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07/16/2013 Attila Altay Yavuz Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center Pittsburgh, PA 15203, USA Practical Immutable Signature.

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Presentation on theme: "07/16/2013 Attila Altay Yavuz Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center Pittsburgh, PA 15203, USA Practical Immutable Signature."— Presentation transcript:

1 07/16/2013 Attila Altay Yavuz Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center Pittsburgh, PA 15203, USA Practical Immutable Signature Bouquets (PISB) for Authentication and Integrity in Outsourced Databases 6 th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks 27th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec '13)

2 Motivation Data outsourcing is beneficial, especially for small-medium business Reduces the cost via continuous service, expertise, maintenance/upgrade; Database as a Service (DAS) [1]: Data owners outsource their data to a database service provider (e.g., IBM). Database service provider offers a reliable maintenance and access for the hosted data. Despite its benefits, DAS also brings security and privacy challenges: Privacy versus utilization (e.g., searchable encryption) Access privacy (e.g., ORAM [2]) Authentication and integrity: Immutable digital signatures (e.g., [3,4]) 2 DBSec 2013

3 A DAS Model and Limitations (I) Model of Hacigumus et al. [1] extended by Mykletun et al. in [3] 3 DBSec 2013 M 1,…,Mn S1, …., Sn - Each tuple in database is M1,…, Mn - Compute signatures S1,…,Sn M 1,…,Mn S1, …., Sn High bandwidth - Semi-trusted entity - Honest service, but compromise? Return tuples {M1,…,Mk} along with S1,…,Sk Verify S1,…,Sk before accepting results - Bandwidth, battery and/or Computation limited queriers A query related to some tuples on the server Each query: O(K) signature transmission Better verification efficiency?

4 Digression: Aggregate Signatures Given multiple individual signatures and corresponding public key(s), output a single compact (verifiable) signature Condensed-RSA (C-RSA) [3]: Aggregate signatures with the same private key Boneh Lynn Shacham (BLS) [5]: Cryptographic pairing-based, signatures under the different private keys can be aggregated 4 DBSec 2013

5 A DAS Model and Limitations (II) DAS model of Mykletun et al. in [3] 5 DBSec 2013 M 1,…,Mn S1, …., Sn M 1,…,Mn S1, …., Sn - Each tuple in database is M1,…, Mn - Compute individual signatures S1,…,Sn with Agg High bandwidth - Semi-trusted entity - Bandwidth, battery and/or Computation limited queriers A query related to some tuples on the server Given tuples{M1,…,Mk}, Select corresponding S1,…,Sk S = Agg(S1,…,Sk) Return S as aggregate signature Verify S before accepting results O(1) signature transmission Batch signature verification Problem: Aggregate signatures are mutable

6 Problem Statement: Signature Mutability Given two C-RSA signatures, it is possible to derive a new valid signature 6 DBSec 2013 Access Control Applications: Colluding clients can elevate access privileges Paid Database Services: Online authorized music album distributor (server), store large database of digitally signed songs. Colluding clients can act as “album distributor” without paying, by mix-matching songs and their signatures. Steal profit of actual distributor. The same applies to BLS signature scheme (aggregation is modular addition).

7 Limitations of Existing Immutable Signatures Mykletun et al. developed immutable signature schemes in [3,4]. Immutable Condensed RSA (IC-RSA): Hide C-RSA signature Guillou-Quisquater [6] based scheme : Use zero-knowledge to hide C-RSA signature. (+) It is the most computationally efficient variant proposed in [3,4]. (-) Interaction introduces communication overhead and delay, (-) A signature scheme is supposed to be non-interactive! Skroot based scheme: Use “Signature of Knowledge” [7] to hide C-RSA signature (+) Non-interactive, more communication efficient than GQ-based scheme (-) High computational cost and storage cost Immutable BLS Signatures (iBLS) : BLS signature  on m’=(m1,…,ml). Compute a secondary protection signature  on m’, and aggregate  on . (+) Non-interactive and small signature (-) The most computationally costly alternative (due to crypto pairing): Verifier side 7 DBSec 2013

8 Practical Immutable Signature Bouquets (PISB) (i) PISB Condensed Sequential RSA (PISB-CSA-RSA); (ii) PISB-Generic. Non-Interactive Immutability: Communication efficiency, PISB-CSA-RSA requires 1 KB overhead, while GQ-based in [3,4] requires 9 KB overhead. High Computational Efficiency: PISB-CSA-RSA is up to 40 times faster than iBLS, skroot and GQ based schemes in [3,4]. PISB-Generic offers pre-computability, which is ideal for server to handle requests at peak times. Small Signature Sizes: PISB-CSA-RSA is more communication efficient than GQ and skroot based schemes in [3,4]. PISB-Generic is more efficient than PISB-CSA-RSA, and it is comparable to iBLS [3,4]. Low End-to-End Delay: Much faster response time based on the above properties. Provable Security: PISB schemes are only immutable signatures with formal proofs. 8 DBSec 2013

9 PISB-CSA-RSA Scheme (Intuition) Recall iBLS signatures [3,4]: Server computes a protection signature  over queried data items, and aggregate  on the original aggregate signature . Limitation of IC-RSA: IC-RSA cannot aggregate signatures of data owner and clients. The same modulo n cannot be shared among multiple signers (expose key [8]). Objective: Server and data owner jointly compute a single compact RSA signature, such that server can aggregate C-RSA signature and his protection RSA signature. Observation: Sequential Aggregate RSA (SA-RSA) [9] can help! (Simplified below) 9 DBSec 2013

