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STUDENT MONEY MANAGEMENT Presenter: Christina Gibson SMM Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT MONEY MANAGEMENT Presenter: Christina Gibson SMM Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT MONEY MANAGEMENT Presenter: Christina Gibson SMM Coordinator

2 GO TO to download the PowerPoint on your smartphone or IPad so you can follow along!

3 WHAT IS YOUR CLASSIFICATION? A.Freshman B.Sophomore C.Junior D.Senior E.Graduate

4 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU SPEND THE MOST MONEY ON, ON A DAILY BASIS? 1.Fast food 2.Entertainment (Movies, Bowling, Concerts, etc.) 3.Clothes 4.Electronics/Technology 5.Sports equipment 6.Eating out 7.Other

5 HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU THINK YOU SPEND ON FOOD A WEEK? (ASIDE FROM YOUR MEAL PLAN) 1.$50 or less 2.Between $50-$100 3.Between $100-$200 4.More than $200 5.I have no idea!



8 DO YOU CURRENTLY TRACK WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY ON? 1.Yes 2.No 3.Sometimes 4.What are you talking about?!?

9 9 1. TRACK YOUR $$ & MEALS Tracking always helps save money Helps you eat healthier My Fitness Pal MyNetDiary


11 WHERE DO YOU EAT THE MOST ON A WEEKLY BASIS? 1.The MET 2.On-Campus Fast Food (Chickfila, Subway, C3 etc.) 3.Fast Food 4.Restaurants 5.Eat at home

12 12 2. USE YOUR MEAL PLAN Pre-paid for it Use it or lose it

13 13 MEAL PLANS DIVIDED IF YOU EAT 3 MEALS A DAY = 21 MEALS A WEEK Washington Plan 19 meals per week & $50.00 Dining Dollars Jefferson Plan 15 meals per week & $100 Dining Dollars Lincoln Plan 10 meals per week & $250 Dining Dollars $1,650 a semester $412.50 a month $103.12 a week $14.73 a day

14 14 MEAL PLANS DIVIDED IF YOU EAT 3 MEALS A DAY = 21 MEALS A WEEK Orange Plan 6 Meals per week & $300 Dining Dollars $1,028 a semester $257 a month $64.25 a week $9.18 a day Blue Plan 4 Meals per week & $200 Dining Dollars $649 a semester $162.25 a month $40.56 a week $5.79 a day

15 15 3. COMPARE COSTS WHEN EATING OUT RESTAURANT Filet minion? Think again! Go to place that gives free bread or chips $20 for one meal? Better be enough for leftovers! Share with a friend Get water FAST FOOD Think Thrifty! Order off the dollar menu Don’t get a drink if your going straight home Be realistic…don’t let your stomach do the talking

16 16 4. USE DISCOUNTS Check-in on YELP Store & Restaurant loyalty programs Brookshire's Genghis Salsaritas Student discounts

17 17 DEALS IN TYLER Don Juan's: $1 Taco’s every Wednesday Time Square Cinema Discounts $1 popcorn refill for Movie Tub Tuesday Wacky Wednesday $1 popcorn Student Discount: $6.50 after 6:00 pm Wing Stop: Mon. & Tues. 50 cent wings Double Dave’s: Tuesday 75 cents pizza rolls Papa Johns: 50% off when Cowboys score 20+ pts. Little Ceasar’s & CiCi’s $5 pizza (carry-out) Happy Hour Discounts…for appetizers! SIGN UP FOR EMAILS…have a separate email just for deals!

