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Support individual health and emotional wellbeing CHCICS303A.

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1 Support individual health and emotional wellbeing CHCICS303A

2 Elements of competency  Supporting clients to be part of the wider community  Supporting the clients health  Supporting a clients emotional and psychological wellbeing  Understanding a clients spiritual and cultural preferences  Creating an environment that suits the client’s needs  Understanding clients expression of identity  Documentation and reporting requirements

3 Supporting clients to be part of the wider community  To prevent feelings of disengagement, bringing clients into the community through activities can create a sense of belonging.  Finding out about a client to establish their preferences can help link them to the community & social networks.  Social activities need to be appropriate for the clients social needs whilst adapting to their care plan.

4 Communication Is central in supporting the individual to develop social networks which will promote integration within the greater Community. This normalises the individual and can help break down barriers and prejudice

5 Types of social networks  Family /Friends  Work groups  Recreational groups  Sporting teams  Age-related  Associations ie veterans  Voluntary groups  Ethnic or religious groups  Support groups  Community centres

6 How to identify a clients social network!  Read clients records to identify: - Diagnosis & physical/ psychosocial needs - Preferences, likes & dislikes Talk with client- personal profile interview & talk with family to gain feedback about the clients lived life

7 How to support new & existing networks  Build clients capacity- such as interpersonal skills and confidence  Support personnel- i.e. multidisciplinary team  Resources- transport, time, money, equipment

8 How to promote participation? Develop a plan in consultation with the client, one that is specific to their interests and caters to their needs. One that promotes independence, choice and empowerment.

9 Consulting & reporting In promoting a plan of community participation the people may need to be involved:  Supervisor  Multidisciplinary team  Associations/ groups who provide support services This can be done: verbally such as case conferences in writing- progress reports incident reports, case notes... Always abiding by: policy & procedures, code of conduct, duty of care.

10 Ensuring the social plan meets the clients needs  Activities need to be monitored to ensure they are appropriate & reviewed when there is a change in the clients condition.  Care plans should be reviewed regularly to ensure clients needs are being met.  Feedback is a excellent method to ensure the clients needs are being met, this is ideally provided from a variety of sources...

11 Supporting the clients health Health and wellbeing are affected by a number of factors such as: Diet/ exercise/ lifestyle choices / safe & healthy environment & social interaction. As carers we need to acknowledge factors that impact a clients health such as: Income/ living environment/ changes in physical or psychosocial ability/ self esteem & identity & social attitudes towards aging & disabilities.

12 Supporting good health in clients

13 Identifying variations in a client  Signs & symptoms from observation  loss of appetite, pain, weight loss or gain, changes in appearance of skin, hair, nails & oral conditions.  Abuse usually falls into 5 categories: - Physical – hitting, slapping - Sexual – unwanted sexual contact - Psychological – bullying & harassment - Financial- taking money - Neglect- ignoring cleanliness, nutritional & comfort requirements.

14 Signs of abuse  Unexplained bruises, marks or breaks  Broken belongings  Stress & anxiety that is unexplained  Malnutrition & weight loss  Dehydration  Unkempt appearance  Insufficient funds to meet daily cost of living.

15 Mandatory Reporting  Requirement by law  Report to your supervisor  Follow p & p of your organisation in regards to reporting to other health & human service bodies.  The report must also be documented - What you saw, when, what you did, clients response & follow up action taken. This would be recorded in progress notes & incident report.

16 Impact of Pain  Clients well being is affected by their pain & individual pain threshold.  Pain can result from an acute, chronic injury or disorder or an operation/ procedure.  If untreated pain can lead to isolation, reduced participation, inability to maintain independence with ADLs, sleep affected and a reduced quality of life.

17 Pain Management Pain can be detected through:  observation  Talking with client  Using assessment tools such as Abbey Pain Scale.  The facilities p & p will direct processes however a clients care plan needs to reflect if pain is a issue and how to best minimise it.

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