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Content 1.JoVE from a Knowledge Perspective 2.JoVE: Origins, Structure, Traffic, Editorial Board, PubMed.

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Presentation on theme: "Content 1.JoVE from a Knowledge Perspective 2.JoVE: Origins, Structure, Traffic, Editorial Board, PubMed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Content 1.JoVE from a Knowledge Perspective 2.JoVE: Origins, Structure, Traffic, Editorial Board, PubMed

2 JoVE: The Knowledge Perspective Amidst the plenty of today’s online video content, the implications of the video format for the life sciences is easily overlooked. Life Science is a craft – scientists as craftsmen/ -women. Craftsmen rely on two types of knowledge: explicit and tacit. Explicit knowledge is articulated and codified in natural language or text. Since Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press around 1439 explicit knowledge in the sciences has been shared relatively unchanged in the form of data, scientific articles, and product manuals.

3 JoVE: Challenges and Solution The tacit dimension of knowledge is largely comprised of the scientist’s concrete know-how, crafts, and skills that apply to a specific context. With traditional text-based media the concrete “know-how” to perform highly complex experiments is difficult, if not impossible, to capture, distribute, and share. JoVE’s video format however, has introduced a medium and format which – for the first time - allows to capture and distribute the vital tacit dimension of scientific knowledge. Until JoVE, tacit knowledge in life science research was typically shared on an individual basis, a process that typically started of with the question “can you please show me how to…”.

4 JoVE facts Founded in late 2006 at Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) / Harvard Medical School Incorporated in Massachusetts in February 2007 Over 290 Video Articles Published (February 2009) Pipeline: > 50 application videos First and only video-based biomedical journal/platform to be accepted to PubMed Publishing Partners:

5 JoVE facts Addition of Text PubMed Source: Statcounter

6 JoVE frontpage

7 JoVE Articles: Video & Text

8 JoVE Editorial Board & Veterinarian Advisory Board

9 JoVE: First and only Video-Based Journal to be Indexed in PubMed

10 JoVE: 1st Nature Citation

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