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TITLE SLIDE (REPLACE) Double Down: Growing Matching Gifts Through Events and Digital Marketing November 13, 2013 Dennis Chyba.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE SLIDE (REPLACE) Double Down: Growing Matching Gifts Through Events and Digital Marketing November 13, 2013 Dennis Chyba."— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLE SLIDE (REPLACE) Double Down: Growing Matching Gifts Through Events and Digital Marketing November 13, 2013 Dennis Chyba

2 2 Agenda  What is a Matching Gift?  Key statistics  Best Practices  Client Example  Recommended Implementation Process  Q&A  Leveraging past donations  Finding Matching Gift eligible donors

3 3 Who is Adcieo? Adcieo –Online fundraising and engagement experts Services designed to:  Improve Fundraising Results  Increase Online Acquisition  Enhance Monthly Giving  Engage Lifetime Donors  Mine Employer Matching Gifts  Build a Bequest Backlog  Streamline Web/Admin Processes

4 4 Who is HEPData ?  15+ Years Experience Serving Non Profits  Leading Provider of Matching Gifts  Research Staff  7,000 clients  U.S.,UK & Canadian  Provides E-Match Donor Link  Provides Employer Find

5 5  A gift made by a donor’s place of employment to match a employee donation to a qualifying nonprofit.  A way to easily increase donations  Employer agrees to match Employee donation  Match Ratio is usually 1 to 1 - but some more i.e. Exxon matches at 3 to 1 and Fidelity matches 2 to 1  Usually a maximum per year ($1K-$20K)  Deadlines  Spouses & retirees can also be match eligible What is a Matching Gift?

6 6 Matching Gifts are “free money”

7 7 How many companies in the United States offer some form of a matching gift program ?

8 8 How many companies in the United States offer some a matching gift program? *Statistics from HEP Development Services 2013

9 9 Key Statistics on Matching Gifts  1 in 10 gifts are eligible  At least one new company added daily  50% of the Fortune 500  $1.3 Billion in Matching Gifts paid out in 2011  LSU receives $1 Million in Matching Gifts from Exxon-Mobil annually

10 10 Key Statistics on Matching Gifts  American Cancer Society Quadrupled Matching Gifts over three years to $12+ Million as did Komen Maryland  Works with small to large non-profits  Average Matching Gift = $700

11 11 Key Statistics on Matching Gifts  13% of companies match 2 to 1 or higher  4,000+ companies match volunteer time  Telethon Survey (90+) by Ruffalo Cody – 7.1% matching gift eligible and contributed 10% of revenues

12 12 Why do Companies Offer Matching Gifts?  Recruiting new employees  Helps nonprofits  Improves Employee retention  Good ‘corporate citizen’  Tax and financial considerations 12

13 13  Make the process proactive: Make it easy for donors to find their company Make it easy to find the matching forms  Incorporate into online donation form  Integrate your website  Newsletter articles  Gift Acknowledgments Best Practices

14 14 Client Example – Komen Maryland

15 15 Komen Maryland  Simple to Use  Integrated Employer Search  Link to forms

16 16 Putting the Pieces together Simplicity – E-Match Donor LInk ease.

17 17 Employer Search Donors need to be able to not only access important Matching Gift information and forms, but they need to be able to do so with ease.

18 18 E-Match Donor Link Connecting donors directly to necessary forms increases the return rate on completion and submission.

19 19 Integration

20 20 Sample Results  3,857 constituents clicked on the matching gift badge  78% of these searched for their company  22% were able to find their company  Base Year  63 matching gifts from 11 companies  Year 1  410 total matching gifts from a total of 53 companies

21 21 What Can You Do?  Know before you chat with a potential donor  Measure matching gifts  Have someone in charge  Major Gifts can be matched  Create a culture of Matching Gifts

22 22 Matching Gift Suggestions  Look Back Over Last Year’s Gifts  Find Employer Information  Fill Out Form  Volunteers can help  Most donors are not aware of employer’s matching gift program  Every Program is Different  Spouses and Retirees can be matched

23 23 Recommended Implementation Process 1.Develop and integrate a matching gift button on the donation form. 2.Capture donors who flag their employer and write the employer and link to matching gift submission form to hidden fields on the form 3.Design and create 3 matching gift buttons that can be inserted into online donation forms and confirmation emails. 4.Define a communication strategy and craft email creative and copy to be used.

24 24 Recommended Acceleration Process – Employer Find 1.Screen database to find employers. Fill in the gaps. 2.Target communication to donors once you find their employer matches. 3.Integrate a batch process for offline gifts.


26 26 For further information on Adcieo contact: Debbie Snyder 972.342.8429 For further information on HEPdata Products and Services contact: John Wright 703.669.5602 Contact Information

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