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Software Review Adobe Quizmaker 09. Overview Quickly group and randomize question pools Include images, Flash, and audio Create a scenario that develops.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Review Adobe Quizmaker 09. Overview Quickly group and randomize question pools Include images, Flash, and audio Create a scenario that develops."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Review Adobe Quizmaker 09

2 Overview Quickly group and randomize question pools Include images, Flash, and audio Create a scenario that develops over several screens Branch quiz takers to different slides Animate objects and adjust their timing Choose from a selection of professional themes Give your quiz takers specific results and feedback Get quiz results through e-mail, LMS, or Articulate Online

3 PowerPoint Quizmaker designed to boost functionality of PowerPoint. Creates assessments that function as slides within a PPT Requires no extra downloads or updates. Build quizzes using existing PPTs, no “reinventing” the wheel. Add narration to questions in a quick manner

4 Question Types Survey Creates 1 of 9 types of surveys Great for quick pre or post training evaluations Graded Creates 1 of 11 types of graded questions Build huge test banks for use

5 Surveys Types Likert Pick One Pick Many Which Word Short Answer Essay Ranking Drag & Drop Ranking Drop-Down How many Use Prior Knowledge Evaluation Post-Training Evaluation Training follow-up Quick surveys

6 Grade Questions Types True/False Multiple Choice Multiple Response Fill in the Blank Word Bank Matching Drag & Drop Matching Drop-Down Sequence Drag and Drop Sequence Drop-Down Numeric Hotspot Use In-Presentation Assessment Post-Presentation Assessment Pre-Training Evaluation Post-Training Follow-Up

7 Use – Step 1 1.Open articulate toolbar while in Powerpoint. 2.Select Quizmaker Button.

8 Use – Step 2 1.Select Question Type

9 Use – Step 3 Select Type of Survey or Graded Question

10 Use – Step 4 Use question type pre-formatted tool to --Create question --Create answer(s) --Set feedback & branching

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