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Parents as Educational Partners This is your school.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents as Educational Partners This is your school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents as Educational Partners This is your school.

2 What is PEP? PEP was developed to increase parent involvement and improve English language skills. PEP helps you to become a part of your child’s educational experience.

3 PEP helps…  Helps parents understand their children’s school.  Helps parents communicate with their children’s school.  Helps parents get involved with their children’s school.

4 Unit One: The US School System  Preschool, Elementary, Middle, High School, Trade, Adult Education, and daycare.  Ages of the children that attend school.  Start date and end dates for school. Vacation, holidays, snow days, conferences.  Why it’s the law to attend school…

5 Unit Two: School Personnel and the School Day  Identify who are the different adults that work in your children’s school and their roles.  Name the classes and the teachers that your children have.  Student’s school schedule.  What the school looks like.  Organizations and activities that parents can join or be part of.

6 Unit Three: School Procedures  Emergency Cards  What to do if your child is absent, early dismissal, or tardy.  Request make up work, meetings with teachers, assistant principals, or guidance.  Learn about paperwork from school.

7 Unit Four: Parent/Teacher Conferences  Prepare for and participate in a conference.  Request a meeting in writing or by phone.  Respond to a teacher’s request.  Special Education meetings  Discipline  SOAR

8 Unit Five: Report Cards and Curriculum  Read interim and report cards.  Understand NHI, grades, and other information.  Progress Reports

9 Unit Six: Study Skills and Homework  Create a study area in your home.  Make routine study habits.  Use School Fusion and Parent Portal.  Look at the agenda and understand homework.  Learn about supplies for school and home.

10 Unit Seven: School Health Procedures  Immunizations, physicals, and concussion training  Health screenings done at school  Medication policy at school  Allergies, First Aid, and CPR  When to stay home…

11 What we expect…  You must come to class.  Bring your class materials.  Do your homework.  Practice, practice, practice.  Please call or e-mail if you cannot come.  We understand that emergencies happen.  To graduate, you must complete all 8 units and practice work.

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