defining the Scope of an ISEAL Assurance Code Patrick Mallet Credibility Director

2 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Principles of Effective Assurance >Assurance that contributes to achievement of social and environmental impacts –Impartiality and independence –Consistency and competence –Transparency –Accessibility –Accountability – multi-stakeholder, complaints and appeals –Inter-operability –Efficiency

3 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems External Context - Referencing ISO >Revision of ISO 17065 and ISO 17067 >Impartiality, consistency and competence >Scope of requirements –Legal responsibilities –Management of impartiality –Resourcing –Information requirements –Steps in the certification process –CB Management system >Scheme-specific requirements – building on 17067

4 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Challenges to Effective Assurance 1. Scheme Structure / Management 5. Certification Body Management 4. Audit Performance / Implementation 3. Auditor Competence 2. Standards Framework

5 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems 1. Scheme Structure >Credibility assurance >Fitness for purpose – what works where? –Self-declaration, supply chain or association, independent –Risk-based approaches – group certification, participatory guarantee, peer review –Complementarities and combinations >Accreditation – new models for CB oversight >Chain of custody – new models for efficiency

6 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems 2. Standards Framework >Consistent interpretation – what can you realistically assure? –Guidance on local applicability –Improve auditability of standard –Calibration –Prescriptiveness

7 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems 3. Auditor Competence >Competencies –ISO, GSCP, Verite >Training –Minimum requirements –Calibration –Who’s responsible? >Evaluation –Accrediting auditors –Online training and evaluation

8 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems 4. Audit Performance >Audit reports –Consistency of information required –Consistency of how reported >Decision-making –Audit process – interviews, expertise –Models – major, minor; traffic lights; scoring –Classifying non-compliances >Transparency – information availability – public summaries >Complaints system

9 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems 5. Certification Body Effectiveness >Structural and governance issues >Financial models – conflict of interest >Monitoring and evaluation 6. Special Considerations >Capacity building in the audit >Auditing in conflict zones and disaster areas >Supply chain auditing

10 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Challenges to Effective Assurance 1. Scheme Structure / Management 5. Certification Body Management 4. Audit Performance / Implementation 3. Auditor Competence 2. Standards Framework 6. Special Considerations

11 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Assurance Code Development >18 month development process >Opportunities for participation –Consultation on scope –Resources for background research –Steering and Technical Committees –International consultation –Field tests

12 Scaling up the impacts of social and environmental standards systems Thank-you Patrick Mallet

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