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Education Renewal Zone Advisory Board Meeting November 20, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Renewal Zone Advisory Board Meeting November 20, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Renewal Zone Advisory Board Meeting November 20, 2013

2 Agenda Items ERZ Updates Professional development: impact of changes on school partners Coming changes to pre-service teacher education at UA Discuss opportunities to communicate with state agency officials regarding P-20 education UA College Access Initiative Utilizing Skype for instructional needs

3 Advisory Board Meetings Be present (mentally and physically) Be respectful with words and actions Give yourself permission to enjoy the learning Practice polite technology Begin and end on time

4 ERZ Goals Goal 1: Professional development Goal 1a: Changes to pre-service teacher education Goal 2: Rigorous, intentionally aligned P-16 curriculum

5 ERZ Goals Goal 3: Mentoring Goal 4: Staffing Goal 5: Parent & community involvement Goal 6: Collaboration

6 Adopt-A-Classroom 73 total requests from NWA teachers 37 UA representatives Paired with teachers in 16 schools and 6 districts Highlights: Dr. Kevin Fitzpatrick & Suki Highers Fayetteville HS Dr. Tara Dryer & Amanda Coleman Elkins Middle School

7 Adopt-A-Classroom Elkins: Paired (Not Paired) Elkins Primary 4 Elkins Middle 2 Elkins High 3 (1) Farmington: Jerry “Pop” Williams Elementary 0 (1) Randall G. Lynch Middle 3 Farmington High 5 (4) Fayetteville: Leverett Elementary 2 (2) Owl Creek 3 (4) Ramay Junior High 1 Fayetteville High 3 (6) Gentry: Gentry Primary 1 (1) Gentry Intermediate 2 (1) Gentry High School0 (1) Lincoln: Lincoln Middle 1 Lincoln High School0 (1) Springdale: Archer Learning Center 1 (1) Additional requests from non-ERZ partner schools: 19

8 Future Teacher’s Day 85 high school juniors and seniors attended Springdale HS, Fayetteville HS, Siloam Springs HS Planning additional event in spring 2014

9 Tutoring in Partner Schools Owl Creek: 5 Archer Learning Center: 4 Ramay: 3 Leverett: 1 UA Students in engineering, education, pre-med, finance

10 Goal 1: Professional Development Updated rules governing PD Pending, should know more by mid-December For teachers: Child maltreatment- 2 hours every fourth year (starting this year) Parent involvement- 2 hours every fourth year (starting ’14-15) Suicide prevention- 2 hours every fourth year (starting ‘15-16) Arkansas history- 2 hours every fourth year (for AR history teachers, starting ‘16-17)

11 Goal 1: Professional Development Updated rules governing PD Pending, should know more by mid-December Strikes Arkansas Scholarship Lottery PD for administrators Educator Professional Learning Plans must be coordinated with TESS Strikes technology requirement; can be incorporated into other PD Impact of reduction professional development funding?

12 Goal 1a: Changes to pre-service teacher education Increased enrollment and expansion of school sites Faculty and interns being TESS trained Job fair this spring April 10 th, 3-7pm on UA campus

13 Goal 1a: Changes to pre-service teacher education Program changes to reflect licensure changes Childhood/Elementary Education K-6 Pre-K Middle level Business Technology (4-12) Foreign Language (K-12) Drama/Speech (K-12) Secondary Science Special Education (initial) School Counseling (initial)

14 Goal 2: Rigorous, Intentionally Aligned P-16 Curriculum College Summit Update Youth Career Connect grant opportunity President’s high school design plan Must include school, college/university, employer(s), workforce investment system entity Components: Integrated academic and career-focused learning Work-based learning and exposure to the world of work Robust employer engagement Individualized career and academic counseling Integration of post-secondary education and training

15 Goal 2: Rigorous, Intentionally Aligned P-16 Curriculum NWA P-20 Task Force next meeting: Friday, January 24, 10am-1pm Special guests: Dr. Kimbrell, ADE Commissioner Director Broadway, ADHE Dr. Gunter, ACE

16 UA College Access Initiative Leslie Yingling Bryan Hembree






22 Decatur Case Study


24 Utilizing Skype for instructional needs Jacob Hayward, Assistant Principal Southwest Junior High School in Springdale

25 Announcements National Science Bowl UAFS Saturday, January 25, 2014 Visit our website for details (under Upcoming Events)

26 Future Advisory Board Meetings Upcoming ERZ Advisory Board Meetings Wednesday, January 15 Wednesday, March 19 All 10:30am-12:30pm All in Arkansas Union, Rooms 510-511

27 Thank you for coming!

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