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Our intent is to make available enhanced materials for CCE Educators to use in promoting energy efficiency in the home. The materials are intended to be.

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Presentation on theme: "Our intent is to make available enhanced materials for CCE Educators to use in promoting energy efficiency in the home. The materials are intended to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our intent is to make available enhanced materials for CCE Educators to use in promoting energy efficiency in the home. The materials are intended to be user-friendly, “one-stop-shop” resources for residents to easily access home energy efficiency steps, incentives and programs available in their county.

2  Tompkins County CCE has developed new materials such as “The Path to Energy Efficiency” and they are available for viewing on the Cooperative Extension of TompkinsCounty Home Energy Website.  We have been piloting these materials in a few select counties and are receiving excellent feedback.  Energy audits have been conducted on some select homes and testimonials of the customer’s experience have been recorded and will be used on website which is under development.


4  Proposed website portal which would include many resources already available to CCE Educators but may also include :  Path to Energy Efficiency  Interactive Home Energy Savings Guide  Energy Financing Guide (presenting NYSERDA & other energy programs) (Deck of Energy Cards for Homeowners, Renters and Landlords.  Testimonials -video clips of residents who have had energy audits done or retrofitted their homes.  PURPOSE: The website will be a hub for educators to download materials and educator guides tailored to their county.  It would become a “one-stop” website for residents to learn about home energy efficiency, incentives and county specific programs. These tools will assist CCE Educators, both those in the energy education area, but other educators who may need to answer questions or learn more about energy efficiency and climate change.

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