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Biogeochemical Cycles. There are 94 elements that are naturally occurring Most of them find their way into biotic systems in some way However it is important.

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Presentation on theme: "Biogeochemical Cycles. There are 94 elements that are naturally occurring Most of them find their way into biotic systems in some way However it is important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biogeochemical Cycles

2 There are 94 elements that are naturally occurring Most of them find their way into biotic systems in some way However it is important to know where they come from

3 Biogeochemical Cycles We have done the basics of biogeochemical cycles We talked about the water cycle and how it redistributes water around the planet This cycle changes water to different states of matter and moves it around These cycles can be local or global

4 Biogeochemical Cycles However there are many different biogeochemical cycles The other major cycles are the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle and the phosphorous cycle These cycles all move nutrients around the planet in different forms

5 Biogeochemical Cycles Each of these cycles use organic matter and abiotic reservoirs to house different forms of chemicals Organic matter is tissue that makes up living systems Abiotic reservoirs are areas outside of living things that will store the chemical

6 Carbon Cycle Carbon is the major ingredient on all organic matter – Remember that organic chemistry deals with carbon based chemistry It is present in the atmosphere, soil and (to a lesser degree) our water

7 Carbon Cycle Understanding how the carbon cycle works is important because it is one of the major causes of climate change Carbon in the atmosphere takes the form of CO 2 CO 2 is one of the major green house gasses due to its structure and abundance

8 How It Works The carbon cycle is based on two major reactions Photosynthesis It is also based on the reaction that is the reverse of photosynthesis Cellular Respiration

9 How It Works Since there is no starting point, lets start with carbon in the atmosphere This carbon in the form of CO 2 is a gas That gas is taken in by cells of green producers

10 How It Works The CO 2 will then change forms to sugars – Basic structure of C 6 H 12 O 6 This form of carbon will then be passed to consumers that eat leaves, fruits or bark of the plant The carbon will be incorporated to their organic matter

11 How It Works At this point larger consumers will consume the smaller consumers These organisms will be converted to organic matter inside the predator

12 How It Works While in the consumer system, organisms are releasing waste, breathing and dying Breathing releases CO2 back into the atmosphere Releasing waste and dying introduces carbon to the soil

13 How It Works Once carbon is in the soil, it is attacked by decomposers The decomposers breakdown the detritus and release CO2 back to the atmosphere This competes the cycle

14 Human Input However, humans are greatly affecting this cycle We are releasing large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere by humans tapping into decomposing or decomposed organisms

15 Human Input Fossil fuels are organisms that have decomposed and have been buried at different depths Depending on the pressure, and heat at where they are buried determines the type of fossil fuel All of these fuels contain a large amount of carbon

16 Composition of Air Air is composed of different compounds and elements It has around around 78% Nitrogen – In the form of (N 2 ) It has around 21% oxygen – In the form of (O 2 ) It is composed of around 1% other compounds – Argon – CO 2

17 Composition of Air This makes nitrogen the most common gas in our environment You would think that it would be abundant and easy to use However nitrogen is a difficult material to convert from a gas

18 Nitrogen Fixation In order to have nitrogen in a useable form it has to change from the N 2 in air The nitrogen must be put in a usable form One useable form is ammonia

19 Nitrogen Fixation In order for a N 2 to be converted to NH 3 there has to be a way for it to change Nitrogen will not spontaneously convert to ammonia There needs to be a process The process of turning N 2 into useable NH 3 is called nitrogen fixation

20 Mycorrhizal Bacteria In soil the place that has the most life is right next to the roots of plants This is because many microorganisms live in this area We call this area the rhizosphere

21 Mycorrhizal Bacteria This area around the roots contains a wildly diverse ecosystem – Fungi – Bacteria – Nematodes – Protozoa A gram of soil from the rhizosphere can contain 50 million to 1 billion microorganisms

22 Mycorrhizal Bacteria Bacteria that live right around the roots are called mycorrhizal bacteria These bacteria are close enough to interact with the plant and can form a symbiotic relationship with the plant

23 Mycorrhizal Bacteria Legumes are plants with dry fruit that have a symbiotic relationship with mycorrhizal bacteria They contain a simple dry fruit They contain – Many Beans – Peanuts – Alphalpha

24 Mycorrhizal Bacteria Most legumes can support bacteria that fix nitrogen These bacteria form nodes or “bumps” on the roots of these plants These bacteria fix nitrogen

25 Nitrogen Cycle Once again because it is a cycle, there is no beginning or end to the nitrogen cycle Lets start with atmospheric nitrogen as N 2 It is taken in by nitrogen fixing bacteria and is converted to ammonia (NH 3 ) It can also be converted to NO or NO 2 by lightning

26 Nitrogen Cycle NO and NO 2 can be used by a plant NH 3 needs to pick up a free hydrogen to become ammonium (NH 4 ) NO, NO 2 and NH 4 can all be used by a plant They are incorporated by the plant

27 Nitrogen Cycle The rest we know… Consumers eat the plants and release waste and die Other consumers eat the primary consumers and release waste and die A large quantity of nitrogen is in introduced to the soil

28 Nitrogen Cycle When in the soil decomposers will use the nitrogen Also bacteria known as denitrifiers will take in NH3 from the soil and release it as N2 This N2 finds its way back tot the atmospheric reservoir


30 Human Impact Humans can greatly impact this cycle by adding nitrogen to the soils Humans do this by adding fertilizer to fields, crops and farms This greatly increases the amount of nitrogen in the soil

31 The Human Impact Humans adding nitrogen can be very harmful Excess nitrogen can be captured in runoff This runoff is then carried to the ocean were it causes an algae bloom

32 The Human Impact An algae bloom is very destructive to an ecosystem It chokes the life out of all manner of sea life Without this sea life, there are no primary consumers to feed secondary consumers It can wipe out large sections of open water

33 The Human Impact KNWg Y

34 Erosion Have you ever looked at the amount of rocks on the earth? There are a really large number of rocks that contain minerals that are needed in living systems Since most organisms cannot digest solid rock, the minerals in them have to be unlocked in other ways

35 Erosion Rocks can be slowly broken down over time if they undergo the process of erosion or weathering This is the gradual breakdown of the rock into much smaller sizes These smaller rocks will continue undergo erosion and weathering

36 Erosion Once these rocks are broken up sufficiently they can be incorporated into the soil The soil then takes on the properties of the rocks that compose it This is why there are different soil types in different areas

37 Phosphorous Cycle The erosion of rock releases one of the most limited nutrients into the soil Phosphorous is a very limited nutrient in most ecosystems Remember it is a central part of DNA, ATP and Phospholipids

38 Phosphorous Cycle However when rocks erode they release the nutrient into the soil This allows access of phosphorus to plants and other producers They will incorporate this into their living tissue

39 Phosphorous Cycle Consumers then will eat the producers Other consumers will then eat the primary consumers The consumers will use the phosphorous in their living tissues

40 Phosphorous Cycle The consumers will then release waste or die and return phosphorous back into the soil Decomposers will then use that phosphorous in their tissues

41 Back to Rock The cycle would not be complete if phosphorous was not going back to rock Sediment and soil that washes into waterways will settle at the bottom These soils and sediments will find a resting place at the bottom of a lake, river or ocean

42 Back to Rock The sediments will eventually be packed down by layers of sediment on top of them to create sedimentary rock Eventually this rock will find its way to the surface and will be the rock that is eroding and weathering

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