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Association of Food and Drug Officials April 20-23, 2015 Steve Stich.

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Presentation on theme: "Association of Food and Drug Officials April 20-23, 2015 Steve Stich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association of Food and Drug Officials April 20-23, 2015 Steve Stich

2 Association of Food and Drug Officials AFDOSS (Includes Puerto Rico) CASA (Includes District of Columbia & Eastern Ontario, Canada) NCAFDO (Includes Manitoba & Saskatchewan, Canada) NEFDOA (Includes Quebec & Maritime Provinces, Canada) WAFDO (Includes Alberta & British Columbia, Canada; Guam and Mexico) MCAFDO

3 AFDO Website Retail Program Standards Grant Food Protection Program Portal Spotlight on Food Protection Spotlight on Integration Social Media DSLO and Seafood HACCP, MFRPS, NRFRPS Resources

4 Association of Food and Drug Officials Search by: Keyword: Search State Map / FDA Region Quick Searches: Tribal Jurisdiction Attorney General State Board of Pharmacy Consumer Protection Laboratory Directors State Epidemiologists Urgent Contact List State MFRPS Contacts Other options: Local Agency Contacts FSIS Field Offices GMA Emergency Contacts MFRPS Contacts

5 Association of Food and Drug Officials

6 Mobile Apps

7 AFDO COMMITTEES Administration Associate Membership Drugs, Devices & Cosmetics Food Food Protection & Defense Foodborne Outbreak & Emergency Response International & Government Relations Laboratory, Science & Technology Laws & Regulations Seafood

8 Association of Food and Drug Officials Shared Kitchens AFDO Food Committee Guidance document Requirements Responsibilities Best practices

9 Association of Food and Drug Officials Allergen Control at Retail Ad-hoc Committee Develop guidance document for controlling allergens in retail food and food service Regulatory partners, industry, trade associations, Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Distribute document at 2015 AFDO Conference

10 Association of Food and Drug Officials

11 AFDO FSMA/Integration Proposals Development of a new training model IFSS seminar Safe food transportation training Produce safety survey of states

12 Association of Food and Drug Officials AFDO Training Proposal to FDA MFRPA Training Council to survey states and identify training needs Systems to determine Instructor qualifications Delivery of core courses [GMPs, Food Code] within state or Affiliate Delivery of courses to help states meet program standards

13 Association of Food and Drug Officials 2015 Food Safety Summit Baltimore Convention Center, MD April 28-30, 2015 Information Sharing Forum - IFSS Vision of an IFSS Past, present, future Testimonials in Action Consumer perspective Industry perspective Next steps

14 Seafood HACCP Alliance Fee increase to $50 for sustainability = $11,000 Increase visibility internationally Partnering with JIFSAN (Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition) for International Training Safe Food Transportation Training

15 Focus group held at AFDO Conference Develop safe food transportation training modules for drivers, managers, regulators, and law enforcement Use of customized webinar format Utilize Seafood HACCP Alliance infrastructure

16 Association of Food and Drug Officials Grants & Cooperative Agreements Alliance for Advancing a National Integrated Food Safety System Building an Integrated Laboratory System to Advance the Safety of Food and Animal Feed Designing a VNRFRPS Funding System in Support of a National IFSS Food Code Tracking Contract Produce Safety RFA

17 Association of Food and Drug Officials Produce Safety RFA - NASDA Short Term Survey States Existing Authorities, Programs, Industry Long Term Implementation of rule Standards Development

18 New Affiliate Funding $$$ $1700/Affiliate for future leaders to attend AFDO Conference Scholarship Funding – an additional 13 more officials TTT – Produce Safety & Preventive Controls [1 person/Affiliate]

19 Association of Food and Drug Officials PSA FSPCA Train the Trainer AFDO Fund 1 person from each affiliate to complete PSA and FSPCA train the trainer course so they can provide the training to states

20 Association of Food and Drug Officials FSMA Rule Comments Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption 18,000+ comments Current Good Manufacturing Practice and Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food 7,000+ comments Food Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals 199 comments Accreditation of Third-Party Auditors/Certification Bodies to Conduct Food Safety Audits and to Issue Certifications 342 comments Focused Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food Records to be kept by Official Establishments and Retail Food Stores that Grind Raw Beef Products (9 CFR Part 320)

21 Association of Food and Drug Officials Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards 1. Regulatory Foundation 2. Trained Regulatory Staff 3. Inspection Program based on HACCP 4. Uniform Inspection Program 5. Foodborne Illness Investigation 6. Compliance and Enforcement 7. Industry and Community Relations 8. Program Support and Resources 9. Program Assessment

22 Association of Food and Drug Officials Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS) Window closed 10/10/14 332 (632) applications 7% increase in apps $1.7M, 13% increase ($3.2M~$1M) 85% Local jurisdictions Notifications 11/20/14

23 Association of Food and Drug Officials

24 CR Ar Col Peru Chile Ur

25 Association of Food and Drug Officials Compliance and Investigations February 5, 2015 Integration efforts Grinding Records Local movement – Central kitchens, FMs Outreach Surveillance AFDO Committees – Guidance (poultry ex)

26 Association of Food and Drug Officials

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