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New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Focus on Local Government Presented by: Stephanie Simons POC for the Western, Central and Capital.

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Presentation on theme: "New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Focus on Local Government Presented by: Stephanie Simons POC for the Western, Central and Capital."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Focus on Local Government Presented by: Stephanie Simons POC for the Western, Central and Capital District regions October 7, 2010 Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center Smart Management for Small Communities

2 What is NYSERDA? New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Established in 1975 by State Legislature Mission: To advance innovative energy solutions in ways that improve New York’s economy and environment.

3 How Can NYSERDA Help? Cost-Sharing for Energy Studies: – Energy Audit, FlexTech Financial Incentives to Support Energy Project Implementation – Existing Facilities, New Construction, PV/Small Wind, Alternative Fuel Vehicle Outreach / Application Support Services – Focus on Local Government, Focus on Municipal Water and Wastewater

4 Focus on Local Government Program Goals: Improve municipal awareness of the benefits of energy efficiency and NYSERDA programs Encourage and facilitate municipal identification and implementation of energy projects.

5 Focus on Local Government Provides assistance on a regional basis through designated “Points of Contact” (or POCs) POCs can help your municipality by: – Facilitating participation in NYSERDA programs Navigating you through NYSERDA program offerings Completing the applications for you – Identifying and prioritizing opportunities for energy savings – Assisting with implementation of energy projects

6 Focus on Local Government General Questions: Amy Santos (Project Manager) Toll-free: (877) 717-6841 Regions 1 & 3: Stephanie Simons Region 2: Ann Heidenreich Region 4: Meridith Nierenberg

7 Focus on Local Government Focus supports the New York State Climate Smart Communities Program, a State and local partnership to encourage climate protection POCs can support Climate Smart Communities by: – Assisting with municipal completion of an inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – Supporting municipal efforts to develop and implement a “local action plan” to reduce GHG emissions and save energy – Facilitating participation in NYSERDA programs – Providing assistance with municipal benchmarking efforts to monitor progress

8 NYSERDA Program Highlights NYSERDA to provide direct support for municipalities taking the Climate Smart Communities pledge – WHAT’S NEW: This Program! – Anticipated to be a pilot program – May provide hands-on assistance with completion of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and local action plans, among other services

9 NYSERDA Program Highlights Revolving Loan Fund for Small Commercial and Non-Profit Entities – WHAT’S NEW: This Program! – Anticipated to be launched soon – Will assist small municipalities with financing energy projects

10 NYSERDA Program Highlights Energy Audit Program – Provides low-cost energy audits for buildings with an annual electric cost of less than $75,000 $100 per building (if annual energy costs < $25,000) $400 per building (if annual energy costs > $25,000) – WHAT’S NEW Anticipated that Program will no longer be restricted to entities paying the Systems Benefit Charge (SBC)

11 NYSERDA Program Highlights Existing Facilities Program – Offers Pre-Qualified Incentives and Performance- Based Incentives Pre-Qualified Incentives on specific energy efficient products such as Lighting, HVAC, Motors, etc. Performance-Based Incentives for large-scale projects – WHAT’S NEW: Anticipated that Program will offer Gas Incentives Anticipated that Program will offer Operational Incentives

12 Questions? Contact Us! Focus on Local Government services are provided at no cost for your municipality Toll-Free: (877) 717-6841 Stephanie Simons Direct: (716) 408-7477

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