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Chapter 6 Overview Simple Network Management Protocol

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1 Chapter 6 Overview Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMPv1 SNMP packet format Structure of MIB tree MIB-2 objects SNMP commands SNMP security Network mgmt system functions Chapter 6  SNMP

2 SNMP Recall that SNMP is SNMP is part of network management
An application layer protocol Used to transfer info between mgmt station and mgmt agent SNMP is part of network management Like HTTP is part of Web browsing Chapter 6  SNMP

3 Web Browsing Web browsing requires Web browser on your computer HTTP
Web server(s) with data Software on Web server Communication architecture Chapter 6  SNMP

4 Network Management Network management requires
Management application, mgmt processes, management MIB SNMP Agent process, agent MIB Communication architecture Chapter 6  SNMP

5 Management Environment
Components of mgmt environment Chapter 6  SNMP

6 Mgmt Application This is the main part of NMS software
Application that requests and manages info from agents Display results in a usable format Graphs, pictures, etc. May display data in the ISO mgmt categories Chapter 6  SNMP

7 Mgmt Process Mgmt processes support mgmt application
Application programs that do necessary functions For example, process accesses MIB variable and passes it to SNMP Chapter 6  SNMP

8 Mgmt Station SNMP Processes packet to be sent to agent, and those received from agent Note that SNMP packet contains Version number Community string SNMP command List of variables Chapter 6  SNMP

9 Mgmt Agent SNMP Like previous slide, but on agent
For received SNMP packet Extract MIB variable Pass MIB variable to agent process Chapter 6  SNMP

10 Agent Process Purpose is to get the requested data
Agent must locate the data in “virtual database” Then prepare date for Mgmt agent SNMP (previous slide) Chapter 6  SNMP

11 Essential Mgmt Components
Essential mgmt components include… MIB on Mgmt Station Stores MIB variables NMS application software Display, analyze data SNMP Format used for request/reply messages Agent process Gathers data from virtual database Chapter 6  SNMP

12 SNMPv1 Packet SNMPv1 packet has the form Version  the version of SNMP
SNMPv1 is “0” in version field Community name  like a password Agent can limit who can see what Sent “in the clear”, so not very secure Chapter 6  SNMP

13 SNMPv1 PDU PDU for Get-Request, Get-Next-Request and Set-Request has fields: Request ID  like a sequence number Error status  error in Get-Response Error index  first variable in VarBindList that caused error Chapter 6  SNMP

14 SNMPv1 PDU Error status 0 = noError
1 = tooBig (PDU has too many bytes) 2 = noSuchName (no object with requested name) 3 = badValue (invalid no. for PDU type) 4 = readOnly (incorrect implementation of SNMP) 5 = genErr (any other error) Chapter 6  SNMP

15 SNMPv1 PDU VarBindList  list of pairs of the form
Variable ID  Object Identifier as defined in SMI specification Variable value  actual value, which could be integer, IP address, etc. Chapter 6  SNMP

16 SNMP Commands SNMP commands (numbered 0 thru 4)
Get-Request  request value(s) from agent MIB Get-Next-Request  next MIB element (based on object identifier) in lexicographic order Can use this to “walk” the MIB tree Get-Response  response from agent Set-Request  write a value in agent’s MIB For example, the value might shut down device Trap  unsolicited msg from agent Chapter 6  SNMP

17 SNMP Trap Trap PDU is of the form
Enterprise  Object Identifier for device that created trap message Agent address  IP address of device Generic trap number  7 categories Specific trap number  code number Time stamp  time since device initialized VarBindList  same as defined previously Chapter 6  SNMP

18 SMI Structure of Management Info The data structure on the agent
RFC 1155 The data structure on the agent Object Identifier mapped to value stored on subsystem NIC is example of a subsystem MAC address could be desired value Chapter 6  SNMP

19 SMI Each object has a name Each object has a type Types can be
Groups of related objects also defined Each object has a type For example, “integer” Types can be Simple  a single value Constructed  multiple objects of simple type Chapter 6  SNMP

20 SMI SMI specification uses subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Formal specification of MIB objects ASN.1 used to specify Name of object Type of object Read, read-write, or not accessible Brief description of object See Appendix B for info on ASN.1 Chapter 6  SNMP

21 SMI Object Tree 0 is the root Example:
Object ID of sysDescr(1) is Chapter 6  SNMP

22 SMI Object Tree MIB objects identified as on previous slide
Tree can be arbitrarily deep MIB-2 defined with 10 groups System, interfaces, address translation, IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, EGP, transmission, SNMP Later added 13 more groups (extensions) Group can contain many objects, and these objects can be “constructed” type Chapter 6  SNMP

