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Big Brother is watching.  1. Would you ever consider letting a TV crew come into your life to document everything? Why or why not?  Big Brother, Kardashians,

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Presentation on theme: "Big Brother is watching.  1. Would you ever consider letting a TV crew come into your life to document everything? Why or why not?  Big Brother, Kardashians,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Brother is watching

2  1. Would you ever consider letting a TV crew come into your life to document everything? Why or why not?  Big Brother, Kardashians, The Real World,  These shows film everything from births, addiction, divorce, plastic surgery, etc.  How – if at all - do these shows feed our desire for news / entertainment?  Where do / would you draw the line regarding your privacy?

3 ORWELL’S 1984  Telescreens are everywhere, except where the Proles (lower class) live & work  Workplace monitoring – you can’t look at a note or document for too long  Thought Police interpret people’s actions & ideas  ch?v=Z4rBDUJTnNU 1984 movie trailor ch?v=Z4rBDUJTnNU TODAY  FBI surveillance  Corporations collect data, Internet privacy issues  Drug testing at the workplace or school  Employer’s monitoring employees’ emails, phone calls, or facial expressions & voice intonations  Spies 2. How have ideas about privacy changed over time?

4  3. In your opinion, what is the most ethically concerning privacy-related issue in today’s society? Pick one & explain why  Optional issues to consider: ▪ Stalker websites ▪ Cookies on websites ▪ Racial profiling ▪ Search & seizure ▪ Identity theft

5  4. Rate your support for the following 10 actions on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 meaning ‘completely unacceptable’ & 5 meaning ‘more than acceptable’)  A. A storewide security camera videotapes you shopping  B. You must walk through a metal detector to enter a court house  C. Your luggage is scanned using X-ray equipment before you board a plane  D. Secret, hidden cameras record your actions in public spaces, including traffic intersections & public parks

6  E. A telephone trace provides information about your location to a 911 operator in an emergency  F. An ID badge that you swipe informs your school as to when you enter/leave campus  G. An ID card carried on your body allows medical personnel to access your medical records  H. A microchip implanted under your skin allows your school to track your movements  I. Microchips implanted under former prison inmates’ skins allows parole officers to monitor their actions

7  5. Discuss this new “911” Technology   6. Discuss the Medical Microchip technology 

8  7. Should the gov’t, schools, a hospital, or any other institution be able to collect & record electronic data on individuals without their express permission? Why or why not? Are there any exceptions? Explain.  8. Would you support an implanted chip, ID badge or some other form of surveillance for school use? Explain.  How might these tools be designed to help students/parents/teachers/administrators?  What kinds of useful information could it be engineered to carry?  Could students modify the cards?  What responsibility – if any – do schools have if students are abducted from school property?  (school tracking)

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