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By Rosemary Uside Kongani National Bureau of Statistics KENYA Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics 4 th -7 th December 2012 Kampala, Uganda.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rosemary Uside Kongani National Bureau of Statistics KENYA Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics 4 th -7 th December 2012 Kampala, Uganda."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rosemary Uside Kongani National Bureau of Statistics KENYA Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics 4 th -7 th December 2012 Kampala, Uganda 8/13/2015 1

2 Women’s Empowerment, Gender Based Violence, and Female Circumcision 2008-09 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2

3  Women’s Employment and Earnings  Decision making  Attitudes toward Wife Beating  Gender Based Violence  Female Circumcision 8/13/2015 3 © 2006 Mike Wang/PATH, Courtesy of Photoshare

4 8/13/2015 4 Percent of currently married women and men 15-49 employed at the time of the survey Age ** Omitted because based on fewer than 25 unweighted cases.

5 8/13/2015 5 Percent distribution of payment type among employed women and men age 15-49

6 8/13/2015 6 Among women who received cash earnings, percent by who decides how woman’s earnings are used, reported by women 15-49

7 8/13/2015 7 Percent of married women 15-49 who make: more, less, same or partner has no earning

8 8 Percent of currently married women age 15-49 who usually make specific decisions by themselves or jointly with their husband

9 9 Percent of currently married men age 15-49 who think a wife should have the greater say alone or equal say with her husband on the following decisions

10 8/13/2015 10

11 8/13/2015 11 Percent of men age 15-49 who believe that a husband has the right to certain behaviors when a wife refuses sex:

12 12 Percent of women age 15-49 who have experienced physical violence since age 15 In past 12 months

13 21% of women have ever experienced sexual violence. 12% of women had their first sexual intercourse forced against their will. 13

14 14 Percent of women age 15-49 who have ever experienced violence committed by their husband/partner

15 North Easter n 34% Eastern 33% Rift Valley 42% Nyanza 55% Western 52% Central 38% Nairo bi 24% Coast 33% Women’s Experience with Spousal Physical or Sexual Violence by Province Kenya 41% Percent of women age 15-49 who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence committed by their husband/partner 15

16 16 Percent of women age 15-49 who have ever experienced physical, or sexual violence committed by their husband/partner Respondent’s father beat her mother

17 17 Percent of ever-married women 15-49 who report their husband or partner:

18 18 Percent of women circumcised, and type of circumcision

19 19 Age (in years)

20 North Easter n 98% Eastern 36% Rift Valley 32% Nyanza 34% Western 1% Central 27% Nairo bi 14% Coast 10% Female Circumcision by Province Kenya 27% Percent of women circumcised 20

21 21 Percent distribution of women who have been circumcised by age at circumcision Age (in years)

22 78% of female circumcisions are performed by a traditional “circumciser” and 20% are performed by a health professional 22

23 82% of women believe that the practice of female circumcision should be stopped. 23

24  Some of the selected households did not have eligible women (outside the age bracket, not there at all)  Some communities do not allow their women to be interviewed  Woman selected household that were Vacant could not be replaced  Language barrier 8/13/201524

25 8/13/2015KNBS25

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