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Fractional Factorial Designs 2 7 – Factorial Design in 8 Experimental Runs to Measure Shrinkage in Wool Fabrics J.M. Cardamone, J. Yao, and A. Nunez (2004).

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Presentation on theme: "Fractional Factorial Designs 2 7 – Factorial Design in 8 Experimental Runs to Measure Shrinkage in Wool Fabrics J.M. Cardamone, J. Yao, and A. Nunez (2004)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractional Factorial Designs 2 7 – Factorial Design in 8 Experimental Runs to Measure Shrinkage in Wool Fabrics J.M. Cardamone, J. Yao, and A. Nunez (2004). “Controlling Shrinkage in Wool Fabrics: Effective Hydrogen Peroxide Systems,” Textile Research Journal, Vol. 74 pp. 887-898

2 Fractional Factorial Designs For large numbers of treatments (k), the total number of runs for a full factorial can get very large (2 k ) Many degrees of freedom are spent on high-order interactions (which are often pooled into error with marginal gain in added degrees of freedom) Fractional factorial designs are helpful when:  High-order interactions are small/ignorable  We wish to “screen” many factors to find a small set of important factors, to be studied more thoroughly later  Resources are limited Mechanism: Confound full factorial in blocks of “target size”, then run only one block

3 Fractioning the 2 k - Factorial 2 k can be run in 2 q block of size 2 k-q for q=,1…,k-1 2 k-q factorial is design with k factors in 2 k-q runs 1 Block of a confounded 2 k factorial Principal Block is called the principal fraction, other blocks are called alternate fractions Procedure:  Augment table of 2-series with column of “+”, labeled “I”  Defining contrasts are effects to be confounded together  Generators are used to create the blocks by +/- structure  Generalized Interactions of Generators also have constant sign in blocks  Defining Relations: I = A, I = -B  I = -AB

4 Example – Wool Shrinkage 7 Factors  2 7 = 128 runs in full factorial  A = NaOH in grams/litre (1, 3)  B = Liquor Dilution Ratio (1:20,1:30)  C = Time in minutes (20, 40)  D = GA in grams/litre (0, 1)  E = DD in grams/litre (0, 3)  F = H 2 O 2 (0, 20 ml/L)  G = Enzyme in percent (0, 2)  Response: Y = % Weight Loss Experiment: Conducted in 2 k-q = 8 runs (1/16 fraction) Need 2 4 -1 Defining Contrasts/Generalized Interactions  4 Distinct Effects, 6 multiples of pairs, 4 triples, 1 quadruple

5 Defining Relations I = ADEG = BDFG = ACDF = -BCF Generalized Interactions:  (ADEG)(BDFG)=ABEF,(ADEG)(ACDF)=CEFG,(ADEG)(-BCF)=-ABCDEFG  (BDFG)(ACDF)=ABCG,(BDFG)(-BCF)=-CDG,(ACDF)(-BCF)=-ABD  (ADEG)(BDFG)(ACDF)=BCDE, (ADEG)(BDFG)(-BCF)=-ACE  (ADEG)(ACDF)(-BCF)=-BEG, (BDFG)(ACDF)(-BCF)=-AFG  (ADEG)(BDFG) (ACDF)(-BCF)=-DEF Goal: Choose block where ADEG,BDFG,ACDF are “even” and BCF is “odd”. All other generalized interactions will follow directly

6 Aliased Effects and Design To Obtain Aliased Effects, multiply main effects by Defining Relation to obtain all effects aliased together For Factor A: A=DEG=ABDFG=CDF=-ABCF=BEF=ACEFG=-BCDEFG=BCG=-ACDG=- BD=ABCDE=-CE=-ABEG=-FG=-ADEF

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