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Industrial Automation Automation Industrielle Industrielle Automation 1.5Control System Architecture Arquitectura de control Architecture de Contrôle -

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Automation Automation Industrielle Industrielle Automation 1.5Control System Architecture Arquitectura de control Architecture de Contrôle -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Automation Automation Industrielle Industrielle Automation 1.5Control System Architecture Arquitectura de control Architecture de Contrôle - Commande Leittechnik-Architektur

2 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 2 Industrial Automation 1.5 Control System Architecture 1 Introduction 1.1Automation and its importance 1.2Applications of automation 1.3Plants and controls 1.3.1Open loop and closed loop control 1.3.2Continuous process 1.3.3Discrete process 1.3.3Dual plants 1.4Automation hierarchy 1.5Control System Architecture

3 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 3 Industrial Automation Principle The control system is a communication system consisting of controllers and links. The structure of the control system should reflect the structure of the plant Ideally, each unit of the plant should have its own controller, interacting with the controllers of the other, related units, mirroring their physical interaction. Example: Airbus: a wing is delivered with its own computers.

4 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 4 Industrial Automation System Architecture Conceptual model presenting Structure Relationships Behavior Including Description of most important elements of system Mapping of functionality onto hardware and software components Description of top-level human interaction with components Goal: support reasoning about elements, structure and behavior guide for implementation

5 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 5 Industrial Automation Example: Power plant control - 1980 (!) Control systems still look similar

6 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 6 Industrial Automation Buses and processors in industrial plants PLC nodes (multi-processors) fieldbus (30m..2 km) Operator panel Mimic board plant (Werk, usine) P disk processor pool transducers control stations plant network (500m.. 3 km) – includes control network valvethermo-couplemotor Process pictures Process Data Base Logging position backplane bus node bus workstation bus instrument bus (mimic board) sensor bus directly coupled input/ output open network, WAN station PPC I/OMEMI/O PPCP MEMBC station M sensor bus (0,5.. 30 m)

7 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 7 Industrial Automation Example: Production management system transportation cell control manufacturing cell control schedulingmaintenancequality control plant network floor network production planning robot controller enterprise network milling machine rail-guided vehicle cell

8 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 8 Industrial Automation Plant with process (e.g. chemical) and electrical (substation) parts horizontal communication CN Connectivity Server (and router) IEC 61850 connectivity server plant network Engineering bay bus substation network process network interface SAN IEDs CI871 Aspect Servers controller PIPB PIPB PIPB PIPB PIPB PI = Process Interface MU = Merging Unit PIPN PIPN PIPN PIPN PIPN PI MU PIMU Profibus Engineering Profinet RSTP LANs are separate: there is no IP routing between them vertical communication Workplaces horizontal communication

9 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 9 Industrial Automation Example: Newspaper Printing Architecture Each level has its own bus ! MPS = Managed Print Services

10 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 10 Industrial Automation Example: ABB Industrial IT (redundant system) 3rd party controllers, servers etc Serial or fieldbus engineering workplace Field Bus Firewall Plant Network / Intranet Field Bus Plant Network (Ethernet) 3rd party application server application server aspect server Workplaces (clients) Enterprise Optimization (clients) Mobile Operator connectivity server Control Network (Ethernet) Programmable Logic Controller AC 800C Redundant AC 800M touch-screen sensor network

11 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 11 Industrial Automation The internet dimension (example: Alstom)

12 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 12 Industrial Automation The wireless dimension (example: Schneider) No more wires, but the structure remains

13 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 13 Industrial Automation A real substation project Printer Server 1 Alarm and Event Printer 1 LA36W Fibre optic station bus (LON) in star configuration 4 x Star Coupler RER111 including redundant power supply GPS Master SAS570 Advanced S ubstation Automation S ystem Operator's Workstation 2 Operator's Workstation 1 Global Position System Front-End Station Computer 1 Front-End Station Computer 2 Alarm and Event Printer 2 LA36W Redundant Station LAN TCP-IP Printer Server 2 LAN-Interface to LV SCMS Engineering Workstation Disturbance Recorder Evalution Station to Central Station Manual Switch 132kV analog Input 132kV FOX Equipment 11kV analog Input PTUSK Scope 11kV Modem NSK SACO64D4 Auxiliary alarm unit Main 2 o/e SACO64D4 Auxiliary alarm unit Ether net Verbindung zu E4 FO RS232 Pilot wire diff. prot. SOLKOR R/Rf. B69 Überstrom Main 1 Siemens 7SD610 für E19 Verbindung

14 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 14 Industrial Automation Centralized (Hierarchical) Control Architecture Sensors, Actors PLCs Group Control Group Control Group Control Central Computer (Mainframe) Classical, hierarchical, centralized architecture. The central computer only monitors and forwards commands to the PLCs plant

15 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 15 Industrial Automation plant Decentralized Control System (DCS) engineering workstation operator workstation data logger controller field bus plant bus all controllers can communicate as peers (without going through a central master), restricted only by throughput and modularity considerations. hierarchical (vertical communication) peer-to-peer (horizontal communication)

16 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 16 Industrial Automation Hierarchies are simple and traditional

17 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 17 Industrial Automation but Distributed Control Systems reflect a more complex world....

18 Control system hierarchy 1.5 - 18 Industrial Automation Assessment 1.What is a bus and why do we have more than one kind of them in a plant? 2.Name the parts of a typical hierarchical control system its busses and controllers 3.How does the network hierarchy relate to the plant control hierarchy? 4.What is the difference between a centralized and a decentralized control system ? What are the (dis)advantages of the two approaches?

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