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Employee Exit Workflow Presenter: Wilf Schlitt Business Support and Student Data Systems College of New Caledonia Prince George, British Columbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Exit Workflow Presenter: Wilf Schlitt Business Support and Student Data Systems College of New Caledonia Prince George, British Columbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Exit Workflow Presenter: Wilf Schlitt Business Support and Student Data Systems College of New Caledonia Prince George, British Columbia


3 Serves approximately 117,500 square kilometres (73,011 miles)

4 Larger than Washington state the regions population is about 145,000…about the same as the moose population

5 CNC enrols about 500 students each year in approximately 90 programs

6 Problem was….

7 Project Definition Project Objective Statement: By Feb 21st, 2011, the HR department will have in place a workflow that will initiate required emails to ensure that all necessary parties are notified when an employee leaves CNC. Project Charter: This workflow will use a VAL code value in OTHER.DATES called “EndEmployDate” for “Last Employment Date” on the OTDT screen, This will initiate a series of emails as outlined in Appendix “A”. Project Rational: This workflow will ensure that all the required departments, regional directors, and the employee is notified by email when an employee leaves. This workflow will take the place of our current combined business practice of phone and email notification; or as often currently happens-no notification.

8 In ScopeOut of Scope OA solutions will provide expertise in workflow analysis but coding will be done in-house After final review, testing and implementation any further requests for enhancement to the existing workflow will be reviewed as a separate project request. This however does not include maintenance or issues that may have been missed during the project. Steven will maintain the workflow by making changes to the hard coding as required It will be the responsibility of the departments to inform Steven when changes are required. It is not Stevens responsibility to monitor changes to employees or the workflow Final Deliverable and Major Deliverables:

9 Wilf Schlitt: Project management and design, Process review and workflow mapping User set up in Colleague, Staff resource approval from all managers, Documentation and Demonstrations scheduling, Pseudo Coding of workflow O/A Solutions Kelly Nyman & Heather Ongo: Expert Consultant on workflow Sue McAllister: Finance Process Review Sandra Rossi: HR Process Review Diane Van Bakel: Workflow Review –HR, End-user Testing Project Team

10 Breakdown Structure Employee Exit Workflow

11 Employee Exit Workflow Map

12 Employee Exit Workflow Critical Path

13 UT > WFDF > XHR… Colleague




17 * Initializing variables XL.VAL.DESC = "" XL.VAL.CODE = "" XL.ACTION.CODE = "" XL.FINAL.CODE = "" XL.FINAL.DESC = "" X.FINAL.CNTR = 1 CALL S.GET.VALCODE.INFO("OTHER.DATES","",XL.VAL.DESC,XL.VAL.CODE,XL.ACTION.CODE,"","","") X.NUM.DESC = DCOUNT(XL.VAL.DESC,@VM) FOR X.CNTR = 1 TO X.NUM.DESC IF XL.ACTION.CODE NE "O" AND XL.ACTION.CODE NE "o" THEN XL.FINAL.CODE = XL.VAL.CODE XL.FINAL.DESC = XL.VAL.DESC X.FINAL.CNTR = X.FINAL.CNTR + 1 END NEXT X.CNTR * Initializing local variables XL.DATES = "" * Getting the dates using XL.FINAL.CODE from process entry CALL S.READ.OTHER.DATES(V.HRPER.ID,XL.FINAL.CODE, XL.DATES) LOCATE "Employee Exit Workflow" IN VL.LIST.VAR1 SETTING X.POS THEN IF LEN(XL.DATES ) THEN X.NAME = '' CALL S.GET.NAME(X.NAME,'',V.ID,'') CALL_WF XHR.XEEH.POSS('NOW'\,'TO:ME'\, 'A.PERSON.ID'\V.ID,'SD:1'\X.NAME) X.POS.ID = '' CALL S.GET.PRIMARY.POS.INFO(V.ID,X.POS.ID,'','') * Added - Yumin Shui - 12/02/29 X.POS.TITLE = X.POS.ID CALL S.TRANS.FILE("POSITION",1,X.POS.TITLE) X.POS.DEPT = X.POS.ID CALL S.TRANS.FILE("POSITION",21,X.POS.DEPT) CALL S.TRANS.FILE("DEPTS",1,X.POS.DEPT) * End - Yumin Shui - 12/02/29 EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'23', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Computer and Colleague Accounts for closing.', 'TXT'\'Please close Computer account and remove from Phone list. If Employee has Colleague account please put in Support ticket to have them removed', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'24', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'The following employee is leaving.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'25', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Computer and Colleague Accounts for closing.', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please check for any outstanding advances.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'26', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please check for any outstanding invoices.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'27', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please do a vacation audit.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'P') >0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'40', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\' The following employee is leaving please check library records', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'35', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please ensure there keys have been returned.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'28', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\' For your information the following employee is leaving', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'33', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'34', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please check if they have a P Card.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'41', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please close there access to BCEID if they have access.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'B') > 0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'36', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please ensure there keys and any P Cards have been returned.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'N') > 0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'37', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please ensure there keys and any P Cards have been returned', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'Q') > 0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'38', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please ensure there keys and any P Cards have been returned.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'M') > 0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'39', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please ensure there keys and any P Cards have been returned.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'S') > 0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'31', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following CUPE member will be leaving the College of New Caledonia at the below date', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'30', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving on the below date.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'29', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please terminate benefits.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) IF COUNT(X.POS.ID,'F') > 0 THEN EMAIL 'TO:ORG.ROLE.ID'\'32', 'FROM:ADDR'\'', 'SD:'\'Employee Leaving', 'TXT'\'The following employee is leaving please check for any outstanding advance.', 'TXT'\'', 'TXT'\'Colleague ID is ':V.ID:'.', 'TXT'\ X.NAME, * Added - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\ 'Primary position ID is ':X.POS.ID, 'TXT'\ 'Position title is ':X.POS.TITLE, 'TXT'\ 'Department is ':X.POS.DEPT, * End - Yumin - 12/02/29 'TXT'\'Employee last date ':OCONV(XL.DATES,SN.DATE4) END END


19 Finance ITSLibrary Union Facilities HR Admissions Admin Terminate Employee Outstanding Loans or Fines Terminate Benefits Collection of Keys Notification of Termination Close Colleague Account Collection of P Card Check for Outstanding Grades Close Computer Account Check for Outstanding Advances Check for Outstanding Invoices Vacation Audit

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