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Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Your Feedback

2 Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Your Feedback

3 Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project To Honor Christ To Add Categorical Content to CTS Website To Reach Millions of Internet Users To Present Doctrine in a Friendly Format To Use Structure of a Systematic Theology

4 Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project To Enable Users to Organize Their Notes To Provide Theology—Not Debate To Conform to CTS Doctrinal Statement Not To Embrace Distant Learning Goals

5 Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Your Feedback

6 Demonstration Website Structure Caveats

7 Online Systematic Theology Summary And Master User E-Links Doctrines Maps Charts PPTs Links Tables of Contents 1.Theology 2.Christology 3.Pneumatology 4.Bibliology 5.Angelology 6.Anthropology 7.Soteriology 8.Israelology 9.Ecclesiology 10.Eschatology Index ( Key Word In Context ) Adam to Abraham Abrahamic Covenant d Testament Anticipation of His The Virgin Birth of Christ Session of Christ, Necessity o tributes Of Deity ~ Holy Spirit is Works in Eternity Past ~ Fat ions in the First Century Hebrew and Greek Words for Sou cerning the Hypostatic Union, E fillment of Israel’s Unconditio The Date of Jesus’ Birth ~ Virg To be the Kinsman Redeemer iage of the Lamb His Messianic Conscious Purpose and Necessity of the Re Trespass Offering ~ Non-Swee Verbal, Plenary Inspiration A Universal Priesthood ibulational Rapture ~ Rapture V The Second Resurrection Paul’s Third Missionary Jo ustainer of Universe ~ Christ’s Verbal, Plenary Ins er, Calvin, Zwingli ~ Reform Th Glossary

8 Caveats Will Not Demand Scholarly Standards Required by CTS Journal Will Not Demand Academic Rigor Required of CTS Staff and Students Doctrine for Ordinary Folk Not Line-by-Line, Point of Syntax-by- Point of Syntax Exegesis Links to Other Websites Are Not Endorsements of Those Websites

9 Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Your Feedback

10 Doctrinal Content Source of the Content Control Over the Content Ownership of the Content Future Features

11 Source of the Content Seminary Faculty CTS Journal Pastor-Teachers Seminary Students Serious Bible Students Non-CTS Websites *

12 Links to Content on Other Sites (* Not Endorsement, But Useful Content) Ariel Ministries Chafer Theological Seminary Journal Christian Classics Ethereal Library Conservative Theological Society (Journal & Articles) Institute for Creation Research Local Churches (Preston City, Spokane, etc.) Etc.

13 Control Over the Content Editorial Board ( will adopt its own guidelines ) No Peer Review Required –CTS Journal Articles –CTS Faculty Articles Peer Review Required (1 member) –Article by Editorial Board Member Peer Review Required (2 members) –Pastor-Teacher –Seminary Student

14 Ownership of the Content Chafer Theological Seminary ( most cases ) Author ( “Used by Permission” ) Encourage Use / No Distribution for Profit Otherwise, Link to Author’s Site

15 Future Features Scripture Index Site Search Engine Help Section

16 Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Your Feedback

17 How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Submission of Content Peer Review Editorial Board To Webmaster Webmaster Uploads To Website Webmaster Links Content Together Webmaster Extends Scripture Index

18 Personal Systematic Theology Summary And Master User E-Links Doctrines Maps Charts PPTs Links Tables of Contents 1.Theology 2.Christology 3.Pneumatology 4.Bibliology 5.Angelology 6.Anthropology 7.Soteriology 8.Israelology 9.Ecclesiology 10.Eschatology Index ( Key Word In Context ) Adam to Abraham Abrahamic Covenant d Testament Anticipation of His The Virgin Birth of Christ Session of Christ, Necessity o tributes Of Deity ~ Holy Spirit is Works in Eternity Past ~ Fat ions in the First Century Hebrew and Greek Words for Sou cerning the Hypostatic Union, E fillment of Israel’s Unconditio The Date of Jesus’ Birth ~ Virg To be the Kinsman Redeemer iage of the Lamb His Messianic Conscious Purpose and Necessity of the Re Trespass Offering ~ Non-Swee Verbal, Plenary Inspiration A Universal Priesthood ibulational Rapture ~ Rapture V The Second Resurrection Paul’s Third Missionary Jo ustainer of Universe ~ Christ’s Verbal, Plenary Ins er, Calvin, Zwingli ~ Reform Th Glossary

19 Online Systematic Theology Purpose of the Online Systematic Theology Project Demonstration Website Doctrinal Content How Ongoing Operations Will Proceed Your Feedback

20 Your Feedback / Help Explore Website at: Volunteer for Editorial Board Submit Content to Editorial Board E-mail Errors Found to: Add Link at Your Website to CTS, When CTS Site Becomes Available

21 Your Feedback / Help Review Your Own Notes; Find Topics That Have Been Omitted. Prophecy Needs Terminology: Preterism, PM, Replacement Theology, … Christian Way of Life Glossary

22 Your Feedback / Help CTS Distinctives If You Can Help Tom Wright With Technical Assistance, Ideas, etc., Please e-mail him at:

23 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. 2 Pet 3:18

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