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BTT2A Stephanie Rose ID# 130138 Francine Thompson ID# 130085 October 13,2014.

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2 BTT2A Stephanie Rose ID# 130138 Francine Thompson ID# 130085 October 13,2014

3 What is swimming ? Is a sport or activity in which one propelling through the water using the limbs

4  10,000-year-old rock painting of people swimming were found in the Cave of Swimmers near Wadi Sura in southwestern Egypt.  These pictures seem to show breaststroke or doggy paddle, although it is also possible that the movements have a ritual meaning unrelated to swimming. An Egyptian clay seal dated between 9000 BCE and 4000 BCE shows four people who are believed to be swimming a variant of the front crawl Leonardo da Vinci made early sketches of lifebelts In 1539, Nikolaus Wynmann, a German professor of languages, wrote the first swimming book Colymbetes. His purpose was to reduce the dangers of drowning. The book contained a good methodical approach to learning breaststroke, and mentioned swimming aids such as air filled cow bladders, reed, bundles.

5 Health benefits of swimming  Builds endurance  Alleviating Stress  Provides all over the body workout  Helps maintain a healthy weight  Helps build Cardiovascular strength  Improve Coordination,balance and Posture  Tones muscles Types of Swimming Backstroke Front Crawl Breast Stroke & Side stroke Butterfly

6 What to wear when Swimming Names of swim gears Picture of swim gears Swimwear Swimsuit Shorts Bikini

7  Rules and safety for Swimming.  Swim Only When a Lifeguard Is on Duty  Do Not Swim Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol  Never Swim Alone  Do Not Swim During Thunderstorms  Avoid Diving Headfirst  Refrain From Horseplay in the Water  Use Proper Flotation Devices  First Aid, CPR and Pool Fences

8 How to float in water What are some floating technique How to do the Butterfly stroke


10 References Retrieved October 7,2014 From safety-rules-when-swimming/ safety-rules-when-swimming/ Retrieved October 10,2014 From › Sports › swimmingSportsswimming Cecil.M.Colwin (2002). Human Kinetics Sport and Recreation.

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