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C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N IEPR Workshop on Fugitive Methane Emissions in California’s Natural Gas System Energy Commission Natural.

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1 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N IEPR Workshop on Fugitive Methane Emissions in California’s Natural Gas System Energy Commission Natural Gas Research Activities June 1, 2015 Michael Gravely Deputy Division Chief Energy Research and Development Division (916) 327-1370

2 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Agenda Research Activities Assessing Methane Emissions Research Activities Supporting Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure and Safety 2

3 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Portfolio Highlights Current Projects 3 Name of ProjectDescription Assessment of Residential Methane Emissions  This is the first systematic study to quantify methane leakage from residential structures in California  Results will greatly reduce uncertainty about how much methane is lost from the natural gas sector post meter. Improvement of an Airborne Natural Gas Leak-Detection System  The goal of this agreement is to provide California utilities a cost‐effective technology for detecting leaks in natural gas transmission lines  This project will improve the algorithm used to anticipate dispersion of methane plume in order to optimize flight path and to enable differentiation between natural gas leaks and other sources of methane emissions Evaluation of Opportunities to Mitigate Fugitive Methane Emissions from the California Natural Gas System  The goal of this project is to identify control strategies that provide the highest ratios of mitigated emissions to cost of implementation  This work will be conducted to assist the natural gas industry in reducing emissions in a cost effective manner to comply with the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission requirements of AB32 Top‐Down Quantification of Methane Emissions from California's Natural Gas System  The purpose of this grant agreement is to quantitatively survey methane emissions from key subsectors of the NG system including production and processing, transmission and distribution, and end‐uses in buildings  Air‐based, land‐based, and building‐level measurements are being taken to quantify emissions at building, neighborhood, facility, and regional levels

4 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Major Accomplishment  Contractor: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  PIER Funds: $660,000  Description: This project measure and model some dominant long‐lived greenhouse gases at two tall towers in Central California and then estimate methane emissions through a statistical comparison of measured and predicted atmospheric mixing ratios  Results: The results show that it is possible to provide high‐accuracy estimates of surface methane emissions for multiple regions as a means to verify future emissions reductions  Ratepayer Benefits: This work benefits California utility ratepayers by identifying the non‐carbon dioxide greenhouse gases emissions from California that contribute to global warming 4 Observation of Methane and other Non-Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Emissions from California

5 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Major Accomplishment  Contractor: California State University, Fullerton  PIER Funds: $600,000  Description: This project produced current, reliable and California‐specific methane fugitive emission  Results: Emissions from thousands of different units representing different components were measured  Ratepayer Benefits: Support regulatory programs to achieve effective and efficient methane emission reductions from California’s natural gas system and to minimize adverse environmental impacts from these emission sources. 5 Estimation of Methane Emissions from the California Natural Gas System: GHG Inventory Methods

6 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Major Accomplishment  Contractor: University of California, Davis  PIER Funds: $300,000  Description: Using an aircraft equipped with methane and ethane sensors to detect and quantify methane emissions from natural gas pipelines 6  Results: The ethane analyzer allows the identification of pipeline leaks from other sources of methane. Quantification of leaks was a success during a controlled release executed by PG&E.  Ratepayer Benefits: This project is developing a more efficient method for detection of natural gas pipeline leaks, thereby improving the reliability of pipelines and reducing inspection costs. The same airplane is being used for another project quantifying leaks from the natural gas system (e.g., underground storage). Using a Research Aircraft to Identify and Quantify Emissions from Transmission Pipelines

7 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Research Activities Supporting Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure and Safety 7

8 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Name of ProjectDescription Natural Gas Pipeline Research - Innovative Monitoring  The goal of the project is to develop prototypes of next generation low cost sensors that have the potential to significantly improve the safety and security of natural gas pipelines, without impacting operations. Commercialization of In-line Technology which Accurately Detects, Locates, and Measures Pipeline Girth Weld Defects  The goal of the project is to demonstrate a multi-channel electromagnetic acoustic transducer sensor module for pipeline (in-line) inspection crawler for accurately detecting, locating, and measuring pipeline girth weld defects. Real-time Active Pipeline Integrity Detection  The goal of the project is to develop and demonstrate a continuous integrity monitoring system for natural gas pipeline for providing operators with increased information on the current status of the pipeline networks. Portfolio Highlights Current Projects

9 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Major Accomplishment  Contractor: The Regents of the University of California – UC Berkeley – CITRIS/CIEE  PIER Funds: $855,835  Description: This project explored innovative sensor and communication technologies and approaches for inspecting and monitoring natural gas pipelines, and developed a testbed for testing sensors under simulated field conditions in the lab.  Results: Designed, fabricated, and tested the micro-electro- mechanical system pressure sensor and flow sensor, and the testbed for testing sensors.  The pressure sensor showed good sensitivity and accuracy up to 200 pounds per square inch pressure but the flow sensor did not work in the test bed, as iron particles in the test bed—just like gas pipelines—interfered with the tiny sensor mechanism.  Ratepayer Benefits: This project will benefit the ratepayers by improving the safety of natural gas pipelines. 9 Natural Gas Pipeline Research - Innovative Monitoring Natural gas pipeline sensors testbed at UC Berkeley Miniaturized sensor

10 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Major Accomplishment  Contractor: Diakont Advanced Technologies, Inc., San Diego  PIER Funds: $1,000,000  Description: This project demonstrated a multi-channel electromagnetic acoustic transducer sensor module on an in- line inspection robotic crawler for accurately detecting, locating, and measuring natural gas pipeline girth weld defects on PG&E pipeline in San Francisco.  Results: Results indicated reduced cost and faster inspections.  Ratepayer Benefits: Reduced cost and improved safety. 10 Commercialization of In-line Technology which Accurately Detects, Locates, and Measures Pipeline Girth Weld Defects Diakont’s Robotic Operational Defect Inspection System at the pipeline entry

11 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Major Accomplishment  Contractor: Acellent Technologies, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA  PIER Funds: $622,622  Description: Developed a prototype pipeline corrosion monitoring system per PG&E specifications and tested at PG&E test lab with complete remote monitoring capability and active 24X7ongoing testing.  Results: The system, in blind tests, detected accurately and consistently multiple corrosion damages induced by PG&E and showed capability for corrosion damage detection accuracy for both location and size.  Ratepayer Benefits: This project will benefit ratepayers and pipeline operators by providing a cost-effective real-time pipeline monitoring system for improving pipeline safety and integrity management. 11 Real-time Active Pipeline Integrity Detection Acellent’s RAPID system using piezoelectric transducers/sensors

12 C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Discussion 12

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