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Lectures in respiratory physiology Structure and Function of the lung John B West.

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Presentation on theme: "Lectures in respiratory physiology Structure and Function of the lung John B West."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lectures in respiratory physiology Structure and Function of the lung John B West


3 Alveoli with capillaries

4 Electron micrograph of pulmonary capillary


6 Fick’s law of diffusion through a tissue sheet

7 Cast of lung airways


9 Large bronchus and blood vessels

10 Smaller bronchus and alveoli

11 Airway, artery, vein and alveoli

12 Small airway and artery

13 Scanning electron micrograph of small airway and alveoli

14 Alveolar ducts and alveoli

15 Alveolar sacs and alveoli

16 Alveoli with capillaries

17 Goblet cell

18 Mucociliary system

19 Cilia and Clara cells

20 Overview of airway cell types Epithelium: columnar cuboidal squamous

21 Type I alveolar epithelial cell

22 Type II alveolar epithelial cell

23 Alveolar Macrophage Alveolar macrophage with types I and II epithelial cells

24 Alveolar macrophage in the corner of an alveolus

25 Cast of lung airways

26 Weibel model of airways

27 Cast of airways (left) and blood vessels (right)

28 Pulmonary artery (left) and systemic artery (right)

29 Small airway and pulmonary artery

30 Alveoli with capillaries

31 Capillaries seen face on

32 Capillary bed in frog lung


34 Small pulmonary vein with perivascular space


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