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Lesson 31. Name Resolution. Objectives At the end of this Presentation, you will be able to:

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1 Lesson 31. Name Resolution

2 Objectives At the end of this Presentation, you will be able to:

3 Explain the purpose of name resolution. Identify each of the following and explain how each relates to TCP/IP: DNS, WINS, and host files. Identify the normal configuration parameters for a workstation, including DNS, WINS, host name, and Internet Domain Name.

4 Network+ Domains covered: 3.11 4.1 4.7

5 A single computer may be identified in many different ways: A NetBEUI name like: Larry A host name like: Workstation1 A URL like: An IP Addresses like: A Hardware or MAC Addresses like: 00- 00-21-0A-EF-12

6 The HOSTS File A hold over from the earliest days of the Internet. The original HOSTS file resided on a computer at the Stanford Research Institute’s Network Information Center. Its purpose: To map an IP address to a host’s name.

7 The HOSTS File is located in the Server at: C:\Winnt\System32\Driver\etc\


9 The HOSTS file. This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each entry should be kept as an individual line. The IP address is placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one space. Comments may be inserted and are denoted by the # (numbers) symbol.

10 # Indicates Comments Maps IP Address To Host Name.

11 localhost IP AddressHost Name

12 localhost Workstation1 # Larry’s PC Workstation2 # Curly’s PC IP AddressHost Name Comments # Denotes Comments


14 HOSTS File Purpose – Maps IP addresses to host names. Disadvantage – Works only with Static IP addresses. Used in small networks which do not use the Domain Name System (DNS) and in older systems, especially UNIX systems.

15 Some Definitions Host name – An English-like or human-friendly name for a particular computer in a network. Domain Name – An English-like name for a particular network. Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) – The complete name for a machine on a network, comprised of both the host name and the domain name. Universal Resource Locator (URL) – The addressing scheme used by the Internet.

16 The Domain Name System (DNS) Acts as “Directory Assistance” for Domain Names Maps IP Addresses to Domain Names. A Hierarchical Network of Servers. Distributed throughout the Internet.

17 Address:

18 DNS Servers DNS Configuration Tab

19 Your Workstation DNS Server Hey, DNS Server! What is the IP address of: ?

20 Your Workstation DNS Server The correct IP address for

21 The Domain Name System.CO M.EDU.GOV.INT.MIL GEGMIBM WWWDE IP Top-Level Domains Subdomains Computer Names “ “Root”

22 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server.COM DNS Server IBM.COM DNS Server What is the IP address of: ?

23 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server Maybe the Root DNS Server knows. Hey, Root DNS Server! What is the IP Address of ?

24 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server I don’t know. Ask the.COM Server @ 200.XX.XX.XX

25 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server Hey,.COM DNS Server! What is the IP Address of ?.COM DNS Server

26 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server.COM DNS Server I don’t know. Ask the IBM.COM Server @ 199.XX.XX.XX

27 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server Hey, IBM.COM DNS Server! What is the IP Address of ?.COM DNS Server IBM.COM DNS Server

28 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server.COM DNS Server IBM.COM DNS Server The correct IP address for is

29 Your Workstation Local DNS Server Root DNS Server.COM DNS Server IBM.COM DNS Server Server

30 Mapping host names to IP addresses HOSTS file Domain Name Service

31 How do you map NetBIOS names to IP addresses? NetBIOS names used by Microsoft products. Two mapping systems o LMHOSTS o Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) o DNS (Windows 2000)

32 The LMHOSTS file The NetBIOS equivalent to the HOSTS file. The LMHOSTS file does for NetBIOS names what the HOSTS file does for host names. It is unique to Microsoft products. In Windows NT 4.0 the LMHOSTS file is located at: o C:\Winnt\System32\drivers\etc\ Same general format as the HOSTS file.

33 Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) Unique to Microsoft Windows. Comes with Windows NT/2000 Server. Maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses. Updated dynamically as new NetBIOS names are added to the system.

34 Explain the purpose of name resolution. Identify each of the following and explain how each relates to TCP/IP: DNS, WINS, and host files. Identify the normal configuration parameters for a workstation, including DNS, WINS, host name, and Internet Domain Name.

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