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Multicultural students - multicultural education in kindergarten and schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Multicultural students - multicultural education in kindergarten and schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multicultural students - multicultural education in kindergarten and schools

2 Our world nowdays We’re a part of a multicultural society Different cultures have to live together We have to accept different abilities, habits, customs

3 Exercises of schools Educational institutions Pedagogues To solve the upcoming problems parents have to open up as well They have to cope with the differences, try to provide equal chances to all of the students, regardless to their cultural differences

4 Cause of problems Children lose their original language and culture Handicaps arise from their lower chances, not their mental abilities Handicaps excluding minorities from the society Monolingual, monocultural schools

5 Schools and kindergarten working with multicultural moral They don’t make selection among children Don’t exclude the ones bearing with special abilities Don’t reject to educate children belonging to minority groups Sensitive for the needs of special groups Child-centered educational program Highly-educated pedagogues Multicultural curriculums Cooperation with parents is also crucial

6 Opinions of pedagogues (our research, University Kaposvár, 2011) 87% of pedagogues know the concept multicultural Multicultural education depends on pedagogues Pedagogues teaching in secondary schools says that the multicultural teaching is the exercise of foreign- language lessons (

7 Problems to be solved The key of multicultural education is the teacher Reform of pedagogue-education, teaching multicultural education Reforming the schools to be more child- centered In secondary schools the range of education should be widened Should not only include getting to know other cultures

8 Multicultural knowledge can be taught In the foreign language lesson In the singing lesson In the literature lesson In the history lesson

9 Throught multicultural education children will be Tolerant not agressive Recipient, acceptor Helpful Sensitive They have to learn to understand other people and help them

10 Multicultural education helps to understand the situation of the Minorities Children and adults with abilities Handicapped people Poor people Talented people

11 Gipsy minority in Hungary 500 000 gipsies live in Hungary Inequality in school They dont want to go to the Kindergarten (3-6 years old) Many children excluded from school Regularly absent from school Few learn in the secondary school, ever fewer on the university

12 Cause of problem Teacher do not accept gipsies in the educational institutions The teachers are indifferent, low motivated against problems Schools drop out, remove them, segregate them, white flow social exclusion of gipsy children

13 Current situation of the education of Gipsy children in schools The teachers do not know the gipsy culture, characteristics of the children Qualified teachers with multicaltural knowledge Objective - the education of teacher and kindergarten teacher

14 The educational background of the failure The prejudiced society (parents, children, teachers) The knowledge of majority population in a different culture (customs, habits traditions) The lack of multi-cultural approach in the schoolbooks The lack of the educational methods for unprivileged children

15 The lack of the multicultural education Resulting disadvantages of Roma children In a monolingual school, they lose their culture They lose your language, mother tongue Gipsies has in the 1. class language difficulties

16 Consequences of the language disadvantages They don’t understand the teacher They don’t understand the other children, they cannot play with them It is impossible task, to fulfill the requirement of the school

17 Prejudices and socialization The children are born without prejudice family socialization institutional socialization prejudices come from parents from the friends from the teachers from the media

18 The do not know any positive qualities of gypsies They know only the negative side: they steal, cheat, lie, fight they are dirty, smelly they beat the people (our research, University Kaposvár 2011)

19 Their excellences The culture of gypsies is rich, variegated They are gifted in arts (music, dance, visual arts ) They are sensitive, direct and temperamental They are child-, and familycentered

20 Integration or segregation? Integration is very important but segregation too!!!! furthermore, individual development fight down the disadvantage saving of own culture It is very important to do avoid the pessure of assimilation

21 Find the optimal level we need to find a balance between segregation and integration both must be present at the same time in the institutional education early preschool development programs remedial education program

22 Educational institutes for gypsy children They don’t need special kindergarten, they are the part of our society They have to grow up with other children BUT It should be pointed them every 1-1 days for a special developement Their linguistic disadvantage should be eliminated even before entering school We need teachers, who speak gipsy language too

23 The role of the school the habit of gypsy children in the community other children have to accepted the gypsies, pro and contra gypsies shold accept the Hungarian culture as well Prejudice-free school climate coexistence of two cultures mutual understanding

24 Multicultural projectweek participants Participant Parents Children Teachers and staff Relatives Brothers and sisters

25 The program of the project week Gypsy culture gypsy songs, rhymes are common experiences dance learning understanding gypsy folk tales, dramatization know and show gypsy folklore Make and eat special gypsy foods Traditional handcrafts art To learn some important words and phrases

26 We can explain to the children With the help of Tales Songs Poems Pictures Foods Dance To the understanding acceptance leads the individual experiences.

27 The children and the parents have to learn throught understanding culture All people are equal everyone has an equal right to life to learning Everyone has to accept the other Evryone has to help each other

28 The task of the future The restructuring teacher education The current schools restructuring child-centered schools, alternative schools Romani-speaking teachers use to help early development, prioritizing language close-up

29 Project plan step by step Titel Object, aim definition (professional and educational) Timeplan, hours to hours (day, week, mounth) Content of the project, exercises Participants Locations Tools and accessories Budget

30 Closing the project Present of the whole projectwork, results exhibitions, portfolio, drama performances, puppet show account of experiences

31 Thank you for your attention!

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