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Matthew Norris Assessment and the new curriculum.

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1 Matthew Norris Assessment and the new curriculum

2 To Increase the number of Capita SIMS pre-defined resources that schools can import and use immediately. Enhance functionality where possible to improve usability and make SIMS Assessment easier to use. Provide useful ‘one click’ analysis reports for schools Vision and Roadmap for 2014-15 Aims

3 Resources available now Templates, Tracking Grids & Analysis Early Years Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (levels and points) Progress Grids KS1 and KS2 New Curriculum Schools can import and start using straight away

4 This year enhancements already include New Resources: Templates, tracking grids, analysis grids and progress grids that schools can import and use straight away Increased Functionality: Features to improve productivity, efficiency, aid analysis and change requests

5 So, what Resources are available now?

6 Resources available now Templates, Tracking Grids & Analysis Early Years Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (levels and points) Progress Grids KS1 and KS2 New Curriculum Schools can import and start using straight away

7 Resources available now Templates, Tracking Grids & Analysis Early Years Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (levels and points) Progress Grids KS1 and KS2 New Curriculum Schools can import and start using straight away

8 Resources available now Templates, Tracking Grids & Analysis Early Years Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (levels and points) Progress Grids KS1 and KS2 New Curriculum Schools can import and start using straight away

9 Resources available now Templates, Tracking Grids & Analysis Early Years Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (levels and points) Progress Grids KS1 and KS2 New Curriculum Schools can import and start using straight away

10 Curriculum statement customisation options Secondary AWOL solution Reporting enhancements Productivity enhancements Out-of-the-box resources Customer change requests AWOL – added to the Teacher App New Statutory reporting requirements Vision and Roadmap for 2015-16 Aims

11 Assessment in SIMS is evolving

12 What changes have been made to support the New Curriculum?

13 Progress Grid: New Curriculum Subjects tabs split further in Autumn

14 Progress Grid: New Curriculum Overall judgement now available

15 Looking at the current gradesets values, do you agree to the following change: Extend the values of ‘CAS Overall’ gradeset to extend from EYFS through KS1, KS2, KS3 Gradeset Values for Overall Judgement Autumn 2014Spring 2015 9M Curriculum Year 9 Mastered (value = 36) 9S Curriculum Year 9 Secure (value = 35) 9D Curriculum Year 9 Developing (value = 34) - 2M Curriculum Year 2 Mastered (value = 8) 2S Curriculum Year 2 Secure (value = 7) 2D Curriculum Year 2 Developing (value = 6) 2E Curriculum Year 2 Emerging (value = 5) 1M Curriculum Year 1 Mastered (value = 4) 1S Curriculum Year 1 Secure (value = 3) 1D Curriculum Year 1 Developing (value = 2) 1E Curriculum Year 1 Emerging (value = 1) WT Working Towards NC (value = 0.5) U Unable to Assess (value = Null) N/A (value = Null) - 9M Curriculum Year 9 Mastered (value = 58) 9S Curriculum Year 9 Secure (value = 57) 9D Curriculum Year 9 Developing (value = 56) - 2M Curriculum Year 2 Mastered (value = 30) 2S Curriculum Year 2 Secure (value = 29) 2D Curriculum Year 2 Developing (value = 28) 2E Curriculum Year 2 Emerging (value = 27) 1M Curriculum Year 1 Mastered (value = 26) 1S Curriculum Year 1 Secure (value = 25) 1D Curriculum Year 1 Developing (value = 24) 1E Curriculum Year 1 Emerging (value = 23) WT Working Towards NC (value = 22) U Unable to Assess (value = Null) N/A (value = Null) EYFS 2s Expected secure (value = 22) 2 Expected (value = 21) 40-60s 40-60months secure (value = 20) Etc...

