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Rotary Club of Rockdale County Orientation for New Member Candidates Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910.

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1 Rotary Club of Rockdale County Orientation for New Member Candidates Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

2 ROTARY – A LITTLE HISTORY On February 23, 1905 - A Chicago lawyer, Paul P. Harris, called three friends to a meeting. What he had in mind was a club that would kindle fellowship among members of the business community. It was an idea that grew from his desire to find, within the large city, the kind of friendly spirit that he knew in the villages where he had grown up. This club met in rotation at the offices of the members, therefore the name ROTARY was adopted. The membership of that first club was diverse for its day. However Rotary diversity has grown over time and is now one of our greatest assets. In 1911, Rotary became international establishing clubs in Canada, England and Ireland. Rotary became the forerunner of other great service clubs such as Kiwanis International founded in 1915, Lions International founded in 1917 and Optimist International founded in 1919. The first international convention was held in Chicago in 1910; the 2017 Rotary International Convention will be held in Atlanta. “There are now over 34,216 Rotary Clubs all around the globe with a total Rotary membership of 1,214,714 men and women.” The Rotary Club of Rockdale was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Conyers and chartered by Rotary International on May 13, 1993 with 40 members. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

3 ROTARY IS: INTERNATIONAL There are currently 538 districts in Rotary in over 200 countries, territories and geographical areas. Rotary International is headquartered in Evanston, IL (suburb of Chicago, IL) and governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world at meetings held each year. Annually, each district elects a district governor, but each club remains an autonomous group. The Rotary Club of Rockdale County is a part of Rotary International, and as such, supports the many projects of the worldwide organization. DISTRICT 6910 Rotary is divided into districts within which a group of clubs are associated. The Rotary Club of Rockdale County is a member of District 6910. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

4 ROTARY – THE OBJECTIVE The objective of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First - The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second - High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; Third - The application of the idea of service in each Rotarian's personal, business and community life; Fourth - The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

5 One of Rotary’s “Guiding Principles” _________________________________________ THE FOUR WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do ________________________________________ first... Is it the TRUTH? second... Is it FAIR to all concerned? third... Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? fourth... Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

6 ROTARY - MEMBERSHIP This club shall be composed of adult persons of good character and good business and professional reputation. You ARE your classification... Each member shall be classified in accordance with the member's business or profession. This is to provide a fellowship for service, based on diversity of interest. It also prevents the dominance in the Club of any one group. If the circumstances warrant, the board may correct or adjust the classification of any member. Notice of a proposed correction or adjustment shall be provided to the member and the member shall be allowed a hearing thereon. The club may elect a person to active membership in a classification so long as it will not result in the classification making up more than 10 percent of the club's active membership. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

7 ROTARY - How Members are Elected 1. A member of this Rotary Club (your Sponsor) proposes you for membership after you have attended at least 3 club meetings and indicated a desire to join. 2. Your name and a short bio are submitted in writing to the Board of Directors via the Club Secretary. 3. Our Board verified your occupation and your personal reputation, both in business and in the community and approves your application for Rotary Membership. 4. Our entire membership approves you as a new Rotarian 5. Upon reviewing this orientation, prospects wishing to move forward with membership will sign the membership application and upon payment of the $50 application fee will be formally inducted into our club. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

8 ROTARY Club of Rockdale County The Basics Weekly meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7:15 A.M. (1/3 membership constitutes a quorum) Board meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month (1/2 board members constitutes a quorum) The Rotary Calendar year runs from July 1 st – June 30th Our Annual Meeting for the election of officers shall be held during the month of December During a regular club meeting one month prior to the Annual Meeting the presiding officer shall ask the nominating committee (consisting of the Past President) to present its nominations for the following year’s slate of Officers. Once the nominating committee presents the nominees, additional nominations will also be accepted from the floor. All nominations duly made are placed on a ballot in alphabetical order under each office and voted on at the annual meeting. The candidates for President receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected as Club Officers. The (5) Officers and appointed Directors with the immediate Past President, form the Board of Directors for the following Rotary year. This group meets once a month to set and review goals, conduct the business of the club and update policy as needed. Members are welcome to attend but only Officers and Directors are able to vote. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

9 ROTARY – Obligations of Membership (1) PARTICIPATION To be a Rotarian we are asked to share our time, talents and treasures: in community work in social functions in Club, District and International activities (Each Club Member is required to serve on at least one committee) (2) ATTENDANCE 100% attendance is urged and honored. The RI manual states: “A member must attend or make-up at least 50 percent of club regular meetings in each half of the year and attend at least 30 percent of this club’s regular meetings in each half of the year. If a member fails to attend as required, the member’s membership shall be subject to termination unless the board consents to such non-attendance for good cause.” These goals can be achieved by normal attendance to weekly meetings and through make ups such as attending: Committees, Trainings, Assembly, Conventions, E-Club and by Visiting other Member Clubs. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

10 (3) - Your Financial Obligation Fees & Annual Dues: International Dues: $ 68.00 Club Dues: $ 368.00 District Dues: $ 85.00 Meals: $ 480.00 Rotary Foundation Donation: $ 100.00 * ** Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) $ 100.00 * ** Dollywood Foundation (Childhood Literacy ) $ 36.00 ** Total $1237.00 * billed in the first two quarters ** optional $50.00 Application Fee (one time) Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