10 PISB-CSA-RSA Scheme (Detailed) 10 DBSec 2013

11 PISB-Generic Scheme (Intuition) Do we have to aggregate protection signature? Power of Simplicity: Server just computes a standard signature  on the aggregate signature , and define the final signature as a pair ( ,  ). Seems communication inefficient as it is not “fully aggregate”. However: ECDSA + (BLS or C-RSA ) combination is much more communication and computation efficient than Skroot and GQ schemes in [3,4]. Flexible: Allows cross data owners queries, protection signature can be any signature such as offline/online signature [10], token-ECDSA [11]. However, PISB-CSA-RSA outperforms PISB-Generic for various performance metrics. 11 DBSec 2013

12 PISB-Generic Scheme (Detailed) 12 DBSec 2013

13 Performance Analysis 13 DBSec 2013 Estimated execution times (l = 10 query elements, in ms) are measured on a computer with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 Q720 at 1.60GHz CPU and 2GB RAM running Ubuntu 10.10. We used MIRACL library. PISB Generic is implemented with ECDSA + BLS with pre-computed parameters End-to-end delay: Sign + Verify + transmission (remote client –server) ~40 times more efficient Small signature Overall the most versatile choice Non-cross signer Best for server Cross signer Not ideal for verifier Offline/online ECDSA+C-RSA

14 Security Analysis Immutable Existential Unforgeability under Chosen Message Attack (I-EU-CMA) for PISB: 14 DBSec 2013 I-EU-CMA is an extension of EU-CMA such that adversary wins if the forgery is a combination or subset of queried messages (i.e., signature mutations). A vector of messages Winning condition

15 Security Analysis (Cont’) 15 DBSec 2013 Any forgery on  also requires forging protection signature s’. Generating mutable signature on  requires forging s’. Simulation is indistinguishable. Theorem 1. PISB-Generic is (t, qs,  )-I-EU-CMA secure, if ASig is (t’, qs,  )-EU- CMA secure and Sig is (t’, qs,  )-EU-CMA secure, where t’= O(t) + qs(Op + Op’) and (Op,Op’) are the cost of signing for ASig and Sig, respectively. Theorem 2. PISB-CSA-RSA is (t, qs,  )-I-EU-CMA secure, if RSA is (t’, (2l)  qs,  )-EU-CMA secure, where t’= O(t) + (2l)  qs  Exp, where l and Exp denote the modular exponentiation and number of messages in a single query, respectively. Forging sequential aggregate RSA signature  is as difficult as forging RSA.  is on, producing subset/combination requires forging RSA, individual forgery of data items require forging  thereby forging RSA. Given two RSA signature oracles (O1,O2), simulator generates PISB-CSA-RSA signatures by computing a C-RSA signature via O1 and a SA-RSA signature via O2. Simulation is indistinguishable.

16 Conclusion PISB schemes are efficient immutable signatures for outsourced databases PISB-CSA-RSA Very low client computational overhead Compact constant size signature, no interaction Suitable choice for resource-limited clients PISB-Generic Very simple, various options Cross signer aggregation is possible More efficient than previous alternatives: Simplicity Provable security guarantee 16 DBSec 2013

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18 DBSec 2013 References 18 [1] Hacigumus, H., Iyer, B., Mehrotra, S.: Providing database as a service. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2002, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 29–38 (2002) [2] Goodrich, M.T., Mitzenmacher, M., Ohrimenko, O., Tamassia, R.: Privacy-preserving group data access via stateless oblivious ram simulation. Proc. of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 157–167 (2012) [3] Mykletun, E., Narasimha, M., Tsudik, G.: Authentication and integrity in outsourced databases. Transaction on Storage (TOS) 2(2), 107–138 (2006) [4] Mykletun, E., Narasimha, M., Tsudik, G.: Signature bouquets: Immutability for aggregated/condensed signatures. In: Samarati, P., Ryan, P.Y.A., Gollmann, D., Molva, R. (eds.) ESORICS 2004. LNCS, vol. 3193, pp. 160–176. Springer, (2004) [5] Boneh, D., Gentry, C., Lynn, B., Shacham, H.: Aggregate and verifiably encrypted signatures from bilinear maps. In: Biham, E. (ed.) EUROCRYPT 2003. LNCS, vol. 2656, pp. 416–432. Springer, Heidelberg (2003) [6] Guillou L., Quisquater, J.: A “Paradoxical” Identity-Based Signature Scheme Resulting from Zero-Knowledge. Advances in Cryptology - Crypto (1998) 216–231 [7] Camenisch, J., Stadler, M.: Efficient Group Signature Schemes for Large Groups. Advances in Cryptology - Crypto (1997). [8] Ding, X., Tsudik, G.: Simple identity-based cryptography with mediated rsa. In: Joye, M. (ed.) CT-RSA 2003. LNCS, vol. 2612, pp. 193–210. Springer, Heidelberg (2003) [9] Lysyanskaya, A., Micali, S., Reyzin, L., Shacham, H.: Sequential aggregate signatures from trapdoor permutations. In: Cachin, C., Camenisch, J.L. (eds.) EUROCRYPT 2004. LNCS, vol. 3027, pp. 74–90. Springer, Heidelberg (2004) [10] Catalano, D., Di Raimondo, M., Fiore, D., Gennaro, R.: Off-line/on-line signatures: Theoretical aspects and experimental results. In: Cramer, R. (ed.) PKC 2008. LNCS, vol. 4939, pp. 101–120. Springer, Heidelberg (2008) [11] D. Naccache, D. M’Raïhi, S. Vaudenay, and D. Raphaeli. Can D.S.A. be improved? Complexity trade-offs with the digital signature standard. In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques (EUROCRYPT ’94), pages 77–85, 1994

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