16 Progress Grid: New Curriculum Bullet-point Gradeset updated No Levels ‘below expected’ becomes Emerging = just starting to learn knowledge or skill ‘At expected’ becomes Developing = increasing understanding ‘Above expected’ becomes Secure = achieved the knowledge or skill New Grade ‘Mastered’ to indicate when a child is using and applying skill(s) across the curriculum

17 Looking at the current gradeset values, do you agree that we should amend the values to ‘CAS APP Bullets’ gradeset to use 1 point increments –consistent with others used Gradeset Values for statements Autumn 2014Spring 2015 - M Mastered (value = 2) - S Secure (value = 1) - D Developing (value = 0.5) - E Emerging (value = 0.3) - U Unable to assess (value = Null) - M Mastered (value = 4) - S Secure (value = 3) - D Developing (value = 2) - E Emerging (value = 1) - U Unable to assess (value = Null)

18 Track knowledge and skills for all subjects Resource Progress Grid – New Curriculum All Core and Foundation subjects Knowledge by subject and strand End of year and end of key stage expectations Statutory and non statutory guidance

19 Consultations - Feedback Need efficient way to manage assessments Instant analysis, evidence of progress Want to move away from progress grids teachers find them time-consuming Outcome New solution available for Spring...

20 What is the next phase for the New Curriculum in SIMS going to look like?

21 SIMS and the New Curriculum Select a subject

22 SIMS and the New Curriculum Select a strand

23 SIMS and the New Curriculum Choose the term for assessment

24 SIMS and the New Curriculum Choose the year group to review

25 SIMS and the New Curriculum Select the relevant academic year

26 New screen to display knowledge and skills descriptors Ability to select assessment period for data entry Quick data entry for individuals or groups Set current targets (teaching focussed) New summary row definitions New summary columns Linked analysis and reports Spring 2015

27 New Style Screen - Display Descriptors Example Marksheet

28 SIMS and the New Curriculum Enter your judgments for this term

29 New screen to display knowledge and skills descriptors Ability to select assessment period for data entry Quick data entry for individuals or groups Set current targets (teaching focussed) New summary row definitions New summary columns Linked analysis and reports Spring 2015

30 Select Assessment Period Apply global resultset to marksheet Ensures data is recorded for the right period of time Removes need to duplicate columns for each term Example Marksheet

31 SIMS and the New Curriculum Change terms to review / assess

32 Viewing Historical information Visual indication to highlight achievement not recorded within this assessment period Example Marksheet

33 SIMS and the New Curriculum Review historically entered data for your class

34 SIMS and the New Curriculum Record achievement for last years NC for current year

35 SIMS and the New Curriculum Record achievement for current NC for current year

36 New screen to display knowledge and skills descriptors Ability to select assessment period for data entry Quick data entry for individuals or groups Set current targets (teaching focussed) New summary row definitions New summary columns Linked analysis and reports Spring 2015

37 Quick data entry Allow for Data Entry against an individual child for all skills or whole group for one skill Example Marksheet

38 Quick data entry Allow for Data Entry against an individual child for all skills (horizontal) or whole group for one skill (Vertical) Example Marksheet

39 New screen to display knowledge and skills descriptors Ability to select assessment period for data entry Quick data entry for individuals or groups Set current targets (teaching focussed) New summary row definitions New summary columns Linked analysis and reports Spring 2015

40 Set ‘Current Targets’ Only applies to the new knowledge statement columns Y indicates a focus skill during this assessment period ‘ Set current target’ value can help schools calculate progress for the skills they are specifically focusing on

41 New screen to display knowledge and skills descriptors Ability to select assessment period for data entry Quick data entry for individuals or groups Set current targets (teaching focussed) New summary row definitions New summary columns Linked analysis and reports Spring 2015

42 New Summary Row Definitions Only applies to the new knowledge statement columns Displays both the number and percentage of pupils achieving a particular skill Example Marksheet

43 New screen to display knowledge and skills descriptors Ability to select assessment period for data entry Quick data entry for individuals or groups Set current targets (teaching focussed) New summary row definitions New summary columns Linked analysis and reports Spring 2015

