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NC Arts AIE Grants Webinar for A+ Schools AIE Level 1.

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Presentation on theme: "NC Arts AIE Grants Webinar for A+ Schools AIE Level 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 NC Arts AIE Grants Webinar for A+ Schools AIE Level 1

2 Welcome! Banu Valladares Arts in Education Director (919) 807-6502

3 Guidelines on the Web – Grants – Grants for Organizations – Arts in Education

4 AIE Residency Grants Professional artists in educational settings Not a substitute for school’s arts ed program AIE Level 1 and AIE Level 2 Review General Grant Information before applying

5 AIE Level 1 Pre-designed, 5-day, led by designated professional artists or groups Choose from roster Days don’t need to be consecutive Presented as described

6 Finding the Roster

7 Funding Criteria Commitment to coordinate school and student participation Residency and artist(s)/company skills meet goals/needs of school Appropriate racially/culturally diverse artists Evidence of planning with artists, schools and other key participants

8 Match No 1-to-1 required Match = time (in $$) for project coordinator, space, marketing/publicity, documentation and evaluation.

9 Funding Decisions Match of artist to school needs, priorities, geographic balance, range of artists and art forms, funds availability. Priorities: – A+ Schools – Title I schools receiving School-Wide Assistance – Applicants in Tier 1 and eastern counties NOTE: All grant funds go to artist fees

10 How to Apply Electronically through North Carolina ARTS Grants Online (AGO). ( Carolina ARTS Grants Online (AGO) Deadline: March 1, 2013, by 5 p.m.

11 Returning AGO Users Log in and update your profile Forgot Username or Password? Click “Login” and use feature to retrieve them

12 Returning AGO Users Don’t know email used to create profile or if your school has a profile? Contact Tanya McGuire, Arts Administrator (919) 807-6514,

13 New to AGO Never applied for NCAC grant? Create a profile in the sign-in page: “Click Here to create a new profile.”Click Here to create a new profile.

14 Profile Prep What You’ll Need Before (and Who to Get it From): –School’s FEIN/TAX ID number (finance/budget officer) – Date the organization was formed (day, month, year) –School’s end of fiscal year. Typically June 30 (finance/budget officer)

15 Profile Prep – Cont. –School’s mission statement –School’s history - brief (when started, where, how, when it became an A+ School, details to present). –School system’s DUNS number - unique 9-digit identifier (central office. If they don’t have one, get it here: –Not sure if your system has a DUNS number? Contact Tanya.

16 Creating Your Profile Choose “Organization” (not Individual) Primary Contact Information: person who can enter into contracts on behalf of the school (principal, assistant principal, finance officer) – More on Project Coordinator later Copy Username and Password and keep in safe place!

17 Creating Profile Cont. Applicant Information: Your school – Organization Type: (elementary, middle, high) – Applicant Status: “Government County” if public, “Government State” for charters – Applicant Discipline: “Multidisciplinary” – Grantee Race: “No single group” Click “Submit.” You’re done! Back to sign in page.

18 Applying for a Grant Sign in with username and password Go to “Current Programs and Applications”

19 Applying for a Grant Scroll to Artist Residency Level I 2013-14 Read guidelines and remember criteria!

20 AGO - Project Contact Person responsible for project Skip Fiscal Agent Copy/paste mission and history from profile “Save Work”: If not, changes will be lost. You can come back to it later “Did I Complete this Page?”: Will show required fields you didn’t complete.

21 Personnel + Audiences Salaried staff: paid, dedicated arts staff in your school (arts educators and coordinators) Contract Personnel: artists on long-term contracts (not residencies). Audience: all students and adults attending all arts programs through the year at your school Audience percentages: school/county demographics. Must add to 100%.

22 Finances and Board Skip this one!

23 Project Info + Narrative Write in word and copy to AGO. Be BRIEF!! # 1: Name residency selected from roster and how it and the skills/experience of artist(s) meet school goals/needs #2: Describe planning process (people, dates, locations, purpose) #3: Intended participants – # of students, racial/cultural composition, how they will benefit from project

24 Project Info + Narrative Grant Request: residency cost listed in roster Project Title: name of residency, artist, school, grade levels, dates (if you have them). Project Activity: 20 School Residency

25 Budget Expenses Grant Amount: – Artistic Fees (residency cost listed on roster) Applicant Cash Match: – Marketing: Cost to market residency (time in $$ + materials) – Remaining Project Expenses: Coordination (time in $$) Documentation (time in $$)

26 Budget Expenses


28 Budget Income Charter: State/Regional Government Support Public: Local Government Support –Same amount as Applicant Cash Match Expense

29 Budget Income NCAC Grant Amount: Same as residency cost

30 Support Materials SIGNED Artist Letter of Intent – ONLY

31 Other Required Details Accessibility Page – Coordinator Certification Submit: – Click ONLY when finished; otherwise you’ll lock yourself out of the application – By March 1, 2013.

32 Make Sure To: Mention school is A+ in narrative and history Name artists for residency Include required match in budget Include signed letter of intent from artist

33 Questions? Banu Valladares Arts in Education Director (919) 807-6502

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