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Field Chemistry Developed by Ken Cooke Kentucky Division of Water Watershed Watch Program Coordinator Modified by Mike Kemp Professor of Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Field Chemistry Developed by Ken Cooke Kentucky Division of Water Watershed Watch Program Coordinator Modified by Mike Kemp Professor of Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Chemistry Developed by Ken Cooke Kentucky Division of Water Watershed Watch Program Coordinator Modified by Mike Kemp Professor of Environmental Engineering Technology Murray State University

2 Field Chemistry Tests pH Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity Temperature *Some things are best done in person.

3 Field Chemistry Equipment Testing strips such as pH paper and “dip strips” are not as accurate. Testing kits Alcohol or mineral spirit thermometers Conductivity/TDS Meters (calibrated) pH meters calibrated with 4-7-10 standard solutions

4 Measuring pH

5 pH Testing Kit

6 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 pH-Good Between 6-9 Standard Units Acid Range Basic or Alkaline Range

7 Interpreting pH Results

8 Measuring Dissolved Oxygen


10 Dissolved Oxygen Testing Kit



13 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Dissolved Oxygen Levels 0-4 mg/l = poor 4-7 mg/l = fair 7-10 mg/l = good 10-14 mg/l = excellent over 14 = ? (Check your test!)

14 Interpreting Dissolved Oxygen Results

15 Dissolved Oxygen Temperature

16 Measuring Conductivity

17 Conductivity Meter

18 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Conductivity Oil and Gas Well Discharge The higher the number, the poorer the quality. Waste Water Impact Normal Stream Rain


20 Conductivity Flow

21 Field Observations Flow (0-5 point scale) 24 hour rainfall (in inches) Turbidity (0-3 point scale) *Some things are best done in person.

22 0=Dry 4=Bank Full 5=Flood! Flow Observations 0 = Dry 1 = Ponded 2 = Low 3 = Normal 4 = Bank Full 5 = FLOOD! *Get to know your creek.


24 Estimate rainfall in your watershed in quarter inches for the last 24 hours. Use Weather Channel, local paper or Toad Gauge.

25 ValueObservationNTUs 0Crystal Clear 0 NTUs 1Clear1-3 NTUs 2Cloudy4-12 NTUs 3Muddy>12 NTUs Turbidity (0-3 point scale)


27 Other Observations to Make Putrescent or otherwise objectionable bottom deposits Oil, scum, and floating debris in amounts that are unsightly Nuisance levels of odor, color, other conditions

28 DO kit pH kit Thermometer Spent chemical waste container Conductivity meter and screwdriver “Blue Book” of instructions Recording forms Pencil First aid kit Field Chemistry Check List

29 Equipment Use There are hazardous chemicals in these kits! DO test uses a strong alkali (like bleach). pH test chemical is flammable. Read Material Safety Data Sheets for handling and disposal instructions. Use plastic spent chemical waste container at stream. Dispose of waste properly at home.

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