44 New Summary Columns % of last years expectations achieved % of end of this year expectations achieved % of current ‘targets’ achieved Example Marksheet

45 How will attainment and progress information be reported?

46 SIMS and the New Curriculum Example Reports Run a report

47 SIMS and the New Curriculum Example Reports Run a report

48 SIMS and the New Curriculum Example Reports Run a report

49 Knowledge statement report Red text indicates curriculum descriptors Highlights knowledge achieved Displays knowledge to work towards Example Reports

50 Progress Tracking and Reporting Visual representation of Achievement & what’s ‘expected’ Compares ‘Year Expected Target’) against number of statements achieved for an individual pupil Note: this is a mock-up to provide an example of a possible visual representation Example Reports

51 Group overview – Subject / Strand / Statement Example 'New Curriculum' Summary showing Achievement Ability to review Cohort Boys / Girls / EAL / FSM / PP / SEN Etc. Preferably side-by-side Example Reports

52 Group overview – Subject / Strand Example 'New Curriculum' Summary showing progress Ability to review Cohort Boys Girls EAL SEN G&T Etc. Example Reports

53 Group overview - Subject Example 'New Curriculum' Summary showing progress Ability to review Cohort Boys Girls EAL SEN G&T Etc. Example Reports

54 What does the removal of National Curriculum Levels mean for SIMS?

55 New National Curriculum and SIMS In the Product: Comprehensive solution for tracking knowledge and skills against the New Curriculum Resources for maintaining levels and points

56 New National Curriculum and SIMS SIMS Assessment is a flexible system that can be tailored to suit emerging requirements Schemes can be tweaked or adapted to evolve as more evidence of what ‘good looks like’ becomes known. September 2014 National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) published ‘Beyond levels, alternative approach developed by teaching schools’ (p31)NCTL

57 Manchester 11 th November 2014 Assessment Software Consultancy Group

58 Performance Descriptors

59 Assessment changes Statutory Reporting New statutory reporting KS1 and KS2 SIMS Assessment will satisfy all statutory obligations: Accommodate statutory reporting through all Key Stages Ability to record attainment against performance descriptors Produce analysis to review key groups against national expectations and new floor standards

60 Assessment changes Challenges: Increased accountability measures - DfE Outcomes in 2013 % schools where 60% pupils attained L4+ RWM: 90% % schools where 85% pupils attained L4b RM + L4 W: 10% Progress will be key measure

61 Assessment changes New Statutory Reporting EYFS Profile replaced with baseline test Schools who opt out of test measured on attainment only SIMS Assessment will satisfy all statutory obligations: Accommodate statutory reporting through all Key Stages Allow for the tracking of pupil progress from EYFS upwards Produce analysis to review key groups against national expectations and new floor standards

62 New Features in SIMS...

63 Highlights Some of the new Features introduced into SIMS this year Summer: Mapping Tool Aspect swapping on Templates Autumn: SIMS School Report

64 Mapping Tool Enables schools to match their own Aspects, Resultsets and Gradesets to those provided by Capita Why is this useful? Drives linked analysis in the SIMS School Report Populates Capita Pre-Defined resources Marksheets Tracking Grids Analysis Discover

65 Assessment Mapping Facility - Aspects Mapping Tool

66 Assessment Mapping Facility - Resultsets Mapping Tool

67 Assessment Mapping Facility - Gradesets Mapping Tool

68 Further Mapping Tool updates for Autumn Aspect no Result Set to Aspect and Result Set Export and Import Delete and Clone KS4 Aspects

69 How can this help? Speeds up resource creation by swapping like-for-like aspects when cloning Aspect Swapping

70 SIMS School Report and Assessment

71 New SIMS School Report The new School Report provides an instant overview of your school based on the latest data held in SIMS, giving school leadership and governors insight into areas of strength and weakness to inform their decisions. Includes Assessment

72 Your questions and feedback? Rachael Marshman

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