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Name Date Block The Periodic Table.

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Presentation on theme: "Name Date Block The Periodic Table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Date Block The Periodic Table


3 Define the following… Atomic Number Valence electrons Energy levels
Period Family

4 Make sure you have assess to a periodic table…

5 Where do I find the atomic number on a periodic table?

6 Where do I find the energy levels on a periodic table?

7 Where do I find the period on a periodic table?

8 Where do I find the valence electrons on a periodic table?

9 Where do I find the family on a periodic table?

10 Find magnesium… How many total electrons are in a magnesium atom?
Which period is magnesium in? How many energy levels does it have? Which group or family does magnesium belong to? How many valence electrons does it have?

11 Find calcium… How many total electrons are in a calcium atom?
Which period is calcium in? How many energy levels does it have? Which group or family does calcium belong to? How many valence electrons does it have?

12 Group 2 elements… What do all elements in Group 2 have in common?
How many valence electrons do they have? How does this affect how they react with other elements?

13 Experiment… Predict what will happen if samples calcium, magnesium and aluminum are put into an HCl solution… Ca Mg Al 3 test tubes of HCl…

14 Group/Family… What do all members of a group/family on the periodic table have in common? What is the relationship between an element’s group/family and the number of valence electrons that element has? How does an element’s group/family affect how it bonds with other elements?

15 Group 18… What are elements in Group 18 called?
What is so special about Group 18? How does this affect how elements in Group 18 bond?

16 Periodic Law the statement that the physical and chemical properties of the elements repeat in a regular pattern when they are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

17 Periodic Table The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements by increasing atomic number which displays the elements so that one may see trends in their properties. Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

18 Valence electrons electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom.
Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

19 Electron configuration
the most stable arrangement of electrons in sublevels and orbitals. Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

20 Oxidation number/ion charge
the charge of an ion or an element; can be positive (metals - cations) or negative(nonmetals – anions) Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

21 Atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom (increases as you move across and down the periodic table) Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

22 Average atomic mass The average mass of atoms of an element, calculated using the relative abundance of isotopes in a naturally-occurring element. Understanding Level: Define (in your own words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw:

23 Al 3+ SO4 2- According to this information, what is the chemical formula for aluminum sulfate? (Apr'04 11th - 23) A. AlSO4 B. Al2(SO4)3 C. Al3(SO4)2 D. Al6SO4

24 B

25 Calcium (Ca2+) + Chloride (Cl-)  Calcium chloride   The chemical formula for calcium chloride is _____. ( Apr'04 11th - 38) A. Ca2Cl B. CaCl C. CaCl2 D. Ca2Cl3

26 C

27 Silver bromide is a type of halide
Silver bromide is a type of halide. Halogens or elements from group 17 in the periodic table are necessary to form halide compounds. Which of the following is the correct formula for silver bromide? A. SiBr4 B. Si7Br C. Ag7Br D. AgBr

28 D

29 According to the periodic table, which of these elements will form an ion with a –2 charge? (Jul'06 11th -34) A. S B. Mg C. F D. Rb

30 A

31 According to the periodic table, which element most readily accepts electrons? (Spr'03 11th -23) A. Fluorine B. Nitrogen C. Arsenic D. Aluminum

32 A

33 The bonding characteristics of oxygen are most similar to the bonding characteristics of _____. (Apr'06 11th -9 and Fall'05 11th -37) A. hydrogen B. silicon C. helium D. sulfur

34 D

35 The ionic compounds that result from combining Group 2 and Group 16 elements have a 1:1 ratio because _____. (Feb'06 11th -45) A. Group 2 elements are electrically neutral B. Group 2 elements have two valence electrons C. Group 2 elements contain neutrons in the nucleus D. Group 2 contains more elements than other groups

36 B

37 Elements found in which shaded area of this periodic table undergo the fewest chemical reactions? A. Q B. R C. S D. T

38 D

39 According to the periodic table and the information above, which element has this electron configuration?   A. Sodium B. Neon C. Magnesium D. Argon

40 D

41 Elements in Group 16 of the periodic table usually _____. A
Elements in Group 16 of the periodic table usually _____.   A. form large molecules B. gain electrons when bonding C. act like metals D. solidify at room temperature

42 B

43 Which of the following groups contains members with similar chemical reactivity?   A. Li, Be, C B. Be, Mg, Sr C. Sc, Y, Zr D. C, N, O

44 B

45 An unidentified element has many of the same physical and chemical properties as magnesium and strontium but has a lower atomic mass than either of these elements. What is the most likely identity of this element?   A. Sodium B. Beryllium C. Calcium D. Rubidium

46 B

47 A certain atom has a nucleus containing six protons and eight neutrons and has six electrons orbiting the nucleus. This atom is a form of the element _____.   A. silicon B. carbon C. magnesium D. calcium

48 B

49 Calcium ions play an important role in the function of neurons in the brain. Elements that are chemically similar to calcium can interfere with the function of neurons. Which of the following is most likely to imitate calcium’s role in the function of neurons?   A. sodium B. potassium C. strontium D. rubidium

50 C

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