11 Rotary Foundation – Paul Harris At the death of Rotary’s founder Paul Harris in 1947, Rotarians from around the world made gifts to the foundation in his memory. The foundation later decided to honor, Paul Harris, by recognizing donors of gifts to the foundation of $1,000 or greater as Paul Harris Fellows. Those who give $100 a year toward becoming a Paul Harris Fellow are recognized as a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member. The Rotary Club of Rockdale maintains full sustaining membership for all members as a provision written in the by-laws. Each year the Rotary Foundation funds: – Approximately 500 Ambassadorial Scholarships for study abroad. – Over 150 international humanitarian projects including Polio Plus, which generated over $750 million from Rotarians to help eradicate Polio from the world. – Grants for Health, Hunger and Humanity. These programs encourage prevention rather than cure and self-help rather than charity. – Over 150 international volunteers who can offer their business and professional expertise abroad. – Over 300 Group Study Exchanges. – Peace Programs that explore conflict resolution and new ways to encourage mutual understanding. – Support is not required but is expected. -- Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

12 GRSP & WILL WATT FELLOW The Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) awards scholarships to approximately 60 international students for study in Georgia’s colleges and universities for one academic year. The scholarship contributes to the cost of tuition, books, room, meals and an allowance for incidentals. The GRSP Foundation is not related to the Rotary Foundation. GRSP was founded in 1946 by a Georgia Rotarian, Will Watt of Thomasville, who saw the need for a practical application of the Rotary ideal of international service. A contribution of $1,000 or more to the GRSP Foundation earns the Will Watt Fellow designation. Support is not required but is expected. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

13 Rotary – Standing Committees Service Projects: Be responsible for the service activities of the club and supervise and coordinate the work of any committees that may be appointed on particular phases of community, vocational and international service. Club Administration: Conduct activities associated with the effective operation of the club including; assisting with promoting fellowship, organization of weekly and special programs and assisting with long range planning. Membership: Conduct activities aimed at member recruitment, retention, orientation and club extension. Public Relations: Conduct activities to promote general information about Rotary, its history, object, and scope; and secure publicity for the club regarding its service projects and goals. Rotary Foundation: Educate and train club members about the Foundation; encourage club members to participate in Foundation programs and support the Foundation financially; communicate the Foundation goals of the district, zone, and Trustees to the club and its members; ensure the Foundation goals are reported Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

14 Rockdale County Committees Community Service: Be responsible for the community service activities of the club. Club Service: Be responsible for all club service activities of the club. Vocational Service: Be responsible for the vocational service activities of the club. International Service: Be responsible for the international service activities of the club. New Generations: Be responsible for the youth service activities of the club. Speakers / Program Committee: Prepare and arrange the programs for the regular and special meetings of the club. This includes inviting and scheduling all speakers. Families of Rotary / Fellowship Committee: Promote club fellowship by planning and organizing regular social and recreational activities. GRSP: Represent the club and coordinate its involvement in supporting the growth and development of the GRSP program. Fundraising : Organize and coordinate activities associated with our annual for Life fundraiser and any supplemental fundraisers.

15 Current Board of Directors Officers President: Elly Dalton President Elect: Alain Bouzoubaa Past President: Ashley Roesler Secretary: David Cooper Treasurer: Anita Smith Sergeant-at-Arms: Ronald Brown Club Directors Service: Ashley Roesler Club Administration: Darlene Hotchkiss Membership: Jody Porter/Patty Riley Public Relations: Margie Ensley Rotary Foundation: Chris Jueschke Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

16 Current Committee Chairs Vocational Service (Dan Fortin) International Service (Eulalie Young) New Generation (Cheryl Cooper) Speakers Program (Darlene Hotchkiss) Families of Rotary (Brad Cox) GRSP (Scot Ward) Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

17 C urrent C ommittee Chairs Literacy Club Service Fundraising Recruitment Retention Club Extension Community Service Rotary Foundation Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

18 ROTARY PUBLICATIONS ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHES “THE ROTARIAN” You will receive this each month. It is well worth reading. It contains news of Rotary around the world. It also contains interesting articles by outstanding writers on a variety of important subjects. ROTARY DISTRICT 6910 PUBLISHES “ROTATIONS” This is published monthly and provides you information on what is going on in your District. Advertising is available and delivered to every Rotarian in the District via internet. Rotary Club Of Rockdale County Publishes: Weekly Club Bulletin & monthly e-Bulletin meeting reminder & meeting update Which reports weekly the news of our members and club activities. Roster of Members Which includes addresses and telephone numbers updated for changes and additions. Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910

19 Rockdale County - Doing Good Deeds Sponsorship of Interact Clubs 1/10 mile run Annual Fundraiser to Benefit Local Charities Empty Stocking Fund Eagle and Gold Award Scout Recognition Banquet Meals on Wheels Pine Street Elementary School Book Project Wheel Chair/Handicap Ramps Rotary Club of Rockdale County District 6910


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