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Unit 1 Contextual Studies BTEC Mock Exam 2010 / 2011 Instructions Activity 1 – 2 hours -Each slide of the PowerPoint has a different task / question. -You.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Contextual Studies BTEC Mock Exam 2010 / 2011 Instructions Activity 1 – 2 hours -Each slide of the PowerPoint has a different task / question. -You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Contextual Studies BTEC Mock Exam 2010 / 2011 Instructions Activity 1 – 2 hours -Each slide of the PowerPoint has a different task / question. -You should use your research to answer these questions in as much detail as possible. - Write in your own words and in full sentences. -Present your research in an attractive way. -Ensure each task is numbered Plagiarism (copying / copy and pasting is extremely prohibited. Anyone who is found to directly copy and paste will have their work disallowed.) This exam is to be completed in silence. You may speak to your teacher, please raise your hand if you need assistance

2 Unit 1 Contextual Studies 1. Create a time line that documents the most important lighting developments. 1780 – oli lamps 3000 BCE - candles are invented. 1792 - gas lighting produced 1820 - Vacuum tube lamp 1867. -- Becquerel dem onstrates the first fluorescent lamp 1925 – The first internal frosted light bulbs were produced 1880 – long lasting filament 1991 – Philips invents a fluorescen t lightbulb that lasts 60,000 hours. 1994 – First commerci al sulfur lamp. 2010 – Return of the Sulphur Lamp 1880 Edison produce d a 16- watt lightbul b that lasts 1500 hours. 70,000 BCE – A hollow rock, shell, or other natural found object was filled with moss or a similar material that was soaked in animal fat and then ignited.

3 2. Explain key lighting developments / inventions. Before electricity was invented gas and fire was used as a form of lightings. People started experimented on different types of lighting sources as people was unhappy with the affects that fire and gas lighting had, for example; bad smells and creating dirt. This led to the invention of LED lights, Neon lights and longer lasting light bulbs. [1] Before electricity became sufficiently widespread and economical to allow for general public use, gas was the most popular means of lighting in cities and suburbs. Early gas lights had to be lit manually, but soon gas lights could light themselves. Gas lighting today is typically used for camping, where the high energy density of a hydrocarbon fuel, combined with the modular nature of canisters (a strong metal container) allows bright and long lasting light to be produced cheaply and without complex equipment. Unit 1 Contextual Studies Gas lampOil lamp

4 Unit 1 Contextual Studies 3. P - Who invented neon light? Georges Claude was the Inventor of the First Neon Lamp He was a French engineer, chemist, and inventor he was the first person to apply an electrical discharge to a sealed tube of neon gas to create a lamp. Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public in Paris on December 11, 1910, Georges Claude - Born: Sept. 24, 1870 Died: May 23, 1960

5 4. P - How are neon lights made? Unit 1 Contextual Studies Neon light sign is made of glass tubes that have been filled with a gas When a high-voltage electrical current is passed through the gas, the tubes light up Making neon signs is largely a manual process. It consists of bending the tubing and attaching the electrodes, removing any impurities from within the tubing, A liquid phosphor is sprayed into the tubes and then drained back out.[2] evacuating the air and adding the gas. The making of neon lights are in three stages: Working Glass – molding the glass into the shapes needed Purifying- cleaning all impurities from inside the glass Aging – The glass is then filled with neon through the port, and the port is sealed off. Another current is sent through the sign to age the sign and bring the gas up to its full potential.

6 Unit 1 Contextual Studies 5. P/M - How and why does your artist / light designer use neon lights? I have chosen the artist Tracey Emin. In her work shes used neon lights to express her thoughts in short three or four word sentences. Emin has also worked with neon lights. One such piece is You Forgot To Kiss My Soul which consists of those words in neon inside a neon heart- shape. Tracey Emin used neon light photography as one of many ways she displays her art, she uses it to get a bold effect as it’s used for bold colours compared to the dark surroundings, I think Tracey Emin has uses as many forms of materials, the properties of the glass used to make the light help her to used neon lights to make her light, most of her art work consisting of her hand writing, therefore neon lights was effective to get the shape of her handwriting and still have the effectiveness of the lights and colours to get the thoughts and points across, I believe she didn’t use a material like wood for these pieces has she wouldn’t get the boldness or the shapes of the writing to be exactly like her writing she also makes her art to be contrasting. She also she uses different colours relating to the writing for example ‘I dream of sleep’ made in 2002 was made with a deep blue, which gives off the effect that a calming idea of dreaming. Tracey Emin I Dream of Sleep, 2002 Blue neon 60 x 120 x 6 cm

7 Unit 1 Contextual Studies 6. P / M Give examples of where neon lighting is used in public places. Neon lights are used in public places for signs, traffic lighting and safely lights in public places and also shop, clubs, billboard signs and home. They are also can be a enjoyable decoration and used for advertising promotion. I think neon lighting has been so popular in public places as its attractive and easy to make in different shapes and colours making it attractive to many people, also it can be used for a lot of things in public places as it had a wide use. Many public places like shops use them to entice people to go into there shop, and the same for nightclubs. As they are clearly visible to people and are bold as they can be made in many different colours. Which people like to see to make public places look nicer. More and more people are using neon lights in public places as they are low costing to both power these lights and to make them, making more people use them to save money and also saving the environment as it don’t emit harmful radiations and does not emit pollution

8 7. M / D How has neon light revolutionised the way public signs have been designed? Unit 1 Contextual Studies Public signs have changed in design due to neon lights because its more easy to access neon lighting in larger scales as its cheaper to make, its also turned from normal signs on shop windows to entice people to bright colours and fun shapes to catch peoples eye.

9 Unit 1 Contextual Studies 8. M / D - What impact has LED lighting had on product design? (eg. Bicycle lights) Include examples. LED lights created a large impact on our everyday lives. They are used in many things in public spaces as they are cheep and uses less electricity. They are found: -street lamps -Signs -Motorways -On cars, bicycles and motorbikes How are products different now that there is LED lights: it has changed products, like children's toys, and small products that need lights but always to weigh less then a normal bulb and components. As the batteries don’t die as fast as normal batteries and the lights don’t need to be replaced as they are lost lasting Also they are safer for children to handle in there toys or on there bicycles. The lights batteries are small and can be portable, so they can be taken around safely. Another use for LED lights that are widely seen are in signs in high streets. A wide use for them is to Illuminate signs to make them more eye catching, and also the fact that they are cheep to make and run makes the makers of the signs and lights use LED lights as they can be kept on all night. They are also quite popular with clubs and bars as they are made in many colours and create colour changing signs that catch your eye

10 Sources : [1] - wikipedia [2] -

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