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Welcome to Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig, Cork Celebrating 12 Years Today is the Lord’s Day Sunday, 1 st of October, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig, Cork Celebrating 12 Years Today is the Lord’s Day Sunday, 1 st of October, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig, Cork Celebrating 12 Years Today is the Lord’s Day Sunday, 1 st of October, 2006

2 October’s Memory Verse Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16

3 Announcements  Church Tonight at 7pm – continuing Hymnspiration, Why We Sing What We Sing!  Wednesday evening Prayer meeting at 7pm – Matthew 27!  Nita is heading home to see her Mom on Thursday  Teen Bible Study this Friday at 7.30pm  Happy Birthday Austin Mayers – Monday  Happy Birthday Sarah Ledbetter – Wednesday  Happy Birthday Michael Mayers – Friday

4 True Worshippers Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Daniel 3

5 Review – Worshipping God in Spirit and Truth  This is a study series looking at True Worship, and True Worshippers  So Far, we have looked at the Wrong Ways to Worship, and then the Right Ways to Worship God  Now we are looking at HOW God’s people worshipped God

6 Worship … What is it?  To show someone’s worth-ship!  An act of ascribing worth/value to a person  To honour – extol, lift-up, praise  To please  To bless  To love with all the heart  To glorify – put all the attention on  To serve gladly and whole-heartedly  When a person worship’s God, these things are all active!

7 Background (Daniel 1:1,2)  The nation of Israel was in trouble with God - Sin and pride had divided that once great nation in two  First the northern part was defeated and conquered  Now, Judah was being driven 600 miles to Babylon  Among the many tens of thousands were four young men, known as: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (their names get changed)  These four boys would change the course of history just by the way they worshipped God!!!  Let’s take a look at the personal, powerful worship of the three youngest men, even in the fiery furnace  It’s time we learned the truth, that true worship is tough

8 Preview of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3)  How They Got Into Trouble  How They Got Through the Trouble  How to Do the Same

9 How They Got Into Trouble (Daniel 3:1-18)  They Rejected False Worship  They Resisted Forced Manipulation  They Remained Standing They Stood When Accused They Stood When Asked/ Demanded They Stood When Condemned

10 How They Got Through the Trouble (Daniel 3:19-27) FFaithfully FFervently CConfidently WWorshipfully – no one gets through firestorms like this unless they are able to worship in the midst of it. PPatiently – there are no short-cuts to the Christian life. TTogether

11 Worshipfully No one gets through firestorms like this unless they are able to worship in the midst of it.  At Rest in their hearts and minds  At the Throne of God, not of men  Worship works going INTO the fire  Worship works while IN the fire – not only for the mountain-top  Worship testifies to all who are watching (Hebrews 12:1) that your God is awesome and worthy of all glory (1Pet 4:12-14; 2Tim 3:12)

12 The Fourth Man in Our Worship  Daniel 3:24-25; Isaiah 43:1-3  Oh that our worship was real  Jesus will join us when it is real, and true and spiritual (Matthew 18:20; John 14:21-23)  He didn’t promise us no troubles, or fires, or floods, or debts, or health problems…  But He DID promise to never leave us, but to go through each with us, carrying us, and giving us enough grace for every step! Guaranteed!

13 How to Do the Same  Know True Worship  Reject False Worship – of any kind  Stand when everyone else is bowing  Worship when it is tough to do so  Enjoy the presence of Jesus Christ through every trial and trouble – He promises to let you know He is there

14 Conclusion  How easy do you find it to STOP your worship and praise of God?  How far will you go for the truth, and for your Lord?  Worship is not only for the mountain-tops, but also for the valleys, and even the fiery furnaces  Check your heart – is it full of sin and the world, or full of God? It will show itself in times of troubles  Starts with the new birth

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