18 18 FRANCHISES THAT (SOMETIMES) GIVE STUDENT DISCOUNTS Chipotle- Receive a free drink from Chipotle with purchase and a valid student ID Subway- Get 10% off your total Subway purchase with a valid student ID Burger King- Receive 10% off your total Burger King purchase with a valid student ID Chick-fil-A-Receive a free drink with each Chick-fil-A purchase when you show your valid student ID. Arby's- 10% off your total Arby's purchase with a valid student ID. McDonald's-10% off your total McDonald's purchase with a valid student ID. Buffalo Wild Wings-10% off your total Buffalo Wild Wings purchase with a valid student ID. Dairy Queen-The official Dairy Queen site encourages franchise owners to offer a discount. The most common seems to be 10% off total purchase with a valid student ID. SOURCE: Most nationwide chains leave the decision about whether or not to offer student discounts up to individual franchise owners. Though none of these can be guaranteed, here are some common discounts reported by students throughout the country. To be sure the discount is offered, call and ask your local store.

19 19 5. SAVE YOUR DOUGH, EAT AT HOME Healthy Meals on a Dime Cookbook- Coming Soon Groceries will last you longer and cost less per meal Sandwiches Microwavable meals Leftovers from home Take turns cooking through out the week with friends Use cooking as a form of entertainment!

20 IF YOU BOUGHT A COKE FROM THE MACHINE, ABOUT $1.25, EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR, YOU COULD USE THAT SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR WHAT ELSE? 1.Taking your significant other on a date 2.New clothes 3.IPhone 5S 4.All of the above

21 $456.25 The total amount equals $456.25 Approximately: Date- $40 New clothes- $150 IPhone 5S- $199 (with an upgrade) You would still have $67.25 to spare

22 SMALL EXPENSES ADD UP 1 Starbucks® drink @ $3.50 $3.50 x 7 days = $24.50 $3.50 x 365 days = $1,227.50 1 Sonic® burger @ $4.25 $4.25 x 7 days = $29.75 $4.25 x 365 days = $1,551.25 1 Vending Machine Soda @ $1.25 $1.25 x 7 days = $8.75 $1.25 x 365 days = $456.25


24 24 6. MAKE A PLAN BEFORE GROCERY SHOPPING! List meals that you know how/can cook in your dorm How many meals do you plan on needing this week aside from your meal plan? How much money can you spend per week? ALWAYS SHOP WITH A LIST…STICK TO IT!

25 KNOW WHAT YOUR BUYING Know what you are looking for before you start your search Decide how much you can spend before you buy! Be realistic about what you can afford Compare not only costs but nutritional value NuVal


27 27 STICK TO YOUR PLAN Plan for leftovers 1 pre-roasted chicken Monday: Chicken Tuesday lunch: Chicken sandwich Tuesday dinner: Chicken with salad Avoid “luxury” purchases Don’t buy bottled water Track what you throw out Many foods can be frozen to avoid spoilage Buy Produce at the Local Market OR get produce from UT Tyler garden

28 28 7. SUBSTITUTE AND SAVE Favorite high-calorie, high-fat foods? Chocolate doughnut for breakfast or chips for a study break? Tastes good, but doesn’t fill you up for as long Spending more in the long run Look for snack substitutes with more fiber Cereal Bars Fresh Fruit Take healthy snacks such as fruit and nuts with you on busy days Helps avoid vending machine purchases Helps metabolism

29 29 8. USE COUPONS Newspaper Paper Websites Store rewards and cards Manufacturer coupons Keep them car or somewhere you look often **Only worth it if you were already going to buy it

30 COUPON WEBSITES Step by step guide for beginners, sale updates everyday Grocery coupons, discount codes, and more How to’s, pharmacy saving, coupons for grocery stores, restaurants, and free samples Free printable coupons for large variety of brands…local coupons too!

31 31 9. SHARE GROCERIES WITH ROOMATES Share & buy in bulk items that everyone uses Trash bags Toilet Paper Laundry Detergent Share items that go bad quickly Milk Bread Eggs Keep track of who buys what and cost!

32 32 10. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE FOOD CAB BSM & RUF SGA Events O-Hall Programs Other on-campus organizations

33 SMM IS SOCIAL @UTTylerSMM UT Tyler Student Money Management @uttylersmm

34 For More Information Contact: Christina Gibson Visit our Student Money Management Website:

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