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Using your School Account. All Breck Co Student Accts. – First part is unique to you – Last part.

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Presentation on theme: "Using your School Account. All Breck Co Student Accts. – First part is unique to you – Last part."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using your School Email Account

2 All Breck Co Student Email Accts. – First part is unique to you – Last part is your domain (supplier of acct) The same for all users in that domain Examples,, – not case-sensitive – all one word (no spaces) – stu stands for “students” “Think small to large—students of Breck in KY in the US.”

3 Teacher Email Addresses “Just like you without the stu!”

4 Accessing Email Click on the webmail icon on the desktop or Access the school website Click on the Student Email Icon along the right-hand margin.

5 User name is YOUR school email address – Spell carefully & don’t forget the stu Your password is the same as your computer login password. (hint 111_ _ _ _)

6 See the note sections for this slide!

7 Search box– to located messages Red X or trash can –deletes Flag– emails to come back to or follow up Click on the email to open it in the preview pain

8 REPLY – sends a response back to the person who sent the email REPLY ALL– sends a response back to the sender and all the other people it was originally sent FORWARD—sends the email to someone else that it was not originally sent

9 + new mail—creates a new email message Inbox—where all your mail is delivered Sent items—copy of all messages sent Drafts– emails messages written but not sent (work in progress) Deleted items—trash can that holds all deleted emails until emptied Junk mail– suspicious that your inbox did not trust or mail that contains advertisements.

10 To: enter the email address of the person you want to send a message (type/spell carefully) Subject:-- provide a brief description of what your message is about/contains Blank white area– type your message. Formal messages should by sent in normal/plain font and contain complete sentences, correct spelling, capitalization, and grammar. Emails to teachers are formal! Friends are informal! NOTE: DO NOT USE CAPITAL LETTERS IN EMAILS– it is considered to be SHOUTING! When finished, click SEND in the top left-hand corner.

11 ! Insert an Attachment Click on the paper clip INSERT near the top center.

12 Click on the attachments or One Drive files

13 Click on Computer Find your Y: Drive Select the file you want to attach Click open Click Send as Attachment

14 You attached file will appear below the subject line. You can repeat these steps to add additional file attachments. TIP: If you are working on a document at school and you do not have time to complete it, email it to yourself as an attachment and you can open it and continue working on it at home.

15 Accessing other messages Outlook keeps copies of all emails you send in your Sent folder. Outlook also keeps copies of all emails you delete in your Deleted folder. These are located under the Folders tab. You may need to click on MORE to view the actual folders.

16 You can search your sent items using the search bar You can delete the sent message by clicking on the trash can.

17 You can delete all of your sent files by right clicking on the folder name then selecting Empty Folder NOTE: All of these messages will now be in you deleted folder. NOTE: Your deleted files will need to be emptied also. This will delete them permanently.

18 Be Aware! The use of school technology and email is a privilege. Improper use may result in loss of privileges for one school calendar year. Messages sent via school email may be accessed by school and district administrators. That also includes items deleted from accounts. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated!

19 Adding a Profile Picture You must first find a picture your would like to use and save it to your Y: drive. Click on the blank profile picture in the top right-hand corner.

20 Click on the blue CHANGE under the picture.

21 Click Browse to go to your Y: Drive and select the picture you want to use. Then click SAVE at the bottom. When you return to the webmail screen, press F5 and your icon should appear.

22 Assignment 1 Send an email to a classmate. – Spell his/her name carefully Be sure to include an appropriate subject: – (example) Email Practice Attach a file from your Y: drive. – Select any file. It doesn’t matter what it is. Compose a message – a minimum of 1 complete sentence

23 Assignment 2 After receiving an email from your classmate – Reply to the email with a minimum of 1 complete sentence.

24 Assignment 3 Clean up your inbox – Delete any old messages that you no longer need. Delete the messages in your sent folder – Only keep those you think you need Empty your deleted folder.

25 Assignment 4 Select a profile picture to use for your email account and save it to you Y: drive Change/Save your picture to you email profile.

26 Assignment 5 Send your CCR teacher an email. – Spell his/her name carefully Be sure to include an appropriate subject: – (example) Email Practice Attach a file from your Y: drive. – Select any file. It doesn’t matter what it is. Compose a message – a minimum of 1 complete sentence – Inform your teachers that you have completed these assignments. Teachers see the note section of this slide!

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