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Dil Angaiz Ed.D student at Dowling College Long Island Cohort-Exe14.

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1 Dil Angaiz Ed.D student at Dowling College Long Island Cohort-Exe14

2 About Me In order to know about me you can visit my Web Folio in the given Link:Web Folio

3 Research Problem An investigation on the implementation of Quality Assurance mechanisms and their contextual relevance at Higher Educational Institutions in Pakistan

4 Research Abstract This research study investigates the implementation of Quality Assurance Mechanisms and their relevancy at a Higher Educational Institution of Pakistan. A Case Study research method will be applied on Karakoram International University Quality Assurance initiatives that has been put in place since 2011. Data collection tools will be semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study will be significant to identify gaps between plans and implementation on the basis of the views of the research participants. Moreover, the study would contribute contextually relevant quality assurance mechanisms at Karakoram International University.

5 Literature Review 1.Ahsan 2003 cited in Ali (2005), throughout the history of Pakistan, new policies and plans were often prepared without giving due consideration to the cause of failure of the previous policies and plans… the situation highlights the need for formulation of rational plans and policies as well as an adequate system for their implementation. 2.According to Ismail (2011), quality assurance in higher education is a process of establishing stakeholders confidence that provisions (input, process and output) fulfills expectation or measures up to threshold minimum requirements. The quality assurance cell established in the universities are responsible to assess whether the programs meet their educational objectives and outcomes with the purpose to improve quality of programs and enhance students learning. 3.Batool and Qureshi (2010), the importance of quality assurance mechanisms and the guidelines for quality assurance in universities are given.

6 Literature Review 4. Batool and Qureshi (2010), highlighted the different steps involved in the quality assurance framework in Pakistan. 5. Akhtar. M.M.S.; Rafi. M.S.; and Ahmed.S. (2012) mentioned Higher Education Commission initiatives regarding enhancing quality culture in Pakistani universities and the major success and failures regarding these initiatives.

7 Research Questions 1.What quality assurance mechanism are in practice? 2.What are some of the facilitating factors and restraining factors during implementation of these quality assurance mechanisms? 3.Do the existing Quality Assurance mechanisms fulfill the contextual needs? 4.What action can be taken to make it more contextually relevant?

8 Research Method Case Study research methods will be applied to investigate the implementation of Quality assurance mechanisms and their relevancy at Karakoram International University. The participants of the research would be the administrators, the faculty and the students. Document analysis and semi-structured interviews will be used as data gathering tools. The data will be analyzed under different themes to observe patterns that evolve out of the study.

9 Educational Importance A number of research articles have been written on Quality Assurance mechanisms in Pakistan but not any single research has yet been done on contextual relevance of these quality assurance mechanisms in Pakistan. Therefore, this research study will be the first in its nature to investigate contextual relevancy of the quality assurance mechanisms. The outcomes of the study may make the concerned authorities realizing quality assurance gaps during implementation in the universities. The results of the study will have dual effects. The universities will develop contextual models for internal quality assurance mechanisms whereas higher education commission will bring necessary changes in their plans and policies to cater contextual needs of different universities in Pakistan.

10 References 1.Ali, A. (2005). A study of the academic functioning of the universities in Pakistan. A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education at University of Sargodha, Sargodha retrieved from Pakistan Research Repository on September 28, 2012 from 2.Ismail. M. (2011). Self-Assessment for quality assurance: Pakistani perspective. Maple Conference, Dubai 1-2 May 2011 retrived on september 28, 2012 from %2005102010.pdf %2005102010.pdf 3.Batool.Z, and Qureshi. R.H. (2001). Quality Assurance Manual for Higher Education in Pakistan. Higher Education Commission, Islamabad Pakistan retrieved on September 28, 2012 from content/uploads/downloads/qec/HEC_Quality_Assurance_Manual_for_Higher_Education_in_Pa kistan.pdf content/uploads/downloads/qec/HEC_Quality_Assurance_Manual_for_Higher_Education_in_Pa kistan.pdf 4.Batool and Qureshi (2010). Quality Assurance Framework for Higher Education: Pakistani Context. Retrieved on September 28, 2012 from 5.Akhtar. M.M.S.; Rafi. M.S.; and Ahmed.S. (2012). Quality in Higher Education: Issues and Current Practices. Journal of Elementary Education, Vol.21, No. 1 pp.43-51

11 Future Conference 1. Global Conference on Education 2013 2. INQAAHE 2013 Conference proceedings/inqaahe-2013-conference 3. IACQA 2013 : The Third International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education eventid=24038&copyownerid=39522 eventid=24038&copyownerid=39522

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