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MidNite Solar’s Pre wired solutions for Off Grid, Battery based Grid tie and AC coupled. MidNite Solar 360-403-7207.

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Presentation on theme: "MidNite Solar’s Pre wired solutions for Off Grid, Battery based Grid tie and AC coupled. MidNite Solar 360-403-7207."— Presentation transcript:

1 MidNite Solar’s Pre wired solutions for Off Grid, Battery based Grid tie and AC coupled. MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

2 Ryan, Technical Support Manager 360-403-7207 XT151

3 Why Prewired? MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 *Easier to do a clean install *Quicker to install onsite *Less parts and pcs needed on site

4 Why Prewired? MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

5 Why Prewired? MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

6 Why Prewired? MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

7 Why Prewired? MidNite Solar 360-403-7207


9 Basic Epanel insides MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

10 Dual Magnum prewired AC coupled

11 SMA Epanel MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

12 Magnum Outdoor AC coupled MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

13 What type of system do I need? *Off Grid. *Battery Based Grid Tie. *AC Coupled. All of MidNite Solar’s Pre Wired systems are fully customizable for your needs MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

14 Off Grid MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 *Stand alone system *Will not sell back to the utility *Various inverters available for Off Grid (Some will do both) *120 or 120/240?

15 Grid Tie with Battery backup MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 *Sells to the grid *Runs critical loads during grid failure *Do you need 120vac or 120/240vac *Some models support generator input as well

16 AC Coupled MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 *Adds battery backup to a purely grid tie system. *Adds some complexity to the system. *Best suited for existing grid tie systems as an add on.

17 Outback FX series MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 *120 vac per single unit. *Either Grid tie or Off Grid not both. *Grid tie models (G series) does not play well with generators. *Smaller scale and expandable. *12,24 and 48VDC models available

18 Quad Off Grid Outback Prewired MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

19 Outback Radian MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 *Grid tie or Offgrid. Supports both *120/240 in a single unit *Has 2 AC inputs (2nd for generator) *8,000 watts per unit, Stackable *48VDC model

20 Outback Radian MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

21 Outback Radian MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

22 Magnum Energy *120vac and 120/240vac models *various wattage inverters available *Stackable *Vented only *Off Grid only *12, 24 and 48VDC models MidNite Solar 360-403-7207

23 *Grid tie or Off grid. Supports both *120/240 in a single unit *Has 2 AC inputs (2nd for generator) *4.5KW or 6KW units, Stackable *24 or 48VDC models MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 Xantrex XW

24 *Grid tie or Offgrid. Supports both *120VAC *Single input but we offer an automatic transfer switch for generator backup. *4.5KW or 6KW units, Stackable *48VDC MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 SMA Sunny Island

25 MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 SMA Sunny Island

26 MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 Why Pre Wired Combiners?

27 *Easier on site installation *MC4 style plugs *Fuses, Breakeres and disconnecting available *3R and 4X models *Powder coated Aluminum will not rust or turn to dust MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 Pre Wired Combiners

28 MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 Pre Wired Combiners

29 MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 Pre Wired Combiners

30 Ryan Stankevitz MidNite Solar 360-403-7207 XT 151 Questions?

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