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Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 1 LCLS Undulator Tuning Zack Wolf, Yurii Levashov, Achim Weidemann, Seva Kaplounenko,

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Presentation on theme: "Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 1 LCLS Undulator Tuning Zack Wolf, Yurii Levashov, Achim Weidemann, Seva Kaplounenko,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 1 LCLS Undulator Tuning Zack Wolf, Yurii Levashov, Achim Weidemann, Seva Kaplounenko, Scott Jansson, Ralph Colon, Dave Jensen

2 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 2 MMF Hardware Installation FAC April 20, 2006FAC October 12, 2006

3 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 3 Undulator Work Flow 1 Week, Come to 20 C 1 Week, Rough Tuning 1 Week, Fine Tuning <1 Week, Finish Fiducialization Peak Throughput: 1 undulator per week Tuning Time: about 4 weeks

4 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 4 MMF Temperature Achim Weidemann Previous two week time history at the Kugler bench Maintenance work was done on the MMF power system causing the large changes In general, the system meets stability requirements

5 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 5 Rough Tuning Bench Components

6 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 6 Rough Tuning Bench Cam Movers Cable Handling Bench Undulator Reference Pole Zero Gauss Chamber

7 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 7 Capacitive Sensor Alignment Performance Undulator mechanically aligned to bench in 15 minutes Yurii Levashov

8 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 8 Scans Begin And End In A Zero Gauss Chamber Beginning zero field measurement Ending zero field measurement Senis Hall probe Zero Offset Correction Assume linear offset dependence on time

9 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 9 Y Trajectory Shims Bx Shim New Design Smaller external fields Uniform Bx field in gap Yurii Levashov Inconel Steel Spot weld Old Shim Design

10 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 10 Rough Tuning Test Plan 1)Place undulator Use kinematic mount 2)Mechanically align to test stand Optical alignment check, use capacitive sensors and cam movers 3)Magnetically align Hall probe to undulator Move Hall probe in x and y to magnetic center 4)Rough tuning Tune x and y trajectories, anticipate magnetic shield 5)Adjust gap Measure K, adjust gap to set K to required value for that undulator 6)Check alignment Alignment may have changed from gap adjustment 7)Rough tuning Anticipate magnetic shield 8)Add magnetic shield 9)Check tuning Achim Weidemann

11 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 11 Each Undulator Has Its Own K Value From Heinz-Dieter Nuhn

12 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 12 Fine Tuning Bench Components

13 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 13 Fine Tuning Bench Kugler Bench Cable Handling Steel Girder And Stands Cam Movers Undulator With Magnetic Shield

14 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 14 Kugler Bench Performance Measurements by Georg Gassner X Y straightness spec: < 14 μm Pitch and yaw spec: < 4.2 μrad Specs met in long block region

15 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 15 Coils For Fine Tuning Bench Field Integral Coil Short Coil Zero Gauss Chamber Dave Jensen Bx, By One Undulator Period Long Coils I1 I2

16 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 16 Fine Tuning Test Plan 1) Place undulator Use kinematic mount, use steel girder and stands, shield on 2) Mechanically align to test stand Optical alignment check, use capacitive sensors and cam movers 3) Magnetically align Hall probe to undulator Move Hall probe in x and y to magnetic center 4) Determine the tuning axis Move in x to where K has the required value 5) Tuning Tune x and y trajectories, phase 6) Add phase matching shims 7) Adjust field integrals Use long coil, I1 and I2 for both Bx and By 8) Adjust field uniformity Add quadrupole and sextupole shims as necessary 9) Final checks before gluing shims Check x and y trajectory, phase, phase matching, field integrals, uniformity Yurii Levashov

17 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 17 Fine Tuning Test Plan (cont.) 10) Glue shims in place Remove y trajectory, quadrupole, sextupole, and phase shims, apply glue, replace 11) Check the gap Make sure no parts of a shim protrude into the gap 12) Check for errors while gluing shims Check x and y trajectories, phase, I1 and I2 of Bx and By, uniformity 13) Map Bx and By in the retracted position 14) Final results data set Measure Bx and By at x = -6, -5, …, 6 mm, y = -0.2, -0.08, 0 0.08, 0.2 mm, calculate field integrals vs z, 65 scans 15) Find the x position, y=0, where K has the required value 16) Add fiducialization magnets to both ends Measure offsets from beam axis to the center of the fiducialization magnets 17) Rough fiducialization using alignment equipment 18) Measure roll on flats at each undulator end 19) Move undulator to CMM, finish fiducialization

18 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 18 Fiducialization

19 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 19 Hall Probe Calibration Chiller For probe temperature Magnet Water NMR Metrolab NMR HP3458 Seva Kaplounenko

20 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 20 Schedule Robert Ruland

21 Zachary Wolf Undulator Oct 12, 2006 21 Conclusion MMF construction is complete, temperature stability and set point accuracy requirements have been met The rough tuning bench is complete The Hall probe calibration system is complete The fine tuning bench has all components complete. Some fixturing work remains. The software is mostly complete. Some automation work remains. Mechanical alignment takes about 15 minutes. New Bx shims have been designed. The fine tuning bench construction meets all specifications. The expected throughput is one undulator per week. Each undulator, however, spends about 4 weeks in the MMF. One reference undulator gets re-measured every fourth undulator.

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