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A choice of two paths Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it Psalm 1 Blessed is the man… delight is in the law of the Lord… He is like.

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Presentation on theme: "A choice of two paths Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it Psalm 1 Blessed is the man… delight is in the law of the Lord… He is like."— Presentation transcript:


2 A choice of two paths

3 Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it Psalm 1 Blessed is the man… delight is in the law of the Lord… He is like a tree planted by streams… yields its fruit in its season… leaf does not wither. Jeremiah 17 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord… He is like a tree planted by water… its leaves remain green… for it does not cease to bear fruit.

4 Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it It is reliable 1,600 years, 40 authors, diverse styles ONE message Fulfilled prophecy Archaeological evidence Other historical sources Textual criticism

5 Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it It is reliable It will make you happy

6 Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it It is reliable It will make you happy It will make you like a tree! Strong Resilient Fruitful

7 Why should I believe the Bible? God puts His name to it It is reliable It will make you happy It will make you like a tree! Your hope is only found in Jesus

8 John 5:39-40 “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.”

9 A choice of two paths


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