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Group Discussion Evaluation By Kathie P. Simmons, RN, BSN Kwame Opoku-Agyemang, RN, BSN.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Discussion Evaluation By Kathie P. Simmons, RN, BSN Kwame Opoku-Agyemang, RN, BSN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Discussion Evaluation By Kathie P. Simmons, RN, BSN Kwame Opoku-Agyemang, RN, BSN

2 GROUP DISCUSSION EVALUATION  Describes how to evaluate effectiveness of strategy  Does method help achieve stated objectives  Is learning activity accessible to the target group of learners (Bastable, 2008).

3 GROUP DISCUSSION EVALUATION  Scrutinizes efficiency of - method given - time used - energy expended - resources available - cost-effectiveness (Bastable, 2008).

4 GROUP DISCUSSION EVALUATION  Analyzes which method allows for active, participation to:  - accommodate needs  -abilities  -learner style  (Bastable, 2008).

5 GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY  The action will be fruitless if the planning is devoid of:  the learners’ characteristics  behavioral objectives  teacher characteristics  resources available to the institution (Bastable, 2008)

6 GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY  Group becomes more cohesive:  -trust & support typically build -naturally quiet members are willing to engage in interaction without fear of being misunderstood  (Watson, Michaelsen & Sharp 1991)

7 GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY  Inherent benefits as a tool for both affective & cognitive domains  Shyness, overwhelming dominant members & high group diversity are identified as shortcomings unique to this method. (Bastable, 2008).

8 GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY  Learners may need to be tactfully redirected in a manner that lessens their influence on the group without damaging the trust of other group member s  (Bastable, 2008).

9 References Abruzzeses, R. (1996). Nursing staff development: Strategies for success (2 nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book. Bastable, S. (2008). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Boyd, M., Gleit, C., Graham, B. & Whitman, N. (1998). Health teaching in nursing practice: A professional model (3 rd ed.) Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange DeYoung, S. (2003). Teaching strategies for nurse educators. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Watson, W. E., Michealsen, L. K. & Sharp, W. (1991) Member competence, group interaction and group decision making longitudinal study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 801- 809 Peters, F. & Connell, K. (1991). “Incorporating the affective component into an AIDS work shop.” Journal of Continuing Educations in Nursing, 22, 95-99.

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