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G.K.Pandey, Advisor, Ministry of Environment & Forests, (Govt. of India) S.K.Tyagi,Scientist, & B.Sengupta,Member Secretary Central Pollution Control Board,

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Presentation on theme: "G.K.Pandey, Advisor, Ministry of Environment & Forests, (Govt. of India) S.K.Tyagi,Scientist, & B.Sengupta,Member Secretary Central Pollution Control Board,"— Presentation transcript:

1 G.K.Pandey, Advisor, Ministry of Environment & Forests, (Govt. of India) S.K.Tyagi,Scientist, & B.Sengupta,Member Secretary Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi (INDIA) Paper presented at BAQ 2006 at Yogykarta,Indonesia MANAGEMENT OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS IN INDIA

2 Coal, oil, gas and hydroelectric potential constitute the conventional sources of electricity generation. Total installed capacity of electricity generation in India is approx. 98,668 MW. India ranked third in the world with 7 percent coal reserves of the total world reserves. Coal production increased from 30 million tonnes to over 348 million tonnes in 1999. Expected to increase to 427 million tonne in 2010. Seventy percent of the total coal produced is consumed for power generation. Steel & cement are other major consumers. COAL AND ENERGY SCENARIO IN INDIA

3 Summary Table of Electric Power Generation SourceIndiaJapanU.S. Coal59.2%21.2%51.8% Oil13.9%16.6%03.1% Gas06.3%22.1%15.7% Nuclear02.5%30.0%19.9% Hydro17.8%08.2%07.4% Others00.3%01.9%02.2%

4 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN COAL BASED POWER GENERATION Air Pollution :-High particulate matter emission levels due to burning of inferior grade coal which leads to generation of large quantity of flyash Emissions of SO 2, NOx & Green house gas (CO 2 ) are also matter of concern Water Pollution :-Mainly caused by the effluent discharge from ash ponds, condenser cooling /cooling tower, DM plant and Boiler blow down. Noise Pollution :-High noise levels due to release of high pressure steam and running of fans and motors Land Degradation :-About 100 million tonnes of fly ash is generated by use of coal far energy production. The disposal of such large quantity of fly ash has occupied thousands hectares of land which includes agricultural and forest land too.

5 ISSUES IN POWER SECTOR  Seventy one per cent of electricity production is based on coal and gas in the country.  83 coal based thermal power plants with total generation capacity of 62880.9 MW (as on July, 2003)  27 gas/naphtha based power plants with total generation capacity of 11299.6 MW (as on July, 2003)  More than 240 million tonnes of coal with ash content 35-45% is consumed annually by the Thermal Power Plants.  3715 MT/day of SO 2 is emitted from coal based power plants,which is 89% of total emission of SO 2 from industries in India  Nearly 100 million tonnes per annum coal ash is generated.  More than 25,000 hectares of land has been occupied for conventional disposal of ash.  More than 630 million M 3 water is required for disposal of coal ash as in slurry form per annum

6 POLLUTION LOAD FROM COAL BASED THERMAL POWER PLANT PollutantsEmissions (in tones/day) CO 2 424650 Particulate Matter 4374 SO 2 3311 NO x 4966

7 Emission Estimates

8 Share of Sulphur Dioxide Load (Tonnes / day) By different categories of Industries (Total Load = 3715 Tonnes / day)

9 EMISSION STANDARDS FOR THERMAL POWER PLANTS Depending upon the requirement of local situations, which may warrant stricter standards as in case of protected areas the State Pollution Control Board within the provisions of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, may be prescribed limit of 150 mg/Nm 3 irrespective of the generation capacity of the plant Power Generation Capacity Particulate Matter Emission < 210 MW 350 mg/Nm 3 = > 210 MW 150 mg/Nm 3

10 For the proper dispersion of SO 2 emission from thermal power plant, stack height criteria have been adopted in country. However, for larger capacities boilers (500MW and above) space provision for installing FGD system has been recommended. STACK HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS

