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Dealing with Stress and Anxiety. Students will be able to…  Identify 3 healthy ways to deal with stress, including what they involve and the advantages.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with Stress and Anxiety. Students will be able to…  Identify 3 healthy ways to deal with stress, including what they involve and the advantages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

2 Students will be able to…  Identify 3 healthy ways to deal with stress, including what they involve and the advantages of each.  Look and Listen for stress and anxiety in a friend’s instant message (IM).  Link a friend to a particular stress reducer and explain reasons for that suggestion. Learning Objectives

3  Positive mental messages  Stretching  Taking deep breaths Let’s Review: Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress & Anxiety

4  Hitting things or people  Picking fights  Spreading rumors  Yelling at friends or parents  Drinking alcohol, smoking, or doing drugs  Eating too much  Sleeping too much  Stop hanging out with friends  Staying in your room all the time  Stop going to school Unhealthy Ways to Deal with Stress

5  Talking it out  Problem Solving  Figuring out different solutions and the consequences of each  Stress relievers Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress

6 Possible solution  Stay up late for the next 2 nights and get it done  Just do what I can but not worry about finishing  Plead with my teacher for an extension  Beg my dad to do it for me Consequences  Tired but get it done on time  Turn something in but get a bad grade  Might give extension but probably won’t cut me any slack in the future  Dad might enjoy it but it’s not honest; Dad might get really angry with me Problem Solving Your big science project is due in 2 days. You’ve had two weeks to work on it, but you just started. How are you going to solve this problem?

7  Relaxation exercises:  stretching, breathing, yoga, meditation, visualization  Hobbies:  drawing, playing sports, dancing, music, prayer/religious activities, volunteering  Keep your body healthy  S – leep  E – xercise  L – eisure  F – ood Stress Relievers

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