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Group 4 Derek Sheesley Sunil Shah Michael Iskhakov Marina Louis Anthony Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 4 Derek Sheesley Sunil Shah Michael Iskhakov Marina Louis Anthony Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 4 Derek Sheesley Sunil Shah Michael Iskhakov Marina Louis Anthony Jones

2  Issues arise within prostheses without the doctors or wearers knowledge  Estimations ok but more exact measurements needed  Sensor that will [6]:  Give real time information  Alert the wearer when a problem arises

3  Size  1 cm 3  Wireless sensor [6]  2-5 millimeters across  500 microns thick  Biocompatibility (must be…)  compatible with implant and body  micro-disc electrode arrays, poly hema hydrogels[3]  capable of withstanding forces in body

4  Risk/Benefit Factor  Biosensor must be made so that the risk of failure, as well as risk of further damage, is reduced  Minimally Invasive  Surgery should be kept minimal  Use of ultra-thin flexible biosensors (<100 micrometers thick) to reduce size of incisions and risk of injury during surgery [5]  Affordable  Must be relatively cheap and be able to be mass-produced

5  Strong, biocompatible material  Stainless steel, titanium[2]  Non-biocompatible materials coated with PEG or PDMS [3]  Collection  Good accuracy and precision  Reduce noise with gyroscopic system [5]  Telemetric data collection [6]

6  Monitor state of implant and surrounding area  Temperature, pH, force, pressure, etc.  Early warning system  Power Supplies  Kinetic and Thermoelectric energy harvesters [1]  Single inductor-capacitor component [4]  Wireless (no electrical components)

7 FDA rationale: High risk to benefit ratio Highly Invasive Number of parameters measured Signal Collection a)Noise [5] b)Patient Confidentiality



10 TRAUMATIC IMPLANT REMOVAL SENSOR BACTERIAL ERADICATION  microelectromechanical system that could be embedded within the implanted joint to detect the presence of bacteria and to provide in situ treatment of the infection before a biofilm can form [4] Dr. Sri, [THK], retrieved from : 2140270dtcontentrid7564780_1/courses/20764.201325/Total%20Knee%2 0Replacement_SB.pdf

11 Is Patient confidentiality at risk when a form of wireless communication is used to read a sensor?

12  Incorporate a sensor into orthopedic prosthetics that will monitor their condition as they are being used by patients.  Example Prosthetics such as: Knee, Hip, Spine.  Sensors to record and transmit readings in concentration changes of specific substances present in surrounding blood and tissue.[8]  Chemicals, Biological substances, Ions, etc.  Sensor can’t be more invasive than its partner prosthetic; must be compatible both with orthopedic implant and patient.  Side effects of transmitting sensor can’t compromise the benefits of implant

13  Transmission must be coherent, accurate and precise.  Possible depending on coating of sensor, such as a functionalized polymer coasting[8]  Ultimately, sensor will aid in gathering data to design a more efficient prosthetic.

14 [1] Andrea Cadei, et al,. 2013. Kinetic and thermal energy harvesters for implantable medical devices and biomedical autonomous sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, vol 25. Retrieved from: 0233_25_1_012003.pdf [2] Ehrlich G. et al,. 2006. Engineering Approaches for the Detection and Control of Orthopaedic Biofilm Infections. National Institute of Health (437): 59–66. Retrieved from: [3] Gusphyl Justin, et al,. 2008. Biometric hydrogels for biosensor implant biocompatibility: electrochemical characterization using micro-disc electrode arrays(MDEAs). Biomed Microdevices, vol 11:103-115. [4] Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2012. Implantable, Wireless Sensors Share Secres of Healing Tissues. Retrieved from: [5] Sirivisot S. et al,. 2006. Developing Biosensors for Monitoring Orthopedic Tissue Growth. Material Research Society, vol. 950. Retrieved from: [6] Su-Jin K. et al,. 2012. Evaluation of the biompatibility of a coating material for an implantable bladder volume sensor. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 28, Issue 3: 123-129. Retrieved from:

15 [7] Umbrecht, et at,. 2010. Wireless implantable passive strain sensor: design, fabrication and characterization. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering vol. 20, 14. Retrieved from: [8] Guenther M., Gerlach G., et al. 2008. Hydrogel-based Sensor for a Rheochemical Characterization of Solutions. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. Transducers '07/Eurosensors XXI. Volume 132, Issue 2, 16 June 2008, Pages 471–476. Available:


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