11 Status of Pollution Control in Thermal Power Plants in India Total number of power plants :81 Air Pollution  Power plants complying with emission :43 standards  Power plants not complying with emission :35 standards  Power plants closed :03 Water Pollution  Power plants complying with ash pond :49 Effluent standards  Power plants not complying with ash pond :29 Effluent standards  Power plants closed :03

12 REASONS FOR NON-COMPLIANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS IN THERMAL POWER PLANTS Inconsistent supply of coal High resistivity of coal Inefficient operation of ESPs Delay in supply of ESPs Low Specific Collection Area (SCA) of ESPs Inefficient management of ash ponds Large quantities of ash generation

13 CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGIES (CCTS) Need for adoption of CCTs To meet in creasing demand of power with minimal environmental impact for sustainable development, adoption of clean coal technologies with enhanced power plant efficiency, fuel switching, use of washed coal, efficient pollution control systems and proper by-product and waste handling & utilization, is necessary. Classification : Pre-combustion Technologies :Ash, sulphur and other impurities (coal benefaction) ca n be reduced from the coal before it is burned Combustion technologies :Generation of emissions of SO 2, NOx (FBC : CBFC, AFBC,PFBC, and CO 2 can be minimised by IGCC) adopting improved combustion technologies Post combustion technologies :End of pipe treatment (installation pollution control equipments such as ESP, DENO x & De SO x systems)

14 USE OF BENEFICIATED COAL In order to minimise fly ash generation, it was recommended to use beneficiated coal in the power plants. A Gazette notification has been issued under EPA, 1986, stating that :  “On and from the 1st day of June 2002, the following coal based thermal power plants shall use beneficiated coal with ash content not exceeding thirty four percent, namely :  Power plants located beyond 1000 km from the pit head and  Power plants located in urban area or sensitive area or critically polluted area irrespective of their distance from the pit head except any pit headed power plants.  The power plants based on FBC (CFBC, PFBC & AFBC) and IGCC technologies are exempted to use beneficiated coal irrespective of their locations.

15 ADVANTAGES OF BENEFICIATED COAL Implementation of use of beneficiated coal in thermal power plant w.r.t. June 30, 2002, shall yield following benefits during 2002-03: Reduction in tonnage (MT)11 Saving in transport cost (US M$)240 Saving in Diesel consumption (KL)63750 Reduction in Bottom Ash (MT)2 Reduction in Fly Ash (MT)8 Reduction in CO 2 (MT)23 Out of 81 coal based thermal Power plants, 39 plants are required to use beneficiated coal not containing ash more than 34% w.r.t. June 30, 2002.

16 GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES Ministry of environment and forests has issued following directions under section 3 & 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 vide a Gazette notification no. GSR. 763 (E) dated 14/09/1999 Use of flyash, bottom ash or pond ash in the manufacture of bricks and other construction activities Utilisation of flyash by thermal power plants and Specifications for use of flyash based products by Government agencies

17 Action Plans for utilisation of Flyash by Thermal Power Plants Out of 81 power plants, 52 power plants have been submitted their action plans remaining have been asked to submit action plans immediately. Submission of action plans by the power plants New Power Plants 30 % flyash utilisation within 3 year 30 % flyash utilisation within 3 year 100 % flyash utilisation within 9 years 100 % flyash utilisation within 9 years Existing Power Plants 20 % flyash utilisation within 3 year 20 % flyash utilisation within 3 year 100 % flyash utilisation within 15 years 100 % flyash utilisation within 15 years

18 Conclusions Existing coal based power plants being monitored by the regulatory agencies and directions are issued Use of Beneficiated Coal in Thermal Power Plants Emphasis on clean technology for new plants Emphasis on utilisation of fly ash Emphasis on non-carbon/low carbon based technologies for power sector Emphasis on on cogeneration

19 Thank you

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