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The Accelerated Reader Program

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1 The Accelerated Reader Program
By Carrie Rice & Erin Atwood

2 What is Accelerated Reader?
“The Accelerated Reader System provides K-12 schools with computerized learning information systems. Its reading software is used in more than 37,500 schools, or approximately 30 percent of the schools in the United States and Canada. The company's flagship reading product, the Accelerated Reader program, is the most popular reading software in K-12 schools, with quizzes covering more than 19,000 literature books for readers of all ability levels.”

3 The Four Components of Accelerated Reader
Provides interesting books to students Provides a time to read Quizzes on the content of the books Rewards for points earned on quizzes

4 Disadvantages Some teachers have stopped reading books to their students because the computer will ask the questions instead. Class discussion of books decreases, because the discussion would give away the test answers. Students don’t read books outside of the ones that are included in the point system. Some students try books beyond their reading level in order to earn more points to compete with their classmates. This causes frustration. Some schools include the points as part of the students’ grade. Some schools even tie the class’s point total in with the teacher’s evaluation.

5 Advantages Students read a larger amount of books at various levels as a result of incentives. Students push themselves to read harder books to earn more points. Due to the students reading more, most libraries contain a larger and newer collection of books. The need for a librarian is recognized more by faculty and administration. More schools use SSR/DEAR time for reading. Students discuss favorite authors through their expanded reading time. The computer test is a fairly accurate measure of whether or not the child read the book. Student’s reading scores improves.

6 ATOS Readability Formula
The Accelerated Reader uses the ATOS readability formula ATOS eliminates many of the problems teacher have had with other readability formulas It is the 1st formula to include statistics from actual student book-reading The ATOS reading formula is designed to provide a reading level based on the complete content of a book

7 Quizzes The Accelerated Reader offers over 85,000 quizzes
There are 6 different types of quizzes 1. Reading Practice Quizzes 2. Textbook Series Quizzes 3. Recorded Voice Quizzes 4. Literacy Skills Quizzes 5. Magazine Quizzes 6. Vocabulary Practice Quizzes

8 Accelerated Reader Reports
Accelerated Reader handles all record keeping It generates more than 30 information packet reports Keeps an ongoing record of what books students are reading, comprehension levels, amount of reading practice, and diagnostic information.

9 Example of Reading Report
Reading Practice Accelerated Reader®: Friday, 09/19/03, 08:44 AM Class: Section 1 G1 Teacher: Mr. Pete Saylor ID: 2351 Grade: 1 Team: Giraffes You have answered 8 out of 10 questions correctly on quiz number for the book Nate the Great and the Monster Mess by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. Reading Practice Quiz Results Book Level: 2.9 Number Correct / Possible: 8 / 10 (80%) Points Earned / Possible: 0.4 / 0.5 TWI: Read To F/NF: Fiction Marking Period Results to Date (45% of Marking Period One) Marking Period Goal Average Book Level: Average Percent Correct: 92.3% 85.0% Points Earned: Reading Practice Quizzes Passed / Taken: 13 / 13 -- School Year Results to Date (7% of school year) Average Book Level: 2.6 Average Percent Correct: 92.3% Points Earned: 6.1 Reading Practice Quizzes Passed / Taken: 13 / 13 Certification Level Last Certification & Date Current Certification Goal Ready Reader 9/17/2003 Independent Reader Monitor Signature Teacher Signature Comments:

10 Scientific Research Shows Accelerated Reader Improves Scores
A large Experimental study conducted in an urban school district showed that students using AR and best practices achieved higher reading gain than non users.

11 Scientific Research Shows Accelerated Reader Doesn’t Improve Achievement
The Academic Journal Knowledge Quest, “Accelerated Reader: Evidence Still Lacking” suggests that through their research they have discovered that there is no direct evidence that that AR improves achievement A study conducted in Mississippi showed that low readers in the AR program did not increase in achievement and higher readers actually declined in achievement levels

12 References
Knowledge Quest v. 33. no. 3 p. 48

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