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SLEEP – Nature’s Nurse “…O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature’s soft nurse, how I have frighted thee” - William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II.

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Presentation on theme: "SLEEP – Nature’s Nurse “…O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature’s soft nurse, how I have frighted thee” - William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLEEP – Nature’s Nurse “…O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature’s soft nurse, how I have frighted thee” - William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II

2 Ask yourself these questions… Do you…  Wake up tired?  Need a nap?  Fall asleep watching TV?  Have frequent small accidents at home, or large ones on the road?  Have trouble focusing?  Feel sleepy after lunch?  Drink several cups of coffee or energy drinks to stay awake?  Have difficulty falling or staying asleep?

3 Sleeplessness and YOUR HEALTH Weight gain Immune Function Inflammation – heart disease Anxiousness Stress Overuse of alcohol and OTC drugs

4 Sleep Assessment Quantity of Sleep From the Habits of Health, Chapter 17, page 216 How much are you sleeping? Quality of Sleep From the Habits of Health, Chapter 17, page 217 How restful is your sleep?

5 Step 1 for a better night sleep Lark?  To bed early, wakes early Owl?  Stays up later, but needs more sleep in the morning

6 Step 2 Set a bedtime  What time do you have to get up?  You will need 7-9 hours of sleep

7 Step 3 Set your routine  Not just at bedtime – but throughout the day  BE in the routine of eating well, exercising and limiting caffeine  Avoid naps

8 In the evening… Decrease stimulation Eliminate cell phone use Minimize liquid intake Avoid exercise within two hours of bedtime Avoid alcohol within 90 min of bedtime Resolve family issues Make a To-Do list for the next day

9 Prepare your bedroom Stress free environment De-clutter Choose a soothing color: soft colors, or rich dark green Low light Nice scents Comfy bed and bedding The right temperature


11 Meditation or Prayer Starting a gratitude journal A mantra or chant that is peaceful to you Saying your prayers for the safety and health of your loved ones Deep breathing & counting sheep Relaxing nature sounds

12 Last but not least… If you can’t get to sleep after 20 minutes, get up and “reboot” If you wake in the middle of the night, you can also “reboot” and repeat your preparation routine SLEEP TIGHT! Comments or Questions?

13 Sleep Apnea A serious disorder that disrupts the sleep cycle Snoring Airway disruption Huge increases of sleep apnea in children due to overweight and obese kids Weight loss can improve the negative effects of Sleep Apnea!! My Dad’s Story

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