23 Proprietary MIBs and RMON
If not enough groups in MIB-2… …can create a proprietary MIB Proprietary MIBs are listed under enterprise Enterprise is a sub-node of private (4) RMON Remote Monitoring Standard An extension of MIB-2 Deals with traffic on a network segment Chapter 6  SNMP

24 SMI Tree MIB-2 (1) IP has 23 objects ipRouteTable (21)
ipRouteEntry (1), consists of 13 column objects Chapter 6  SNMP

25 ipRouteEntry An instance of ipRouteEntry consists of all 13 columns in the table above How to select column 7? Note that the result is a column, not a value How to specify row 3 of column 7? ipRouteDest serves as Index Object Chapter 6  SNMP

26 wsnmp wsnmp is SNMP command line program
Suppose we want to get sysDescr Why does “get sysDescr” fail? Get-Request returns an instance (a value) sysDescr is an object Must include Index Object of 0 Chapter 6  SNMP

27 wsnmp Recall Get-Next-Request gets next object in MIB tree (in lexicographic order) getnext sysDescr sysDescr is at in MIB tree sysDescr.0, i.e., , is next location in MIB tree that contains a value The value at sysDescr.0 is “Hardware: x86 … “ Chapter 6  SNMP

28 wsnmp Recall Get-Next-Request gets next object in MIB tree (in lexicographic order) getnext sysDescr.0 sysDescr.0 is at in MIB tree , sysObjectID.0, is next location with a value Value of sysObjectID.0 is Chapter 6  SNMP

29 MIB-2 System Group Note that “311” (on previous slide) stands for IBM
Chapter 6  SNMP

30 Get-Request vs Get-Next-Request
Spse you use Get-Request If no value for requested object (or other error), NULL and error returned As we saw with “get sysDescr” Spse you use Get-Next-Request If no value for specified object, you will still get next value in MIB tree This is a good thing! Chapter 6  SNMP

31 Get-Request vs Get-Next-Request
What is result of GetNextRequest(ipRouteEntry)? Address of ipRouteEntry is Next value in MIB is at index Result: ipRouteDest = What is GetNextRequest(ipRouteDest )? ipRouteDest is Next value in MIB tree is at Result: ipRouteifIndex = 1 Chapter 6  SNMP

32 Get-Request vs Get-Next-Request
What is GetNextRequest(ipRouteifIndex )? ipRouteifIndex is Next value in MIB tree is at Result: ipRouteifIndex = 2 What is result of GetNextRequest(ipRouteTable)? Recall address of ipRouteTable is Next value in MIB is at index Result: ipRouteDest = Chapter 6  SNMP

33 Get-Next-Request Can use Get-Next-Request to access all values in a table Even if we don’t know how many rows in table Can access values in MIB tree from a given starting point on Can “walk” the MIB tree in lexicographic order A nice feature! Chapter 6  SNMP

34 Set Command Recall Set-Request used to remotely “set” (write) a value
For example, SetRequest(sysContact = Frank) Would change value of sysContact to “Frank” Response to this would be Get-Response with sysContact = Frank Chapter 6  SNMP

35 Security We mentioned previously the SNMP method of authentication
A community name acts like a password More than one mgmt station may have access Authorization is also a concern Assuming that you have access… …then what are you allowed to do? Chapter 6  SNMP

36 Security SNMP security features SNMP community profile
Access mode specifies type of access MIB view specifies access or not Chapter 6  SNMP

37 Security SNMP security features SNMP Access Policy
Combination of all of the above Chapter 6  SNMP

38 Security SNMP Access Mode  MIB Access
Mapping between these given below Chapter 6  SNMP

39 Proxy SNMP agent can act as a proxy Device might not support SNMP
To collect mgmt values Device might not support SNMP Might be used to improve performance Chapter 6  SNMP

40 Meterware NMS MIB browser screen Much easier than command line mode!
Chapter 6  SNMP

41 Meterware NMS Meterware “decodes” the information and presents it in a readable form Also presents hex view See book for more pictures of Meterware output Chapter 6  SNMP

42 Chapter 6 Summary Components of mgmt environment
Format of SNMP messages Get-Request Get-Next-Request Command line Security (or lack thereof) Meterware NMS Chapter 6  SNMP

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