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The Theory of Demographic Transition

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1 The Theory of Demographic Transition
CGW4U Unit 2: The Human Population

2 Concept How the population changes as countries develop

3 Facts Family size is decreasing all over the world
In 60 countries, fertility rate has fallen below replacement rate Canada: fertility rate 1.6 in 2007

4 Stage 1: Pre-transition
Wide base rapidly narrowing reflects high birthrate and high infant mortality Number of people in each age group less than previous High death rates in every age group Sweden 1750: life expectancy 35 Erratic food supplies Disease (small pox, whooping cough, measles swept population Most children died before adulthood Couple have 10+ kids to ensure one to take care of them Daughters would marry and care for in laws

5 Stage 2: Early Transition
No country in world currently in pre-transition stage, all progressed at least to early transition Dramatic drop occurs in death rate “death control” Birth rate remains high Beginning of population explosion Children needed to help raise food and ensure caregiver for aging parents Religious teachings restricted use of birth control Declining death rate: water purification, sanitation, disease control, medical advances (vaccines) now Acceptance of germ theory (then 19th C) – physicians noticed less dying mothers 19/20 with proper hygiene and waste disposal

6 Stage 3: Late Transition
Characterized by birth control Birth rate drops and approaches death rate Population growth slows Number of people in each age group is similar Women continued to have children, 8 surviving instead of 2 Eldest son inherited properties, younger had to find other ways to support selves, moving to new areas to farm, moving to cities, Industrial revolution Migration Not technological birth control- couples desire for children declined Families living in cities – large families more expensive Women working outside of the home – can’t look after children, more income, more afluent families,

7 Stage 4: Post Transition
Birth rate has declined to point where it reaches death rate Birth rate and death rate are low Population stabilizes Urbanized, small families Many post transitional countries, fertility rate well below replacement rate Taiwan:

8 Stage 5? Stage in which fertility rate declines below replacement rate?

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