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Helping your Child with their Learning at Home Looking at Maths in the Juniors.

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1 Helping your Child with their Learning at Home Looking at Maths in the Juniors

2 Maths at Hutton All Saints’ Children have maths every day for just over an hour. Typically, a maths lesson includes a ‘Mental, Oral Starter’ a main teaching session and opportunity for children to practise their new skills. We group children for maths so that they are in groups with children of a similar ability. This means the teaching can be better tailored to your child’s ability.

3 Areas of KS2 Maths Using and applying mathematics Counting and understanding number Knowing number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring Handling data

4 ‘The Four Pillars of Maths’ ‘The four pillars of maths’ can be thought of as the understanding and skills that a successful junior mathematician should have. Without an understanding or ownership of these, maths will continue to be very difficult to understand. Place value Number facts bank Images and models Relationships between operations and their properties

5 Place Value Place value is an understanding of the value of each digit in a number. It is not just ‘an easy maths topic for the beginning of each year’ but is a crucial, underpinning element of mathematics. With this understanding a child should be able to understand what happens when multiplying, dividing by, adding or subtracting 10, 100, 0.1 etc.

6 Knowledge 400 = 400 units or 40 tens or 4 hundreds 1.25 = 1 unit, 2 tenths and 5 hundredths 642 = 600 + 40 + 2 36 x 10 = 360 (30 tens x 10 = 300; 10 lots of 6 = 60) 3.6 x 10 = 36 (Why we don’t just say ‘add a 0’) One pound 5 pence = £1.05 not £1.5 One more and one less

7 Number Facts Bank Memory is a muscle, use it or lose it. ‘Just knowing’ facts really helps with mental and written calculations. ‘Number Bonds’ (two numbers) that make 10, 20, 100, 1 Times tables facts 1 more or 1 less

8 Images and Models Progression from Level 1 to Level 6 When learning a new aspect of maths the simplest model will be used. Number line with each number marked on Knowing the number that comes before / after Landmarked number line Empty number line Number square

9 Progression in the operations Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division As we are teaching children new concepts we are aiming for them to understand WHY they are solving it the way that they choose. We try, as much as possible, to avoid teaching procedures that they are unable to explain back to us. For any number problems we want children to: Read the problem Choose the best way of solving it (can I do it in my head?) Work out the answer Be able to explain how they have reached their answer

10 Questions?

11 SATs Example Questions



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