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Blattodea Cockroach – Hemimetabolous – Chewing Mouthparts – Pest.

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Presentation on theme: "Blattodea Cockroach – Hemimetabolous – Chewing Mouthparts – Pest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blattodea Cockroach – Hemimetabolous – Chewing Mouthparts – Pest

2 American Cockroach

3 German Cockroach

4 Oriental Cockroach

5 Cockroach Comparison

6 Coleoptera Beetles – Holometabolous – Chewing mouthparts – Outer pair of wings or elyta form a hard shell which meet in the middle of the back – Pest, beneficial, and variable

7 Blister Beetle Pest

8 Boll Weevil Pest

9 Carpet Beetle Pest

10 Carrion Beetle Beneficial

11 Cigarette Beetle Pest

12 Click Beetle Variable

13 Colorado Potato Beetle Pest

14 Darkling Beetle Variable

15 Dung Beetle Beneficial

16 Elm Leaf Beetle Pest

17 Fire Fly Beneficial

18 Flea Beetle Pest

19 Green June Beetle Pest

20 Ground Beetle Beneficial

21 Ironclad Beetle Variable

22 Ladybird Beetle Beneficial

23 Ladybird Beetle Larva Beneficial

24 Longhorned Beetle Pest

25 May Beetle Pest

26 Metallic Woodboring Beetle Pest

27 Sweet Potato Weevil Pest

28 Predaceous Diving Beetle Beneficial

29 Rice Weevil Pest

30 Rove Beetle Beneficial

31 Rove Beetle Beneficial

32 Sawtoothed Grain Beetle Pest

33 Soldier Beetle Beneficial

34 Spotted Cucumber Beetle Pest

35 Stag Beetle Variable

36 Tiger Beetle Beneficial

37 Tumbling Flower Beetle Variable

38 Whirligig Beetle Beneficial

39 White Grub Pest

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