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EVSchool as an example of Online Community Building.

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Presentation on theme: "EVSchool as an example of Online Community Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVSchool as an example of Online Community Building

2 Evangelization

3  Evangelization is the proclamation of the Gospel. Engaging the online world through the internet is the most effective way to ensure that evangelization would reach every corner of the Earth.  Online evangelization is a mixed discipline covering social media, Information and Communications Technology, religious education and social sciences. It is a free public good contributing to world peace. Associated with this comes an internet-related responsibility to ensure that our services are free from fraud, and promote harmony, mutual understanding and respect (hence peace and development) in human society.

4  Spiritual counselling  Communal prayers  Community interaction through sharing and responding  Catechumenate (87 Encounters)  Certificate course to become an evangelizer (7 Units, Practical)

5  Baptism (with local parishes worldwide as partners)  Continuing mystagogy  Awards  Occasional event series (videoconferences, anniversary celebrations, EVConcerts)

6   3 languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese  Promotional video: EVSchool in cyberspace  Anniversary celebrations  About us, including Introduction and School songs  Introducing the Library, EVDictionary, Ministry of evangelization, EVBlog, Chapel, Assembly, FOJP missionary journeys  New e-applications  Login for registered online community members





11  Online Catechumenate  Online Course of Evangelization (EVCourse)

12  4 Stages over 2 years;87 lessons (Encounters)  Total no. of e-applicants since 2009: 778  Students from 18 Countries/Territories  Offers 3 languages: English, TC and SC  Chinese students 94%; English students 6%  3 Categories: enquirers 18%, catechumens 22%, baptized Catholics 60%  No. of teams: 10  No. of catechists and assistant catechists: 29  No. of catechumens baptised since 2009: 55

13  Stage 1: Pre-Catechumenate (24 Encounters)  Stage 2: Catechumenate (40 Encounters)  Stage 3: Period of Enlightenment (11 Encounters)  Stage 4: Post-baptismal Mystagogy (12 Encounters)


15  2-year certificate course  7 study Units in Year I; Practical in Year II  Total no. of e-applicants since 2005: 2328  Students come from 18 Countries/Territories  Offers 3 languages: English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese  Chinese students 88%; English students 12%  No. of forums: 7 (Year I ); 6 (Year II)  No. of tutors and senior tutors: 17  No. of graduates since 2007: 184


17  Unit 1: Evangelization in the Bible  Unit 2: Evangelization and theology of mission  Unit 3: History of evangelization in the Americas, Africa and Asia  Unit 4: Present situation of the Catholic Church in Asia  Unit 5: Major Asian religions  Unit 6: Evangelization and liturgy  Unit 7: Evangelization and media

18  STRENGTHS: - Provides services free of charge - At the forefront of internet technology - Offers 3 languages: English, TC and SC - Study and share online under the guidance of tutors or catechists - Community building through sharing - Valuable e-Literature: Units, Encounters and videos to download from online Library - Recognition of Online Catecumenate and students baptised worldwide - EVCourse certificate much sought after

19  WEAKNESSES: - Due to bandwidth limitations, in some countries speed of internet is slow - Emails may be flooded with junk mails, IT system subject to attacks by hackers, website could be blocked - No physical contact hence strict supervision of students impossible; silent students or “lurkers” emerge - Cannot control rate of student enrolment

20  OPPORTUNITIES: - Can positively respond to Pope John Paul II’s call on “Internet: a new forum for proclaiming the Gospel” - Unlike the traditional person-to-person evangelization, this online mode of evangelization can reach, worldwide, everybody who has a PC at home. Online evangelizers do not even need to travel.

21  THREATS: - Cyber crimes. To prevent these from happening, we enforce a strict Code of Conduct which applies to all students and staff - Statistically, about 60 out of 100 enquirers could not establish faith even after six months at the Pre-Catechumenate; sadly they would leave the School prematurely.


23 Examples of baptisms for students converted through Online Catechumenate since 2009








31 Examples of other online activities of EVSchool







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