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Mountain State Coal – Online -Enhancements -Changes -Visions IMCC Benchmarking Workshop on Mine Mapping Pittsburgh, PA February 15 & 16, 2012 James Britton.

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Presentation on theme: "Mountain State Coal – Online -Enhancements -Changes -Visions IMCC Benchmarking Workshop on Mine Mapping Pittsburgh, PA February 15 & 16, 2012 James Britton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mountain State Coal – Online -Enhancements -Changes -Visions IMCC Benchmarking Workshop on Mine Mapping Pittsburgh, PA February 15 & 16, 2012 James Britton

2 Lawsuits filed addressing tax inequities Pre 1995 WV legislature deals with the issue in 1995

3 H.B. 2222 -- 1995 “The purpose of this bill is to provide a supplementary appropriation to the Geologic and Economic Survey to fund mineral mapping and geographic information systems.”

4 Coal Bed Mapping Project (CBMP) State-funded effort to create a 1:24,000 – scale GIS based inventory of coal in West Virginia

5 Confidentiality “All information provided by or on behalf of a natural resources property owner or by or on behalf of an interest in natural resources property to any state or county representative for use in the valuation or assessment of natural resources property or for use in the development or maintenance of a legislatively funded mineral mapping or geologic information system shall be confidential.” “ Tax Payers’ Bill of Rights”, WV Code 11-1C-14, signed into law 4/1/96

6 -Pennsylvanian-age, coal-bearing rocks in 49 of 55 counties -About 117 named coal beds, 65 minable -Estimates 166.6 billion tons of original coal resources >1 ft thick thick -From 1883-2011 over 13.6 billion tons mined -About 100,000 abandoned underground mines -2011 there were 214 active mines -2011 annual production was 143,247,932 tons -From 2002 – 2011 WV produced 1.504 billion tons of coal

7 Major Projects -Coal Mine Map Compilation -Compiling footprints of mines by seam -About 65 beds and splits -Coal Bed Mapping Project -Structure Maps -Isopach -Outcrop -Percent Parting

8 Data Collection Aperture Cards44200 Mines in MIDS71362 (Mine Information Database System) 900,000 Series Nos.6194

9 Data Distribution -Web Site -MIDS -(Mine Information Database System) -IMS Portals -Allmng -CBMP -Scanned Mine Maps -Direct access


11 CBMP Status June 30, 2011

12 Data Distribution -Web Site -MIDS -(Mine Information Database System) -IMS Portals -Allmng -CBMP -Scanned Mine Maps -Direct access




16 Data Distribution -Web Site -MIDS -(Mine Information Database System) -IMS Portals -All mining -CBMP -Scanned Mine Maps -Direct access




20 Data Distribution -Web Site -MIDS -(Mine Information Database System) -IMS Portals -All mining -CBMP -Scanned Mine Maps -Direct access



23 Data Distribution -Web Site -MIDS -(Mine Information Database System) -IMS Portals -All mining -CBMP -Scanned Mine Maps -Direct access



26 Future Plans -Arc Server based enhanced web maps -(Retire IMS for a more google map-looking product) -Serve out all non-confidential core data -More than 10,000 coal company core records

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