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Roman medicine.

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1 Roman medicine

2 What is roman medicine? Roman medicine was the practice of medicine in ancient Rome The Romans were one of the most important parts of modern day medicine and public health The romans focused more on the prevention rather then the cure they persuaded the public to stay clean and to stay fit

3 The first doctors The first roman doctors were actually from Greece either captured as prisoners of war or emigrated to Rome because they could make a better living there The most important doctor was Galen

4 Galen Galen lived in the 100s ad
He was a physician, surgeon and a philosopher He contributed hugely to several different fields in medicine such as Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology and Neurology he knew that our heart pumps The blood around our body he Knew that our nerves controls Our movement and that we Think in our brain

5 Roman medication The romans had many different medications
they would give dried hyena Skin for a mad dog bite. We Now know that mad dog bites sometimes cause Rabies They used Opium as an effective pain killer. It comes from poppies which are still used today to Produce Morphine and Heroin

6 Ancient roman Treatments
The romans prevented Malaria because they thought that people where catching it from a bad smell so they drained it by building a huge drain called the cloaca maxima that drained everything out of Rome but they didn’t know that they actually where preventing the mosquitos from breeding

7 Herbal remedies honey was used a as an antibiotic on wounds soldiers would wrap there wounds in wool covered in honey Violets where used on the eyes to cure Hangovers Garlic was used for disinfecting They would give Valerian to help sleep

8 Any questions?

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